Saturday, May 31, 2014

The Letter to the Church in Thyatira...from the Book of...Revelation...part 4

Like so many of the 7 churches established by Saint Paul in Asia Minor and brought to light in Revelation 2,  the Early Church in Thyatira faced some of the same problems the other churches were facing during that time frame...How was one to make a living for your family and not give in to compromise?...

 Thyatira was the smallest in terms of the size of their congregation of all 7 churches, yet received the longest letter from Jesus as written in Revelation 2.
 As I continue to research and do my utmost to understand what these messages to the 7 churches mean to me personally, I wonder how I might apply theses words spoken by the Lord Jesus...into my own life today...2014 A.D.
 One thing that is rapidly becoming a conclusion in relation to these 7 different messages recorded in Revelation 2....these words can apply to any church, any local congregation, any individual who might be serious in answering the call of "Follow Me" any age or time of history. I do believe these words apply today as they did in the 1st century when they were first written by "John".
 As I read through these letters given by the Lord word keeps going through my mind....." I compromise my life in Christ Jesus?  Interesting thought!..." a former name of the modern day city of Akhisar in what is now the country of Turkey.  The word "Thyatira" is of koine Greek origin...the common language spoke throughout Asia Minor through the efforts of Alexander the Great, a fellow Greek who only a few centuries before had "conquered the world". The word is actually " Tepe Mezarligi"...meaning "hill graveyard."

 Thyatira was farther inland than the city of Pergamum, approximately 42 miles inland from the Aegean Sea. The city laid at a junction of 3 main roads: 1) To Pergamum...37 miles northwest 2) Sardis...37 miles southeast and 3) Smyrna...47 miles southwest.
 Thyatira did not really have any prominent or illustrious history like those of the other churches, yet it has been found through archaeological digs to be a very old town. There have been housewares uncovered that date back nearly 3000 years. One thing of note: Thyatira was a town where money (currency) was first used. Overall, it had been a "garrison settlement"...used to patrol and protect the borders of Asia Minor.

 At the time of "John's" writing, Thyatira had developed into a manufacturing city. Diverse trades such as tanners, dyers of cloth, coppersmiths, leatherworkers, woolworkers, and makers of various colors...all were located in Thyatira.
 And of course, with all these various trades in abundance came the trade guilds...kind of like a union for each particular skill. Each guild had there own god to represent and protect them...and the worship of them...was imperative. Facing the same challenges of belonging to a gild as in the other 7 churches...and proclaiming to be a Christian...became a serious and at times a life threatening problem. The forms of worship often given to these "gods of the trade" included wild feasts, often getting drunk on wine, and indulging oneself in sexual orgies.
 If your Christian values refused to participate in this form of worship...normally at local temples built for each particular "guild god", you would be expelled from the trade guild you are associated with, and looked upon with much disdain. To be a have a trade....and not belong to the trade guild...pretty much sealed you fate in making a living. You longer existed...and if you and your family could be expelled from local society...often executed...or even the name of social justice.
 As a result, like in some of the other churches located in Asia Minor, there became a strong internal movement within the Early Church including Thyatira that supported compromise..for the sake of a career...for the sake of a descent lifestyle...and for the safety of their families. How else could one survive? 
 One other thing of note: This is the only time in the Book of Revelation Jesus refers to Himself as the "Son of God". Many Roman Emperors by this point and time had considered themselves "sons of god", and demanded to be worshipped. To the Roman, the emperor was a son of Apollo, to the Greek, a son of Zeus.

                         A Gleaning from Revelation 2: 18-29

" This letter is a must...write this letter to the angel of the church in Thyatira....

 I AM the Son of God...who has eyes that are able to penetrate like a blazing fire...whose feet are firm like brass...that has been tested in the heat of a furnace...and shines for all to see.

 I see clearly...everything you do...your kindness to the poor...your compassion....and being persistent in your generosity to those around you in dire need. It is of comfort to Me that you involve yourselves with this type of work...and you are even better at it now...than you were when you first started!
 Yet, there is something that clearly concerns Me as well. In fact, I have taken this very seriously and see how this poison can affect the entire work at hand. It's power can influence...our very friendship.

