Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Power of Praise...Isaiah 61:3

Image result for photos of Isaiah the prophet The Old Testament prophet Isaiah wrote of something available to us today in 2016. It was written approximately 2300 years ago....

  He wrote about the Spirit of God. God is a Spirit, one that has no darkness, nor does it operate by our feelings, and does not rely on our attitude. This Spirit is moved by the same way He has always faith, our faith and trust in Him.
  Heaviness, depression, hopelessness, and the like are not godly traits. While it is evident we have our share of struggles in life, we cannot afford to yield to these things.

  He has given us a provision...
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                                           A Gleaning from Isaiah 61:3

"There is a provision given to us. It is specifically designed for those who grieve and/or mourn.
Instead of 'eating another's dust,' wallow in the depths of sorrow, or embrace hopelessness as a way of life, He has offered us a different way.
  Instead of seeing ourselves as nothing more than a heap of ashes, He offers us a crown, one of beauty and appealing to the eye. He personally hands us a jar...filled with the richness of joyful oil. When applied, it brings healing and enables us to replace the hurtful tears and broken hearts that we have experienced in the painful struggles of this life.
  He comes to us with new clothing and adorns us with these clothes He brings. These garments allow us to experience our lives in an expressive praise and plants us as great oak trees, trees whose leaves produce justice, integrity, and hope in the midst of our struggles.
  Others will see how He has planted us securely and allows our journey in life to point to His faithfulness, ultimately giving the glory to Him.
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  This was all made possible because of Him, of His own choosing. Christ Jesus made this choice Himself. He gave to us a life of beauty, room to grow, and a sense of purpose and value."

"All praise to You, Lord Jesus Christ."  

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