Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Mere Politicianity

                                           "As goes our leader, so goes our nation."

  The agenda of the candidates pursuing the road to the White House could be determined on the sacred virtues of integrity, humility, and character. The various debates of those running for this vital office caused me to ask myself: "Whom might I feel comfortable for our next Commander-n-Chief?" I conclude it is a statesman. I seek a statesman! { Note: Throughout this article I use a male form of reference to define the view of "statesman." This in no way is a gender preference. I honestly believe a woman or man equally fulfill the office of Presidency. I simply find it awkward to use the word " states person."

 "A politician is a man who understands government. A statesman is a politician who's been dead for 15 years."  Harry S. Truman

 I do find it challenging to hear of the hundreds of thousands people throughout the world, fighting to the death if necessary,for the right to vote. I understand there are many Americans who choose to stay at home watching their favorite TV program on Election Day, not seemingly concerned who becomes our next President.
  I am determined not to sit idly singing in my head "Que Sera Sera." The honor to vote deserves more respect than that. I choose to give myself to research, study, and the words spoken by the candidates. Too many have sacrificed their lives to grant me such an honor.
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"More people vote on 'American Idol,' than in any U.S. election."  Rush Limbaugh

  First, I consider the difference between a politician and a statesman. I turn to my "old friend," the Oxford Dictionary. The definition for statesman is "a skilled, experienced, and respected figure." Expanding this definition, the word "skilled" is defined "having or demonstrating knowledge combined with unique abilities and training to earn a recognition as having an expertise.
  The word "experienced" is defined "having gained the knowledge and skills in a particular field that is applied to various scenarios over a period of time." 
  The word "respected" is defined "a feeling of deep admiration for an elected official through their proven abilities, qualities, or achievements. It is a person who has gained others confidence, earning respect, and has proved impressive with their decision making. Above all, their decisions are genuine and the result of their decisions brings a greater scenery of admiration. Their respect is able to draw out a response from others and quiet any questions in regards to motives and intent."

" A statesman thinks of the next generation, a politician's mind is only concerned for the next election."  James Freeman Clarke

  What then is a politician? Returning once more to the Oxford Dictionary, I found a rather surprising definition. A politician is defined " a person who has chosen a career in politics. Most commonly a politician is regarded as a person who acts in manipulative and devious ways to gain advancement within an organization." So is the Oxford Dictionary saying a politician is basically corrupt? lol
  Expanding this thought, a politician may include having little or no moral principles, nor is honesty or fairness a high priority. Often a politician is equated with one who is sly and their actions are from a selfish behavior. A politician is skilled like a statesman, yet uses underhanded tactics to achieve their goals and accomplishments. These tactics are used to snatch votes from others challenging for the same office.

" The statesman shears the sheep, the politician skins them." Austin O'Malley

" A politician is a person with whose policies you don't agree. If you do agree with him, he's a statesman."  David Lloyd George

  Below are 4 qualities I consider for anyone running for the high office of President of the United States:
1. A candidate must have a foundation built on principle. The personal convictions of a candidate should be the core of their beliefs and philosophy. A candidate has the freedom to alter the details of a policy, but not sacrifice the purpose of its origin.
2. A candidate must have a "feel" for public concern, yet not sell out to relativism. There must be established an absolute right and an absolute wrong. These absolutes should be clearly defined.
3. A candidate must state a clear vision: recognize the success and failures of the past and present while addressing the future with these thoughts in mind. Solutions should have impact for both the short and long term, a concern for the next generation(s).
4. A candidate must have quality support around him/her that embraces a similar vision. A good candidate refuses derogatory ads and propaganda, nor base solutions based on the fears of the many. A candidate must be committed to doing what they say.
  A few more quotes...

"The statesman's duty is to bridge the gap between the nation's experience and the candidate's vision." Henry Kissinger

"Politics is an art and not a science, and what is required for its mastery is not the rationality of an engineer, but the words and moral strength of the statesman."  Hans J. Morenthau
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" The supreme function of statesmanship is to provide against preventable evils." Enoch Powell

" The challenge?...It was harder to be subtle than strident."  The Preacher and Presidents: Billy Graham in the White House

  Finally, my favorite quote is from Ottoman Bismarck: " A statesman must wait until he hears the steps of God sounding through events, then leap up and grab... the hem of His garment."

                                            May God bless...the United States of America

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