Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Vikings on the History Channel has returned! Season 6! Skol!

                   The Vikings on the History Channel has Returned!  Season 6!  Skol!

  The "Saga of Bjorn," helped us to recapture the continuing story of Ragnar Lothbrok and his sons.
  Torvi is a shield maiden and second in command. She is the ex-wife of Jarl Borg. She had a son with him named Guthrum. Torvi then marries Eriendur, the eldest son of King Horik. After given orders to kill Bjorn with an arrow, she turns on Eriender and kills him. Eriender had treated Torvi cruelly, including numerous beatings. Torvi then marries Bjorn, and gives him three sons, Erik, Refil, and Hali.
Image result for photos of Torvi  Season six opens with Torvi sharing with Hali the stories of Ragnar and his sons, with emphasis on her husband, Bjorn.
 One highlight is a quote from Torvi, [who happens to be the real daughter of the creator of the Viking series, Michael Hirst]  " The gods are not always meant to be understood."

  Now we prepare ourselves for the completion of season five, beginning with "The Revelation."
I immediately felt a deep mistrust between King Harold Finehair and Ivar the Boneless. After King Harold said to Ivar "he had lost it all," Ivar the Boneless replies, "Life goes on, don't dwell too much on that."
  Floki offers himself as a sacrifice when his dream of "living with the gods" had been lost, is given some purpose when the words are said, "I am sorry Floki, but I must refuse your offer..."

Image result for photos of rollo   Rollo meeting wirh Ivar the Boneless and King Harold Finehair had a classic moment. King Harold asks Rollo, "Why are you here now in person.?"  Rollo replies, " Because I missed the old place."
  Still, I struggled with Rollo having the freedom to meet with Ivar and later Lagertha. I had a hard time imagining Rollo's ability to go to and fro at Kattegat. it would seem he wouldn't be given that luxury in real life.
  The Kingdom of Kattegat  was a key port to the Baltic Sea. it actually covers a 12,000 square mile area bound by the Jutlandu Pennisula (west,) the Danish Straits (south,) and 4 provinces of Sweden (east.)

  I was sad to see Astrid amd Halfdan the Black killed. I admire Michael Hirst killing characters off to stay true to historical reference.
  I am excited to watch this series continue!

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