Saturday, February 20, 2016

Christian Burnout...Hebrews 12: 1-3

Christianity can become a burnout for many of us. It is always for the same reason regardless of our circumstances. We take our eyes off Him and focus on ourselves. Granted, this is sometimes easier said than done, it still remains the greatest reason we get burned out after answering His call to "Follow Me."
Image result for photos of passion of christ We work at a high speed in our daily life only to find a lighter task becoming the "straw that breaks the camel's back." We become weary to the point of discouragement. We then become frustrated and make decisions based on Christian religion rather than focusing on our friendship... that childlike trust in Him. 
 It is during this period of burnout everything gets messed up...our hearts are turned upside down.

                                           Gleaning from Hebrews 12: 1-3

Prologue: The author of the letter to the Hebrews makes no mention as to who he was. Many say it was Saint Paul, yet Paul always began his letters identifying himself. This letter we call Hebrews does not contain Paul's style of writing. Some think Timothy may have written this.
 Who was this letter written to? Some think it may have been to the converted Jewish believers in Jerusalem. They were hated by their fellow Jews because of their acceptance of Christ Jesus being the Messiah, and to the Romans who hated them because a fear of rebellion against the Roman way of life. Others think the letter was sent to Rome. Regardless, early Christian believers were under pressure to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Image result for photos of passion of christ

" You need to get a grip on this! These pioneers of our faith have followed the blazon path He has made for us. These seasoned veterans are now cheering us on to follow this its final be with Him forever!
 For us, this means we need to go for it...and go all the way! Strip down and throw off everything that hinders us. This includes those parasitic sins that appear small in the beginning and are allowed to grow into issues that are obstacles to our very trust in Him. These sins cleverly entangle us and cause us to lose heart, become discouraged, and trip us...often when we are so close to the end.
 We must remind one another to run this race with an active persistence. We must be vibrant and complete this path He clearly laid out for us. We must press on through the wreckage and valleys keeping our eyes focused on...Him! 
 He is our true Champion and the very Author of our lives. He demonstrated His love for us by never losing sight where He was headed. Instead, He made it a joy to do so! 
Image result for photos of passion of christ Don't fool yourself, He knew exactly what awaited Him, yet He disregarded the shame and endured the Cross...because His love for us was greater than any obstacles that faced Him. He now sits at the right hand of the Father, the recognized Deity and True Authority. The true joy of all this... He has invited us to join Him!
 When your faith loses heart, go over in your mind the work of the Cross once again. Keep in mind why He did such a wonderful thing...He came to get us because He loves us. This decision to do so was His own choice to make, and did so with all His heart.
 Instead of weariness, discouragement, and the feeling to give it all up, allow His story to give you the strength to finish this race. His story will shoot adrenaline into your very souls and give you the strength to be with Him!"

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