Like so many of the 7 churches established by Saint Paul in Asia Minor and brought to light in Revelation 2, the Early Church in Thyatira faced some of the same problems the other churches were facing during that time frame...How was one to make a living for your family and not give in to compromise?...
Thyatira was the smallest in terms of the size of their congregation of all 7 churches, yet received the longest letter from Jesus as written in Revelation 2.
As I continue to research and do my utmost to understand what these messages to the 7 churches mean to me personally, I wonder how I might apply theses words spoken by the Lord Jesus...into my own life today...2014 A.D.
One thing that is rapidly becoming a conclusion in relation to these 7 different messages recorded in Revelation 2....these words can apply to any church, any local congregation, any individual who might be serious in answering the call of "Follow Me" any age or time of history. I do believe these words apply today as they did in the 1st century when they were first written by "John".
As I read through these letters given by the Lord word keeps going through my mind....." I compromise my life in Christ Jesus? Interesting thought!..." a former name of the modern day city of Akhisar in what is now the country of Turkey. The word "Thyatira" is of koine Greek origin...the common language spoke throughout Asia Minor through the efforts of Alexander the Great, a fellow Greek who only a few centuries before had "conquered the world". The word is actually " Tepe Mezarligi"...meaning "hill graveyard."
Thyatira was farther inland than the city of Pergamum, approximately 42 miles inland from the Aegean Sea. The city laid at a junction of 3 main roads: 1) To Pergamum...37 miles northwest 2) Sardis...37 miles southeast and 3) Smyrna...47 miles southwest.
Thyatira did not really have any prominent or illustrious history like those of the other churches, yet it has been found through archaeological digs to be a very old town. There have been housewares uncovered that date back nearly 3000 years. One thing of note: Thyatira was a town where money (currency) was first used. Overall, it had been a "garrison settlement"...used to patrol and protect the borders of Asia Minor.
At the time of "John's" writing, Thyatira had developed into a manufacturing city. Diverse trades such as tanners, dyers of cloth, coppersmiths, leatherworkers, woolworkers, and makers of various colors...all were located in Thyatira.
And of course, with all these various trades in abundance came the trade guilds...kind of like a union for each particular skill. Each guild had there own god to represent and protect them...and the worship of them...was imperative. Facing the same challenges of belonging to a gild as in the other 7 churches...and proclaiming to be a Christian...became a serious and at times a life threatening problem. The forms of worship often given to these "gods of the trade" included wild feasts, often getting drunk on wine, and indulging oneself in sexual orgies.
If your Christian values refused to participate in this form of worship...normally at local temples built for each particular "guild god", you would be expelled from the trade guild you are associated with, and looked upon with much disdain. To be a have a trade....and not belong to the trade guild...pretty much sealed you fate in making a living. You longer existed...and if you and your family could be expelled from local society...often executed...or even the name of social justice.
As a result, like in some of the other churches located in Asia Minor, there became a strong internal movement within the Early Church including Thyatira that supported compromise..for the sake of a career...for the sake of a descent lifestyle...and for the safety of their families. How else could one survive?
One other thing of note: This is the only time in the Book of Revelation Jesus refers to Himself as the "Son of God". Many Roman Emperors by this point and time had considered themselves "sons of god", and demanded to be worshipped. To the Roman, the emperor was a son of Apollo, to the Greek, a son of Zeus.
A Gleaning from Revelation 2: 18-29
" This letter is a must...write this letter to the angel of the church in Thyatira....
I AM the Son of God...who has eyes that are able to penetrate like a blazing fire...whose feet are firm like brass...that has been tested in the heat of a furnace...and shines for all to see.
I see clearly...everything you do...your kindness to the poor...your compassion....and being persistent in your generosity to those around you in dire need. It is of comfort to Me that you involve yourselves with this type of work...and you are even better at it now...than you were when you first started!
Yet, there is something that clearly concerns Me as well. In fact, I have taken this very seriously and see how this poison can affect the entire work at hand. It's power can influence...our very friendship.
