Sunday, February 21, 2016

Political Fiction...or Political Faction?

As the presidential nominations continue to escalate, a question arises as I listen to various candidates. Am I being influenced with political fiction or am I being influenced to join the ranks of a political faction?....
Image result for photos of presidential candidates 2016
  Political fiction is defined as having a sub genre subordinate within a genre. This basically means having two stories being of the same genre yet can differ within a sub genre. An example of this would be a fantasy novel. The genre of a fantasy novel is based on good vs. evil, the objectives of opposing powers ( Star Wars having the theme of the Rebellion vs. the Empire), and platforms used to overcome current anger, stress, or fatigue, culminating with a final outcome. 
  Yet within this genre of fantasy novel is a dark fantasy. This sub genre puts focus on the darkness of fantasy itself: the sacrifice it demands, the graphic gore it may entail, possible terror, and sense of hopelessness in various short term scenarios. Political fiction will express ideologies yet without specifics on solutions, leaving one to fear the "monster lurking ahead."
  In relation to political fiction, the genre is to express the need of reform, yet the sub genre is to express terror and hopelessness by speculation, by fear, or without substance that lead or should I say mislead one to vote for a particular candidate.

  Political faction on the other hand is the advancement of a particular genre as defined in a policy agenda. It is the struggle for a position of power within the various positions of power. The effectiveness of a specified agenda is often determined by the effectiveness of its clout. Normally a political faction revolves around a dynamic personality, like a magnet that holds everyone together within the group. This leader operates as a type of power broker. The Oxford Dictionary describes a power broker as " a person who deliberately affects the distribution of political or economic power by exerting influence or by intrigue." An example of this would be " Its parliament are fronts for the real power brokers, a coterie of elite bureaucrats."

Image result for photos of current issuesSo, what is my point?

  We must keep in mind the importance of integrity of the individual running for office and the substance behind their reasoning for reform. We live in a day when "we don't care what the process is in making...sausage for example, the important thing is does it taste good when we get ready to eat a piece?" Well, it does make a difference. If the facility you choose to make sausage is not sanitary, if the hog is not free of disease, or if proper refrigeration is not followed, it may taste good when we get ready to eat, but could make us very sick later.

  This is not a new idea. It's been going on since the infancy of our great country. James Madison, the fourth president of the United States, defined political faction as "a number of citizens, whether amounting to a minority or a majority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or of interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or the permanent and aggregate interests of the community." Madison is known as the "father of our Constitution" and was the main contributor to the Bill of Rights. His echoing question is still viable today..."Are our self interests at the expense of the greater good?"

Image result for photos of rocket about to launch  As we decide who to support in nominating and voting for the next President of the United States, there will come a defining moment. This moment will determine all subsequent related events to follow.
  Equally, there will be a moment of truth. Like watching a rocket about to be launched into space, we will hear those words..."We have lift off!"When this moment arrives, it will have an effect on our very near future.

  Whoever you choose to vote for, I humbly suggest to keep these ideals in mind. In the words of our numerous Presidents throughout the years "God bless you and God bless the United States of America!"

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Christian Burnout...Hebrews 12: 1-3

Christianity can become a burnout for many of us. It is always for the same reason regardless of our circumstances. We take our eyes off Him and focus on ourselves. Granted, this is sometimes easier said than done, it still remains the greatest reason we get burned out after answering His call to "Follow Me."
Image result for photos of passion of christ We work at a high speed in our daily life only to find a lighter task becoming the "straw that breaks the camel's back." We become weary to the point of discouragement. We then become frustrated and make decisions based on Christian religion rather than focusing on our friendship... that childlike trust in Him. 
 It is during this period of burnout everything gets messed up...our hearts are turned upside down.

                                           Gleaning from Hebrews 12: 1-3

Prologue: The author of the letter to the Hebrews makes no mention as to who he was. Many say it was Saint Paul, yet Paul always began his letters identifying himself. This letter we call Hebrews does not contain Paul's style of writing. Some think Timothy may have written this.
 Who was this letter written to? Some think it may have been to the converted Jewish believers in Jerusalem. They were hated by their fellow Jews because of their acceptance of Christ Jesus being the Messiah, and to the Romans who hated them because a fear of rebellion against the Roman way of life. Others think the letter was sent to Rome. Regardless, early Christian believers were under pressure to trust in the Lord Jesus Christ.
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" You need to get a grip on this! These pioneers of our faith have followed the blazon path He has made for us. These seasoned veterans are now cheering us on to follow this its final be with Him forever!
 For us, this means we need to go for it...and go all the way! Strip down and throw off everything that hinders us. This includes those parasitic sins that appear small in the beginning and are allowed to grow into issues that are obstacles to our very trust in Him. These sins cleverly entangle us and cause us to lose heart, become discouraged, and trip us...often when we are so close to the end.
 We must remind one another to run this race with an active persistence. We must be vibrant and complete this path He clearly laid out for us. We must press on through the wreckage and valleys keeping our eyes focused on...Him! 
 He is our true Champion and the very Author of our lives. He demonstrated His love for us by never losing sight where He was headed. Instead, He made it a joy to do so! 
Image result for photos of passion of christ Don't fool yourself, He knew exactly what awaited Him, yet He disregarded the shame and endured the Cross...because His love for us was greater than any obstacles that faced Him. He now sits at the right hand of the Father, the recognized Deity and True Authority. The true joy of all this... He has invited us to join Him!
 When your faith loses heart, go over in your mind the work of the Cross once again. Keep in mind why He did such a wonderful thing...He came to get us because He loves us. This decision to do so was His own choice to make, and did so with all His heart.
 Instead of weariness, discouragement, and the feeling to give it all up, allow His story to give you the strength to finish this race. His story will shoot adrenaline into your very souls and give you the strength to be with Him!"

History Channel: The Vikings! Season 4 has begun... "A Good Treason"

Image result for photos of vikings on history channel"Good Treason" is a combination of violence, treachery, and the real yet often selfish motives of various characters within this community we have embraced. Honestly, I love it!...

  In this episode, King Ragnar's dream not entering Valhalla after a lifetime of epic battles is quite frightening to him. Listening to the celebration going on in the festive halls of Valhalla only to disappear as he approached was a traumatic experience. In the midst of this dream, Ragnar's love for Athelstan with his Christian views have deeply affected Ragnar to the point of his apparent rejection into the halls of a true Viking's ultimate destination.
 Now, we enter the world of religion and politics. As in any culture, religion and politics help us to organize our world in order to justify the type of lives we choose to live...and stay true to ourselves including our dreams, desires, and personal success in life. Politics and religion help  to decipher what is right...and what is wrong.
  Politics and religion often divides us into competing groups according to: 1) status 2) order 3) territory 4) community aggression, and 5) survival. It equally conveys information that is both educational yet at times simply propaganda.  As religion and politics attempt to "hold hands," there immerses a mixture of humanistic and theistic views, a blend of logic driven thoughts with a faith driven trust in a Supreme Being in the afterlife: Odin for Nordic belief, Jesus for Christian thought.
Image result for photos of vikings on history channel  Yet, there is the "Dark Side" to all this. Religion and politics can justify anything. After all, religion and politics both have 8 letters! Religion and politics give people substance to live for, although the results may cost your very soul. Ragnar's dream of Valhalla gives you a visual of that. Religion and politics can create a hope, yet create an equal disgust. 

  As this 4th season of The Vikings begin, betrayals have happened... and betrayals are about to happen! 
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  Queen Aslaug, the clever yet icy wife to Ragnar, goes to the Seer to ask a question. She wants to know if a woman (eluding to herself) will ever rule Kattegat. The Seer, a brilliant character in this complex historical fiction, answers in a mystical and shadowy way. Queen Aslaug leaves the viewer with a cold yet clear feeling she is about to further her undermining to the desires of King Ragnar. Their relationship is quite evident to be cold...icy as Queen Aslaug herself. 
  Queen Aslaug then purchases an Asian slave, Yidu, with the clear intention to captivate Ragnar and expose his weakness to his commitment to her. She leaves the viewers wondering if Queen Aslaug is so sick of Ragnar, she now is making her move to turn on him? Is she about to find ways to convert this hatred of Ragnar and convince the community in the process?
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  The viewers favorite for many, our dear Floki! He is in a rancid mess. In an attempt to restore a friendship to his friend Ragnar, he leaves runes as an offering. (Runes was a gift of Nordic divination believed to produce a psychic awareness. They usually consisted of 24 tiles or stones that had carvings of characters or letters.)
  Bjorn has returned from Paris and calls out Floki for his betrayal in the murder of Athelstan. Floki is put in chains and later pleads for help from his wife Helga. She looks at him with a seemingly mixture of disgust and compassion,  yet refuses by leaving him chained to a stake.
Image result for photos of Lagertha of the vikings in chains  Ragnar comes and declares it was not the Nordic gods that directed him to murder Athelstan, it was Floki's own jealousy. Floki rejected this thought claiming the gods instructed him to kill Athelstan to protect Ragnar. Ragnar simply walks away leaving Floki to scream out if Ragnar was going to kill him...or not?

  Lagertha...( note to not piss this lady off!). She cuts off a guy's genitals! Kalf, a jealous man toward Ragnar, is dedicated to making Lagertha happy. He tricks and kills Vikings of honor, namely Erlander and Einer.
  Rollo, he is seemingly a man of mixed loyalties. He is in Paris, becoming a leader of Frankish royalty. He marries the strongly opinionated Princess Gisla. She is extremely stubborn toward her marriage with Rollo, which is almost comedic in nature. Rollo going to sleep while Princess Grisla threatens to murder him is a quite light-hearted scene in my humble opinion.
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  My favorite part in this episode?
  The Bjorn and Ragnar conversation! Bjorn chooses to leave for a the beginning of winter. Ragnar asks " Why are you really going?" Bjorn responds "Because you don't think I can survive."

Awesome! What a start!