 Why do you tolerate this "Jezebel"?...and listen and put up with her self-proclamation as some sort of prophet...and has the audacity to say it is Me who leads her in these evil teachings? This type of teaching originates in the pits of Hell, and if not dealt with, can mislead all those within the church!
 This "Cross-denying and self-indulging" religious whack job leads those to the practice of perverted sexual sin...enjoying freely the food dedicated to the no-name gods that lead them into this evil lifestyle....with no care in the world as to what they are doing.

{NOTE: This false prophet/prophetess was not necessarily named "Jezebel", my take on it is the Lord will name people often to the type of personality or character they may possess.}

 I have given this "Jezebel" time...time to rethink...and time to repent...of all the self-proclaiming vomit she has sputtered...and boldly intention in her heart even consider giving up these perverse and money-driven prophecies.
 The truth is...I AM about to lay her low...on a sickbed of intense affliction...along with all her "party followers" that are sold out to the "Play and have Sex" games...with a little religion thrown in!
 Along with "Jezebel", I will utterly destroy her "children", her "Christian wanna-bes", who thinks I AM cool with how they embrace life. I will  exterminate them!
 The church must come to this realization...I AM  not impressed with the "appearance" of Christianity...rather, you really got to be one. For, I AM HE, who searches deep into the heart of man. I search the thoughts, the motives, the feelings and the purposes that originate in every man's heart. And what lies in the depths of your own the measure I will use in giving rewards for your Me.

 As for the rest of those here in the church in Thyatira...the ones who have made me proud, and express total outrage at the evil teachings of the "whacked out Jezebel", we are good! You have demonstrated in your lifestyles how you refuse to follow these blasphemous teachings.
 As for those who have embraced these evil-led teachings...all is NOT GOOD. We are "NOT COOL!"
 For the obedient ones, I ask nothing from you...continue to hold tightly to the things you believe in!

 To those who are Conquerors...Champions of the Faith...and overcoming the Ways of Evil...Carry On! Continue to obey the commands I have given you...and the works that are pleasing to Me as you have drawn close to My heart.
 For make no mistake, the day comes when you will not only be the rulers of Thyatira...or of Rome....You will become the ruler of nations! You will be given My very Shepherd-King Staff, and will rule with My Authority. Resistance?...will be like clay pots...if bumped or pushed...the clay pots are broken so easily.

 My Father has given all to Me...and I pass this you! With this, I give to you...The Morning Star...the light that is the midst of Darkness!

He who has ears, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches."

The Letter to the Church in Pergamum...from the Book of...Revelation...part 3

 Going north on a road from Smyrna, one would follow this road as it runs parallel to the coast of the Aegean Sea for approximately 40 miles. Then the road turns right..away from the Aegean Sea and begins to incline as  you make your way up from sea level. After about 10 miles you would enter a river valley, and there you would find the city of...Pergamum.
 Pergamum for a brief period of time was the capital city of this Roman province (later it became Ephesus).
 The city of Pergamum was actually built on a hill...

 Pergamum....the city with a library...and what a library it was.! In the known world at the time of this writing by "John", this library was  second in renowned status... only the great library in Alexandria (made by Alexander the Great) was of more popularity. This library in Pergamum was quite extensive, and was thought to house as many as 200,000 volumes of reading material, mostly from the writings of Plutarch, a Greek historian who wrote on Greek and Roman history and philosophical views on life. Plutarch's most well-known book was entitled "Parallel Lives and Moralia"...and helps to give an idea on how the residence of Pergamum looked at life...and the afterlife. Pergamum was estimated to have as many as 200,000 people living there at that time. Here is an excerpt from "Parallel Lives and Moralia":

 " The soul, being eternal, after death is like a caged bird that has been released. If it has been a long time in the body, and has become tame by many affairs and long habit, the soul will immediately take another body and once again become involved in the troubles of this world. The worst thing about old age and the soul's memory of the other grows dim, while at the same time it's attachments to the things of this world becomes so strong that the soul tends to retain the form that it had in the body, until liberated by higher powers, quickly recovers its "fire" and goes on to higher things."

 This gives us a general idea of Greek thought and how many of the residence of Pergamum looked at life...both in the present and in the life to come. The acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ would not be that difficult to accept by most the people in long as they could bring their "other gods" along with them...and there was the real problem. Jesus Himself had made this perfectly clear in the Gospel of John: " No one comes to the Father...except through Me...". Being a Christian in Pergamum meant you serve and worship only one God...God the Father...through our only Lord...the Lord Jesus Christ...and that made possible by the power of His Precious Holy Spirit. There was no other way to enter the afterlife, nor was there any way a person could have "other gods" to assist them on their spiritual journey.
 It was a this point Christians were not looked upon with favor..and caused many in the city to resist Christians...violently if necessary.