Why do you tolerate this "Jezebel"?...and listen and put up with her self-proclamation as some sort of prophet...and has the audacity to say it is Me who leads her in these evil teachings? This type of teaching originates in the pits of Hell, and if not dealt with, can mislead all those within the church!
This "Cross-denying and self-indulging" religious whack job leads those to the practice of perverted sexual sin...enjoying freely the food dedicated to the no-name gods that lead them into this evil lifestyle....with no care in the world as to what they are doing.
{NOTE: This false prophet/prophetess was not necessarily named "Jezebel", my take on it is the Lord will name people often to the type of personality or character they may possess.}
I have given this "Jezebel" time...time to rethink...and time to repent...of all the self-proclaiming vomit she has sputtered...and boldly intention in her heart even consider giving up these perverse and money-driven prophecies.
The truth is...I AM about to lay her low...on a sickbed of intense affliction...along with all her "party followers" that are sold out to the "Play and have Sex" games...with a little religion thrown in!
Along with "Jezebel", I will utterly destroy her "children", her "Christian wanna-bes", who thinks I AM cool with how they embrace life. I will exterminate them!
The church must come to this realization...I AM not impressed with the "appearance" of Christianity...rather, you really got to be one. For, I AM HE, who searches deep into the heart of man. I search the thoughts, the motives, the feelings and the purposes that originate in every man's heart. And what lies in the depths of your own the measure I will use in giving rewards for your Me.
As for the rest of those here in the church in Thyatira...the ones who have made me proud, and express total outrage at the evil teachings of the "whacked out Jezebel", we are good! You have demonstrated in your lifestyles how you refuse to follow these blasphemous teachings.
As for those who have embraced these evil-led teachings...all is NOT GOOD. We are "NOT COOL!"
For the obedient ones, I ask nothing from you...continue to hold tightly to the things you believe in!
To those who are Conquerors...Champions of the Faith...and overcoming the Ways of Evil...Carry On! Continue to obey the commands I have given you...and the works that are pleasing to Me as you have drawn close to My heart.
For make no mistake, the day comes when you will not only be the rulers of Thyatira...or of Rome....You will become the ruler of nations! You will be given My very Shepherd-King Staff, and will rule with My Authority. Resistance?...will be like clay pots...if bumped or pushed...the clay pots are broken so easily.
My Father has given all to Me...and I pass this you! With this, I give to you...The Morning Star...the light that is the midst of Darkness!
He who has ears, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches."
Thyatira was the smallest in terms of the size of their congregation of all 7 churches, yet received the longest letter from Jesus as written in Revelation 2.
As I continue to research and do my utmost to understand what these messages to the 7 churches mean to me personally, I wonder how I might apply theses words spoken by the Lord Jesus...into my own life today...2014 A.D.
As I read through these letters given by the Lord word keeps going through my mind....." I compromise my life in Christ Jesus? Interesting thought!..." a former name of the modern day city of Akhisar in what is now the country of Turkey. The word "Thyatira" is of koine Greek origin...the common language spoke throughout Asia Minor through the efforts of Alexander the Great, a fellow Greek who only a few centuries before had "conquered the world". The word is actually " Tepe Mezarligi"...meaning "hill graveyard."
Thyatira was farther inland than the city of Pergamum, approximately 42 miles inland from the Aegean Sea. The city laid at a junction of 3 main roads: 1) To Pergamum...37 miles northwest 2) Sardis...37 miles southeast and 3) Smyrna...47 miles southwest.
Thyatira did not really have any prominent or illustrious history like those of the other churches, yet it has been found through archaeological digs to be a very old town. There have been housewares uncovered that date back nearly 3000 years. One thing of note: Thyatira was a town where money (currency) was first used. Overall, it had been a "garrison settlement"...used to patrol and protect the borders of Asia Minor.
At the time of "John's" writing, Thyatira had developed into a manufacturing city. Diverse trades such as tanners, dyers of cloth, coppersmiths, leatherworkers, woolworkers, and makers of various colors...all were located in Thyatira.
