Thursday, December 11, 2014

"The Christmas Heart"...a transformed heart

The Christmas Season usually includes a transformation within our homes...decorations with wreaths, Christmas trees and greenery of various kinds...yet does this time of year bring a transformation...of our hearts?.....

 The "Christmas Heart" is a heart that enables us to welcome Him! Saint Paul writes of the condition of our hearts during this time of year through a letter to to the Philippians.
 During those days, one of the titles of a Roman Emperor included the name "Savior"...for Roman citizens experienced a time of "Pax Romana", a 40 year period where the Empire lived in peace, economies thrived, and the Roman Empire ruled the world...including the colony of Philippi in Asia Minor. 
 Roman citizens of Philippi had an understanding about allegiance, obeying Roman Law and following the customs dictated from Rome itself. It was a strict adherence for all Roman citizens to understand not only the duties of a Roman citizen...but to consider it a privilege as well, and enjoy the honor and benefits of being called...a Roman citizen. When a Roman citizen received Christ Jesus into their hearts, the meaning of being a citizen of Heaven...had a depth of meaning to this new citizenship. The Roman citizen knew their allegiance and faithfulness to Him must not only match their Roman citizenship...but exceed the Roman standard...even if death may result in their hearts given to Him.  Now, their "homeland" was not Rome...rather in Heaven with the Lord their true and only Savior, superseding the Roman Emperor.  
 Philippi was a colony in Asia Minor where Roman soldiers were given land when they retired for their service to the Roman Empire. These ex-soldiers were well trained to the meaning of obeying Roman Law and following all "orders" given. 
 Yet, when they gave their hearts to the Lord Jesus...they also understood the consequences  this could bring as well. Now, their supreme allegiance is given to a new authority, a new "Emperor", and a new "Homeland" that was not in Rome, rather in Heaven itself.

 Unlike the Roman way of life,  when our physical body becomes old and weak, this new citizenship in Christ Jesus offers the security of an eternal life where our old physical bodies will be transformed...just as Christ Jesus demonstrated when He walked out of the tomb. As a Christian citizen, we actually become strong and are made perfect...through Him...even in the temporary and weak bodies we have now, we have His promise of an Eternal that is forever! As Paul describes in this passage of Sacred Scripture..we are likened to athletes who have entered a race...and is given the "ring of leaves" for running, completing, and winning the race of life that is set before us.

                                                A Gleaning from Philippians 3:20 - 4:1

" Our true Homeland...that is to say believers who give their allegiance to the Christian faith, is not located anywhere in this physical world. Our hearts have been given to Him...and now our citizenship is where He Heaven!
 And we wait with an eagerness that demands patience as we stand at attention...waiting for our King's return...the true Savior to all mankind.
 When our King's arrival is evident, we too will be changed...just like Him! He will take our old war-torn, aging, and dying bodies and transform them into eternal bodies...made to give glory to Him. His Supreme Rule and Power includes making us beautiful...just as He is, and we will forever be citizens to His Eternal Reign.
 As for you, I cannot express how I miss each one of you, and yet every time my heart thinks of you...there is a warmth felt in my very soul.
 Although our physical bodies become old and weak, and enemies of the Cross presently face us, we do not grow old and weak within our hearts. Instead, our hearts grow strong...just as an athlete...who completes and wins his race, receives the "ring of leaves"...the most desired of all crowns an athlete can ever attain."

 May our Christmas wreaths...all our decorations we place throughout our homes during this season...remind us of the transformation...that takes place in our hearts.

 Saint Paul wrote...the church in Philippi...was closest to his heart....

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