 One other note concerning the great library in Pergamum, it was here the "books" began to be written on parchment ( a thin hide of goat or sheepskin). This was a big economic and supply breakthrough. Up to this time, everything was written on papyrus, which was expensive because this type of "writing paper" could only be made in Egypt. The invention of parchment was about to make writing a little easier and much less expensive.

 Today, not much is left of this city named Pergamum. The remains of the ancient city is still on a hill...yet now it overlooks the modern Turkish city of Bergama.  To view and see the ruins of Pergamum, you have to go by way of get there. In the nearby city of Bergama, the residence living there currently are 99% Muslim.

 Yet, in the day when "John" was writing the letter of what we call "The Revelation", Pergamum was well known to be a "strong and spiritual place".

 The city of Pergamum was filled with beautiful ornate Greek architecture type Temples, and the gods were numerous.
  Many of the gods the citizens of Pergamum worshipped were from the Greek mythology...the gods of Zeus.
  There was Athena, a daughter of Zeus, and she was a goddess that was hard not to like. The Romans referred to her as Minerva, and she was one of the more compassionate gods(esses) of Greek mythology. Her influence on peoples lives included wisdom, courage, inspiration, strength, strategy, and skill. She was told to have stopped a slaughter by Hercules...because of the purity of justice. She was also regarded as the goddess of philosophy and was reported to influence the great minds of Plato and Plutarch.
 Then, there was Dionysus..a son of Zeus. He was said to have the ability to offer life...after death. Yet, festivities and rituals to his honor included men getting drunk on wine and having sex with whatever women they an act of worship to Dionysus. How wild was it? Well, Rome outlawed the worship of Dionysus...because it was so immoral.
 And then there was the god Asclepius...the "snake god of healing". any citizen of Pergamum seeking medical attention would go to a type of hospital or public medical center for help. All medical areas would have the symbol of the snake god of healing Asclepius, and they would receive treatments which often included water. Patients would be given mud baths or drank from "holy water"...which might included specific herbs in relation to the healing they were seeking. is where it gets a little tricky. When a person came to the temple of Asclepius for treatment or healing...and it was successful and they were healed of their infirmity, the recipient of the healing would bow down...on their knees before a statue of Asclepius, giving thanks to the snake god for healing, and offer a gift. Ok, that would be like going to a nice jacuzzi or suana...then having to give thanks to the jacuzzi or sauna god...before I could leave.
 Wait! gets even "better". When a person received healing from the god Asclepius, they would also inscribe on a large white stone their name and ailment...that had been cured...for the purpose of a public testimony. Sound familiar?...It will!

                                         A Gleaning from Revelation 2: 12-17

" Write this to the Angel of the church in Pergamum...

 First, let it be known I AM the One who comes with a sharp, double-edged sword...capable of cutting down the things in this life and cutting off those things from entering the after-life!

 Trust Me...I am fully aware where you live...right in the center of Satanic worship...the very throne where Satan himself dwells. I also recognize how you continue to honor Me, and speak boldly in My Name! You have never backed down...even when they killed Antipas...My faithful witness. Even after his death, you did not turn your back...on Me!

{NOTE: Tradition has recorded Antipas may have been a physician in Pergamum who spread the Gospel. This also means he most likely belonged to a physicians guild, which required giving homage to the Roman Emperor (an act of worship). If Antipas did not do so, he more than likely was expelled from the guild and exposed as a Christian. Tradition also reads Antipas was put inside a large metal bull ( a type of graven image), and it was heated by fire until the metal bull was red hot...thus killing Antipas.}

