Thursday, August 2, 2012

The "Victorious Ones" Gleaning from Revelation 3:3-5

 The call to obedience in Christ is not a popular theme in this day and age. We live in a world that has been taught "I'm ok and your ok", regardless as to what you believe or who you believe in, or if you don't believe in the existence of God at all.
 I remember reading not too long ago of a Christian church that was having their yearly awards dinner...given out to the members for their achievements in following Christ Jesus. For example, there were those who had been faithful in nursing home ministries, others in hospital ministries, and still others giving assistance in addressing the needs of the poor.
 There was one individual, who had been quite active in a number of ministries along with being faithful in his church attendance, who had received recognition for his involvement.
The striking thing about this particular fellow was...he was an atheist. He wasn't a Christian, he wasn't agnostic, he was an atheist.
 So, when he was asked."Why do you participate and do so at such an active level within this church when you do not believe in Christ Jesus ( which in plain words mean...he rejects the works Christ did at the Cross)?" His reply was: "Oh, I do believe in helping mankind, that is why I attend. Those stories they always feel compelled to tell others don't bother me, it's like hearing  Greek mythology. Some of these folks really do believe in the old tales mankind has passed down through the ages...I simply accept them and don't challenge any of that. The important thing for me...they teach good morals here, and promote positive attitudes in dealing with daily life."

 So, from that, the question comes to me: "Can you lead a clean life, be content and happy within you own heart, and not have to rely on Christ Jesus to come in and place His Kingdom in the center of your very life?" And, can you have peace and joy within your heart as well without Christ Jesus being in your heart to give these things to you?

 At the time when the New Testament was being written, it was costly and threatening to say you were a Christian. The very threat of death was often imminent if you chose to "Follow Him".
 Yet, sprinkled throughout the Sacred Scriptures is "the call to obedience" remain faithful to the work and the words of the Messiah...Christ Jesus!

 What a contrast of thoughts...the Message of Christ Jesus at the times of the writing of the New Testament...vs. our society today which seems to chant: "Can't we just find a way to get along!"
I think the Christians in Sardis were facing somewhat similar issues...trying to blend in with society and still bring with them their Christian beliefs.
 For myself, there seems to be 2 factors that play major roles when you try to "accept everybody's outlook on life...regardless of who they call their "God"...or if they have a "God" at all.
 First, in Revelation 3 it appears to me when a believer allows himself to accept others beliefs as equal to the "Message of the Cross"...the believer loses his closeness of friendship and relationship he/she has established with Him when they first yielded their hearts to Him.
 Secondly, Evil advances within our lives when we give in to an "It's all good!" concept.

 Personally, I think the world's views on finding a "spiritual utopia" has reached an all-time high, and does have an appeal at times.
 Just like the atheist guy going to the Christian church, or many numerous organizations giving their time, their monies, and their lives to the welfare of mankind,  and I am truly thankful for the dedication and the sacrifices people make.
 Yet, something isn't always right in all this...

                                       Gleaning from Revelation 3:3-5

 "Remember, when you have made choices that cause you to compromise with evil, take a look at how you became a Christian in the first place. Take a moment, and separate those things that  were influential in our losing contact with each and Me.
 Step back a minute, evaluate where My Word lost its governing base in your life, and re-establish it into your daily life. Begin to practice once again what My Word instructs you to do, and let it become the primary source of Life for you...once more.
 You will need to seek repentance of decisions that led you into Darkness, and have put you where you are now. The situation has become serious...because you are desperate...desperate to have the joy of life once within you.

 This is not a time to 'pull the covers over your head" and hope the "nightmare" will simply...go away. Regardless of what you may have heard, there is no magician standing over you with a "magic wand"...chanting some verbiage...and "Poof!"...your problems have disappeared.
 Rather, you are in an all-out war, and your enemy is hard at eliminate you. Yet, I am here..I am with you. My plan for you is complete and has given you a solid way to escape any disaster the Evil One may have for you. If you follow Me, I will take you through all this.
 Otherwise, when I do come to get you, you won't even see Me coming...You will view Me more as a thief that is coming to break-in and destroy you...and take everything that belongs to you. You won't recognize Me as your friend, the Messiah, who has come to rescue you!

 Now I do bring Good News! There are some here in Sardis who have not compromised their lives with Evil. Their clothes are not dirty with the fingerprints of Evil, which is prevalent among many of you.
 And for those who have kept our friendship alive and growing...they are on watch until I arrive...and rescue them.
 They are known as: "The Victorious Ones" with their clothes white and no imprint of Evil.

 The "Victorious Ones" are safe, and they are secure...not only in themselves...they are secure in Me! You will find each one of their names "etched in stone" in the Book of Life. We will walk My Father's throne, and there I will present each one of the "Victorious Ones" before My Father...individually! All the angels will be gathered there, to hear about the "Victorious Ones", to hear who they are and to see with their very eyes...the ones who have been given the title: "The Victorious Ones!"

Note: The Holy Spirit is our promise to us He will come to get us. In fact, in 2 Corinthians 5 Paul speaks of the Holy Spirit, and in the Greek the Holy Spirit is likened to a "ring", like when a woman receives an engagement ring...a promise of a life together.
 The other thing about the Holy Spirit is we do not have to defend God and His Kingdom, the Holy Spirit will do all that. We are called to "Proclaim His Kingdom".
 In reference to this article today, I don't know how people live in peace without Him, nor do I know how others claim they have found their "peace" through another source...other than Christ Jesus. That again, is why the Holy Spirit is among us...and lives within us. He is the One who will bring out the Truth, and "open men's eyes...that they might see." My job? Get to know....Him!

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