Tuesday, May 13, 2014

"Addressing Christians...in a more military manner..."

In the New Testament, Saint Paul writes one of his letters to a group of believers known as: "The Philippians"......

 The letter Paul wrote was addressed to the Philippians because they lived in an area known as Philippi. Philippi was a Roman colony, and it so happened to be an area where numerous soldiers lived after completing their service to the Roman Empire. 
 During that time in Roman history, the Emperor would give to "retired" soldiers lands to live on...as a reward for their service to the Empire.  Depending on what part of history in reference to the Roman Empire, a soldier could serve in one campaign and retire, yet for the most part service was from 16 years to as many as 25 years.

 Philippi was located on the eastern side of Greece and was actually founded by Philip II in 356 B.C. Philip II was the father of Alexander the Great. Philippi was abandoned in the 14th century A.D. after the conquest of the Ottoman Empire (Turks) who promoted the Sunni Islam religion. It has been excavated numerous times and became a quarry in recent times.

 Saint Paul had a tremendous love for the believers in this region...calling the early Christian church believers his "joy and crown" (Philippians 4:1). Philippi wasn't known as a wealthy area like Laodicea or Ephesus, yet Paul does mention of their generosity...to those of the Christian faith who suffered and were poor in Jerusalem.
 In the 4th chapter of the letter to Philippi Paul seems to stress the fact that by at the writing of this letter there were many throughout the Roman Empire who were "enemies of the Cross". Paul continues to write on having a personal friendship with the Lord Jesus and getting quite detailed on how we are to conduct our daily thoughts and how we are to pray.

 Originally, the Sacred Scriptures were not divided by chapters, this came much later, some historians claiming it came about in the 12th century A.D. 
 This letter is a passionate one, and it shows in the style of writing Saint Paul uses, along with the emphasis Paul gave to these believers and how much he cherished them.

               Here then is a Gleaning from Philippians 4:6-7 

 " Do not allow worry to seize control of you...in any way. Along with this, do not allow the daily cares you face in life to be the dominant factor in your thoughts throughout the day. Do not surrender to this type of behavior.
 Here then are your "orders"...start each day with prayer, and have your heart be in a grateful and thankful state. As you move forward in prayer with these "weapons" of thanks and an attitude of gratefulness, let your requests and all those things that concern you...be reported to Him.
 Above all, don't leave His Presence...until you are dismissed. You will know when you are to be dismissed...because He will hand over to you...His Peace. When He gives you His Peace...salute Him...and show appreciation for equipping you with such a wonderful gift and a vital weapon to take on the battle you may face.
 When you have done this, don't go throughout the day questioning the orders He has given you...or if you are well enough equipped to engage in any battles you may face. Discipline yourself to keep your heart and thoughts quiet, and spend the day in a spirit of gratefulness and of thanks...knowing victory has been made possible...through Him.
 For know this: When you receive His Peace, this Peace you have been given dismisses any Fear, Worry, or the Concerns for this life...that may have attempted to misguide you and be defiant of the "orders" He has personally given...to you."

"Follow orders!"...a phrase that has been echoed throughout the corridors of military history...and for these "retired" soldiers in Philippi...they were!

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