 Yet, there are a few things that if not dealt with now, can reek havoc on the church and cause division in our friendship...that is...between you and I!
 There are some within the church here that holds on...and I mean clings to idolatrous teachings with all their hearts. These false teachings revert back to the ancient teachings of Balaam, who passed these idolatrous teachings on to Balak. 
 Here then lies the problem:
Some within the congregation are eating food that have been dedicated to worthless gods...a seemingly common problem the early church faces...right? Yet, here is the thing that abhors Me...these believers don't care... and why don't they care?...because it also gives the opportunity to participate in sex with any woman of their choosing....which they have embraced as a part of their lifestyle. They actually look forward to the festivals of Dionysus...because they love doing so. This is exactly what Balaam instructed in centuries past. He had the men of Israel get involved with women of other that the men of Israel would be weakened morally and end up worshipping the "no-name" gods of the women they pursued!
 This is exactly what will happen here!...unless it is dealt with! This must be repented of!
Along with this, there are people within the congregation who adhere to the false teachings of the Nicolaitans...which go "hand in hand" with the perverse behavior brought down through Balaam.

 So, repentance is of the utmost necessity! The time is NOW to turn back, change this whole train of thought, and repent of these godless mindsets and lifestyles! 
 Remind those within the church I will come suddenly...and will cut to pieces the present godless lifestyles with My 2-edged sword...putting to death the things in the present life that are unpleasant to well as any false teachings that are adhered to...concerning the Afterlife!

 If you have ears, let Him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches...

 Everyone who is victorious over these vicious and godless lifestyles...will receive the nourishment needed to be strong in Me...for I have manna...hidden away for times like this...for My victorious ones!
 And as far as the white stone that is so proudly displayed form the evil and false god Asclepius...I too have a white stone...a stone for each of My victorious ones...and it only has One name on it...known to the one who receives this white stone!"

Note: I guess the library didn't really impress Christ Jesus...just sayin'

Thursday, May 29, 2014

"...And We Shall Never!...Surrender!"...Spoken 74 years Winston Churchill "

So much has been written about this man...Winston Churchill...and I would like to honor him for his inspiration to me....

 Tracing our ancestry has become a popular hobby in recent times, and for Winston Churchill, He certainly has a rich one!
 Winston Churchill came from a long line of quite wealthy individuals. His background includes politicians, Dukes, Earls, Knights, and Ladies of his beloved United Kingdom.
 One report reads of Churchill's  ancestry includes a  2nd Earl in the mid-1600's named Robert. Robert was known to be quite a handsome guy and written to be a "lady killer", married a Lady Anne Digby, who was equally beautiful. Robert was known to have had several mistresses,  not to be outdone...she had a number of "gallants."
 Much has been written about Robert and Lady Anne...along with numerous and detailed articles on the ancestry lines that brought to us.... Winston Churchill.

 Winston Churchill...his given name "Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill" was born on November 30, 1874. His birthplace was that of the Duke of Marlborough large palace..."Blenheim". Winston's father was the British Lord Randolph Churchill. His mother was an American...her name being Jennie Jerome.
 As a young child, Lady Randolph (Jennie) hired a Mrs. Elizabeth Everest as a nanny to take care of Winston. Winston became quite fond of his nanny Mrs. Everest and made this comment later in his life: " Mrs. Everest looked after me... and tended to all my wants. It was to her I poured out all "my many troubles".
 At early age, Winston attended "The Misses Thompson's Preparatory School...where he learned French, history, and well as horseback riding and swimming.
 As a child of 7 years of age, he expressed his happiness in the toys he had received...a real steam engine, a magic lantern, and a collection of soldiers...nearly a 1000 strong!

 Churchill wrote numerous books in his life...including one entitled "My Early Life" where he goes into detail as to the joys and sorrows he faced...and his intense passion for reading.
 One  particular interest to me in reference to his childhood was a song that he seemed to adore  entitled "Giants". The theme of this song was based on a young man's uncertainty whether boys of his age group could measure up to the people who had come before them.
 As for Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill...I think he stood up well to the challenge!

 Churchill's military career began with attending the Royal Military Academy...although he had to make 3 attempts to pass the entrance exam...yet he finally was accepted. Churchill chose to enter the cavalry division of the Academy rather than the infantry (his father's preference)..because of 2 distinct reasons: 1) the grade requirements were lower than that of the infantry division, and 2) mathematics were not a required subject, a subject Winston had no interest in.
 Churchill received a total of 37 decorations and medals throughout his military career, including 20 from Great Britain, 3 from France, and the rest from numerous other countries...including the United States.