And of course, with all these various trades in abundance came the trade guilds...kind of like a union for each particular skill. Each guild had there own god to represent and protect them...and the worship of them...was imperative. Facing the same challenges of belonging to a gild as in the other 7 churches...and proclaiming to be a Christian...became a serious and at times a life threatening problem. The forms of worship often given to these "gods of the trade" included wild feasts, often getting drunk on wine, and indulging oneself in sexual orgies.
If your Christian values refused to participate in this form of worship...normally at local temples built for each particular "guild god", you would be expelled from the trade guild you are associated with, and looked upon with much disdain. To be a have a trade....and not belong to the trade guild...pretty much sealed you fate in making a living. You longer existed...and if you and your family could be expelled from local society...often executed...or even the name of social justice.
As a result, like in some of the other churches located in Asia Minor, there became a strong internal movement within the Early Church including Thyatira that supported compromise..for the sake of a career...for the sake of a descent lifestyle...and for the safety of their families. How else could one survive?
One other thing of note: This is the only time in the Book of Revelation Jesus refers to Himself as the "Son of God". Many Roman Emperors by this point and time had considered themselves "sons of god", and demanded to be worshipped. To the Roman, the emperor was a son of Apollo, to the Greek, a son of Zeus.
A Gleaning from Revelation 2: 18-29
" This letter is a must...write this letter to the angel of the church in Thyatira....
I AM the Son of God...who has eyes that are able to penetrate like a blazing fire...whose feet are firm like brass...that has been tested in the heat of a furnace...and shines for all to see.
I see clearly...everything you do...your kindness to the poor...your compassion....and being persistent in your generosity to those around you in dire need. It is of comfort to Me that you involve yourselves with this type of work...and you are even better at it now...than you were when you first started!
Why do you tolerate this "Jezebel"?...and listen and put up with her self-proclamation as some sort of prophet...and has the audacity to say it is Me who leads her in these evil teachings? This type of teaching originates in the pits of Hell, and if not dealt with, can mislead all those within the church!
This "Cross-denying and self-indulging" religious whack job leads those to the practice of perverted sexual sin...enjoying freely the food dedicated to the no-name gods that lead them into this evil lifestyle....with no care in the world as to what they are doing.
{NOTE: This false prophet/prophetess was not necessarily named "Jezebel", my take on it is the Lord will name people often to the type of personality or character they may possess.}
I have given this "Jezebel" time...time to rethink...and time to repent...of all the self-proclaiming vomit she has sputtered...and boldly intention in her heart even consider giving up these perverse and money-driven prophecies.
The truth is...I AM about to lay her low...on a sickbed of intense affliction...along with all her "party followers" that are sold out to the "Play and have Sex" games...with a little religion thrown in!
Along with "Jezebel", I will utterly destroy her "children", her "Christian wanna-bes", who thinks I AM cool with how they embrace life. I will exterminate them!
The church must come to this realization...I AM not impressed with the "appearance" of Christianity...rather, you really got to be one. For, I AM HE, who searches deep into the heart of man. I search the thoughts, the motives, the feelings and the purposes that originate in every man's heart. And what lies in the depths of your own the measure I will use in giving rewards for your Me.
As for the rest of those here in the church in Thyatira...the ones who have made me proud, and express total outrage at the evil teachings of the "whacked out Jezebel", we are good! You have demonstrated in your lifestyles how you refuse to follow these blasphemous teachings.
As for those who have embraced these evil-led teachings...all is NOT GOOD. We are "NOT COOL!"
For the obedient ones, I ask nothing from you...continue to hold tightly to the things you believe in!
To those who are Conquerors...Champions of the Faith...and overcoming the Ways of Evil...Carry On! Continue to obey the commands I have given you...and the works that are pleasing to Me as you have drawn close to My heart.
For make no mistake, the day comes when you will not only be the rulers of Thyatira...or of Rome....You will become the ruler of nations! You will be given My very Shepherd-King Staff, and will rule with My Authority. Resistance?...will be like clay pots...if bumped or pushed...the clay pots are broken so easily.
My Father has given all to Me...and I pass this you! With this, I give to you...The Morning Star...the light that is the midst of Darkness!
He who has ears, let him hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches."