Thursday, May 28, 2015

The Power in our Words: "How odd is that."

As I became drowsy and started to fall asleep, my mind kept going over what my thoughts had been dwelling on throughout the day, the thought of  words we choose to speak and what true identity lies within.

 And I began to dream...

 I found myself in a rather large park, a city park filled with park benches, various areas of manicured grass to have picnics, a small pond with a fountain in the middle, large trees encircling the entire park area, a walking and jogging path, small barbecue grills, and geese followed by their young waddling behind them in various areas of this park. There seemed to be people everywhere, the clouds a powder blue and the sun bursting between them with a faint southerly wind to make the day seem so fresh with the feelings of early summer.

 I began to enter this park to see if I knew anyone there. There were many there that day with  sounds of laughter, excitement, kids running to and fro, and the smell of hamburgers and chicken on the grill. Yet, I did not recognize anyone.
 As I continued, I noticed a family all together on a summer blanket preparing to eat. They appeared orderly in their demeanor, the father sitting at one end while the mother and children were lined on each side. They all bowed their head in prayer and as I began to listen to the words the father spoke, his lips did not match up with the words he spoke. His lips seemed to indicate he was expressing gratefulness for what God provided, yet his voice, so loud and clear, was saying "I have the power to manipulate your thoughts with a coldness that will give you a chill. Amen"
Image result for photos of city park with pond and fountain I thought to myself, "How odd is that."

 I walked around a large oak tree and continued on my journey in the park still hoping to find someone I might know. Suddenly a couple walked by me, a man and woman in their thirties, and it appeared she was quite upset. The man, listening with intent while trying to calm her down, I could hear the words she was speaking to this man. It happened again! Her lips did not match up with the words she spoke. Her lips were expressing her deep desire to buy a particular home and the need for this man to pursue it with all costs. Yet, her voice, again so loud and clear, was saying " I am controlling and possessive as well, and will inflict a choice of words until you feel pain." I kind of shook my head and once again thought, "How odd is that."

 As I passed by this couple so deep in their own thoughts, a young girl maybe twelve or thirteen years of age came jogging by me with her headphones snuggly on her head playing her favorite music, when a smaller girl whom I concluded to be her sister, perhaps the age of eight, ran up with her arms open and tears in her eyes. The girl who was jogging stopped and welcomed the little girl. As she began to comfort the small child, her lips expressed sympathy and concern, yet  this time it appeared to me her lips seemed to hide the pretty words she spoke. The little girl had been scared by a bee and when the older sister spoke it appeared she was saying: "Everything will be alright, the bee is gone." Yet her voice, which was again so loud and clear to me. spoke these words: " I love to express myself through music and yet my love to express kindness toward others and quiet a tear is equally amazing."
 Again I thought "How odd is that", and found a park bench to sit on and collect my thoughts.

 As I sorted out what I had just observed, I then noticed two elderly ladies sitting on a park bench not far away. I could hear their conversation as they gossiped of another's plight, rationalizing the consequence of a decision this person had made in life. The one lady had a bonnet on, her posture straight and bold, and with her head erect made this statement of judgment with no comfort in her tone, " Well, that is what happens when you don't do things right". Once again her lips did not match the words she had so directly spoke. Her voice was clear to me as I looked directly at her face, saying " I have become so hard-hearted I am able destroy any tenderness of emotion, and my bitterness is strong enough to prevent any forgiveness for what others may have done."  Once again I thought: "How odd is that",  and located a vending area, perhaps a little food and drink will snap me out of these weird scenarios I find myself in. 

 The bottled water was cold and refreshing and a granola bar complimented my thirst. I stood to the side of the vending machine enjoying my little meal when a young couple came to purchase water and see what items were there to eat. It appeared to me they had been jogging and the girl was expressing an idea. She had a thought on improving the work environment she was in and it was apparent the young man worked at the same place as well. He seemed quite genuine as he listened to her speak, yet it came again  ...  his lips did not match the words he spoke. This time however it was quite different. His lips spoke encouraging words, yet his voice that was again very clear to me went far beyond the words his lips had formed, boldly declaring " I believe in what you are saying and want to inspire your creative thoughts. Thoughts like this can invoke a good change and bring benefits to all." As I listened to his voice, the girl paused and smiled.
 The refreshing cold drink could not prevent me from saying once again: "How odd is that."

 As I wandered away from the vending area, I walked toward this pond that had a sign stating it was a lake. I saw a couple sitting on the grass, admiring the water with two children close at hand. The man appeared anxious and really wanted to leave, mentioning there was a game on TV that for him was more important to see. His wife was sympathetic as she asked for a little more time...time to enjoy the surroundings, to enjoy their children, to enjoy each other as she cuddled to his side. As I watched this man earnestly respond to her request, once again his lips do not match the words I heard him speak. His lips formed words that said "We can do this right at home.", yet his voice was clear to me saying: " I am strong enough to break your will and selfish enough to starve you and our children of any hunger you might have to want me." No sooner had I heard these words, they had packed and were gone.  "How odd is that" I again thought, with a tear as to what I had just seen.

 As I walked around this lake, a young man with an elderly lady appeared. The conversation was delightful, expressing joys of days gone by. The young man in his twenties, inquired as the elderly lady spoke, offering her words of tenderness induced with mercy bound by his heart's interest, making her words secure and safe to share. This time I found this scenario quite  different, for his lips and voice were in sync. His lips matched the sounds of his voice, a sense of harmony as his words flowed from his heart. I paused and remembered my grandfather and how we shared our lives, sitting together on an old swing for hours and speaking of many things. As I looked at the young man and the elderly lady, another tear appeared, rolling down my cheek.

 As I strolled through the park that day many conversations were all around me. Some spoke with the movement of their lips far from the words I heard so loud and clear yet coming from the very same lips on the very same face. As I continued walking through this park every once in a while I beheld people whose lips and voice were in perfect sync, a blended match sounding so pleasant to my ears.
 Still, there were others in the park whose harsh words caused injury as they burst forth in the air, with very large tears giving birth as the cold words bitterly swept in on this warm summer day. Other words interrupted another's thoughts, some condemning enough to belittle, and some words were so cruel and calculated they simply buried the thoughts of others.

 Yet those words that went beyond their lips in a joyful harmony, those lips and voices in  rhythm holding hands in perfect sync, are parts of the dream I have kept in remembrance within my heart the most. Words that cause others to be inspired without the fear of painful sorrow or a possessiveness it might induce, words that embrace the thoughts of others without fear of chains or rope. This dream became a mandate and demanded my solemn oath. 

 As I awoke from the dream I had found myself in, I had a startling thought: "Be careful on what words I say this day, for my words have a power within. I can assist others on their journey in life, or cause harm along their way."

"Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind."

                                                                                              Rudyard Kipling

How odd is that? 

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