 Yet, when Winston Churchill became the Prime Minister of Great Britain on May 10th, 1940...this was truly the time he began to make his mark in history. It was at this moment in history he was to become the very "heart and soul" of Great Britain.
 Churchill took the lead in warning the world of Nazi Germany and in particular...Adolf Hitler. 
 After London was bombarded by German air strikes, it was Churchill's refusal to consider compromise a peace...or to surrender...that became the very inspiration of the British resistance...and for that matter...the world. In the early and dark days of WWII, it was Great Britain...and Winston Churchill...who stood alone against...Adolf Hitler.

 And happened! Who can ever forget "The Speech"?... the speech many refer to as "We Shall Fight on the Beaches". Not only was it perhaps the greatest inspirational moment of all still inspires many today!

Here then is a segment of this historic speech...the very "teeth" that became an inspiration that will remain forever:
 "...Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule...we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end! WE SHALL FIGHT IN FRANCE, WE SHALL FIGHT ON THE SEAS AND THE OCEANS, WE SHALL FIGHT WITH A GROWING CONFIDENCE AND GROWING STRENGTH IN THE AIR. WE SHALL DEFEND OUR ISLAND, WHATEVER THE COST MAY BE.  WE SHALL FIGHT ON THE BEACHES, WE SHALL FIGHT ON THE LANDING GROUNDS, WE SHALL FIGHT IN THE FIELDS AND IN THE STREETS. WE SHALL FIGHT IN THE HILLS. WE WILL NEVER!...SURRENDER!"

  And that is what really happened. Winston Churchill did turn the ebb of defeat into what he knew his beloved Great Britain was capable of...not only hold back the Nazi attack...but saw their total defeat and 1945.
 American journalist H.R. Knickerbocker who studies were well known on the subject of German politics, wrote the Churchill "We shall fight on the Beaches" speech should be all!

 On January 24, 1965, Winston Churchill passed away. It became the largest state funeral of it's day and over 112 countries were represented at the funeral. Over 350 million people viewed it on TV throughout the world, and of course his beloved Brits arrived in record numbers.

 May the "spirit" of this historic speech named "We shall fight on the Beaches" in the hearts of all of us...forever!

NOTES: Winston Churchill received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1953 in Literature. He was made an Honorary Citizen of the United States in 1963.
 He was a painter, author of books, wrote a novel, 2 biographies, 3 volumes of memoirs, numerous historical articles, and countless newspaper articles. 
 Oh, he was an amateur bricklayer and he bred...butterflies!

  I have heard those who point their finger at Winston Churchill because he drank too much, he always had a cigar with him, he was too blunt...often rude at times.
  One time Jesus had called a crowd closer to Him and spoke this: "Listen, in fact take this one to heart. It's not what goes into some one's mouth that defiles is what comes out that determines whether it is pure...or vomit." Matthew 15:11
 It strikes me...Winston Churchill strengthened those who listened to his you remember anything Hitler said...that would be defined inspirational? I sure don't...Evil never has anything say......


The Letter to the church in Smyrna...from the Book of...Revelation...part 2

 Going north from city of Ephesus on the province of Asia Minor, you would come to another city...a city named Smyrna in the 1st is named Izmir. Smyrna was about 35 miles north of Ephesus.....

 Allow me to write first what I consider a great honor to share. It is true the Early Church in Smyrna faced much suffering yet from this city came one of the great martyrs of Early Church. This was the home town of Elder of the church in Smyrna who lived in the first half of the 2nd century A.D.
 Polycarp lived a full life, approximately 86 years, and though never receiving a higher formal education, was very instrumental in exposing the numerous and many false teachings that continually tried to infiltrate the Early Christian Church...including Gnosticism (based on folklore and tales), the need to conform to the old Jewish Law, and pagan beliefs of the Gentiles (non-Jewish). Polycarp was martyred in Smyrna in 155 A.D. for his belief in Christ Jesus, being burned to the death by the local people of Smyrna including the Roman rulers and Jewish inhabitants.
 When Polycarp was near death, he was asked if he would recant of his belief in Christ Jesus, and his answer is a quote that has been passed on through the corridors of Christian history. Polycarp replied to the request to deny Christ Jesus with these words: " 86 years I have served the Lord, and He never wronged me. How then can I now blaspheme my Lord and Savior?" 

  This in my opinion epitomises the true Spirit...of the Believers who lived in a town named...Smyrna.

 Smyrna was another Aegean Sea harbor town...much like Ephesus. In fact, Smyrna was the 2nd largest port of trade (Ephesus was the most prominent) of the entire region. Smyrna at the time of the writing of this letter was well known for its schools of medicine and science.
 The Believers of the Early Church faced much adversity in everyday life. They were poor and struggled to make ends meet, yet in this letter from Christ Jesus...He writes they are rich. The Believers suffered much from the local people...because of their intense faith in Him. Some Believers were thrown in prison by Roman authorities, while others lost their lives for their belief in Christ Jesus.
 Smyrna was under rule of the Roman Empire...for Asia Minor had become an outer part of the vast Roman Empire. The Roman god Cybele..."the Mother of the gods", was a center of worship there along with Emperor worship which was practiced in honor to the Roman Emperor Tiberius.

One thing to keep in mind regarding the young Christian church of the 1st century. Christians were not persecuted because they believed in Jesus. Allow me to write this again, early Christians were not persecuted because of their personal belief in Christ Jesus. Early Christians suffered persecution because they believed ONLY in Christ Jesus. Early Christians recognized ONLY One God...and their trust in Him could ONLY come through His Only Son...the Lord Jesus Christ...and all guidance could ONLY come through the power of the Holy Spirit.
 Many cultures during that time period did not have a problem for a person to embrace and trust in long as you respected their gods as well. An example would be a person could be a part of a local Christian long as they paid homage to the Emperor Tiberius as well. This train of thought was common at that time...and even tried to find it's way into the Early Christian church.

 One of the greatest enemies of the Early Church were the people of Israel themselves...the Jewish nation. By the time the writing of this letter to Smyrna had come, many Jewish families had left Jerusalem and Israel itself because of the intense hatred between the Romans and the Jewish people. Around 70 A.D., the Temple in Jerusalem had been destroyed by the Romans, many Jewish people had lost their lives to the Romans, and now they had moved to various Smyrna. This was known as the Jewish Diaspora in 70 A.D.

 In Smyrna, there seemed to be a rather large population of  Jewish people. Although Christianity began as a segment of Jewish belief, the recognition of Christ Jesus as the Messiah was rejected by the Jewish community, causing an intense hatred by the Jewish leaders against those who were..."Christian".
 And, Smyrna was not exempt from this bitter hatred. The local Jewish congregation in Smyrna caused much trouble for the local Christian community, spreading numerous lies and speaking evil against them. The local Jewish leaders even called upon and "used" the Roman rulers in Smyrna to turn against the Christians as well. One thought given to this was if the Jewish community were able to have Christ Jesus crucified in Jerusalem, perhaps they could find success in killing off all His followers as well.
 Yet....they were so wrong......

                                 A Gleaning from Revelation 2: 8-11

" This message is from Him..."the First and the Last"...who died once...yet now is alive!

 I know of your deep suffering for Me...all the afflictions, distress, and pressing troubles you currently face. I feel the very pains of your dire poverty, yet I solemnly assure are very rich!
 I am also very much aware of all the slander, the abuse, and how you suffer extremely from these ones who call themselves "Jewish". They claim their rights as a Jewish person simply on the basis they have natural Jewish parents...but I don't. From My eyes, a true Jewish person is not measured by their lineage. A  true Jewish person is one who puts their complete trust in the true God of Israel...and would not come against Me and my!...My beloved church!

 This Jewish community here in Smyrna are not a part of the true God of Israel....they serve and worship the Evil One...Satan himself. Their synagogue is nothing more than a synagogue of their god...Satan.
 Yet, with all this pain, chaos, and persecution coming at you...this is not a time to allow Fear find any place within your hearts...for your suffering is about to increase...even more.
 Satan is about to throw some of you in see if you are "real"...that you really do put all your love and Me. This persecution will last for a period of "10 days" (Note: many bible historians consider this a symbolic number...not to be taken literally).

 So, don't give up on Me now! For some of you, this fierce persecution may cost you...your very lives. Keep your eyes focused...on Me!... a Crown of Life awaits you!

 He who has ears...let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.

 He who overcomes and is victorious shall in no way be hurt by this second death...the devil's death. ( Note: the first death?...when we died to ourselves and gave our hearts and lives to Him.)"

  Note: Of  all these letters that were written to the 7 churches identified in Revelation 2 & 3, only 2 of the churches received no correction...Smyrna was one of them.