Friday, December 5, 2014

In Search of Christmas..."The War Cry...from the Highest Heaven"...part three

Continuing on in Saint Luke, allow me to share this:

                                                   A Gleaning from Luke 2: 12-14

 "The angel continues: " The question in your minds at the moment..."Where exactly is He and how will we know who He is when we find Him?"...I will give you clear directions. Go to Bethlehem, and as you search for Him, you will soon discover a new born...dressed in swaddling cloths, lying in a manger. That's Him!"
 No sooner had the angel been able to utter these words, there was an outburst from Heaven who could no longer contain themselves. For, suddenly, right before the shepherds eyes was a vast appearance of the Heavenly Army Angels, standing with the Angel giving this message to the shepherds...and they were "pumped"...pouring out their hearts and declaring with great emotion: " We give Glory to God...for this message come from the Highest in Heaven...Peace is declared on the earth, for He is here...and safely landed! The terms of His Peace are simple...your hearts are to be united in wanting to please Him!"

 The shepherds received the angel's message...and followed through as directed. 

 So, the shepherds sought out and located the baby Jesus...not in some palace dressed in the attire of royalty...they found Him in a hay trough in a type of stable, amidst farm animals and domesticated stock. I often wonder how Satan observed all this plan God had for rescuing mankind. Did he know or understand how Jesus was coming to us? And, even if he did, he must have thought this would be a "piece of cake" to disrupt and defeat this Kingdom that was now advancing and entering his self-proclaimed domain.
 The swaddling clothes...why did Saint Luke mention this? There is much written and symbolized in reference to the swaddling clothes Jesus was in when mankind first got a glimpse of Him, and probably "over" symbolized at that (in my opinion). Yet, the swaddling clothes, or cloths, or perhaps a "band" that covered a new born in that time...pretty much indicates Jesus came into this world helpless...just like anyone of us.

 In verse 14 in Luke chapter two, the angel along with an entire legion of other angels proclaimed Jesus was born in a stable that night with all intents and purposes to bring...Peace. 
"Peace"?...Peace to whom? When an invading force attacks, "Peace" is usually not on the minds of those involved in the conflict. Yet, as this story unfolds...this God of the Highest Heavens attacks this world we live in and takes on the kingdom of Darkness by...sending the Commander-n-Chief into battle...and arriving as a helpless babe in an animal to save all mankind...with an initial announcement He comes to bring..."Peace". Even as I write this today...doesn't this story seem doomed from it's start? Yet, this story was just starting to unfold...where is the great God of the universe...going with this?

 What "Peace" are the angels speaking of? Often times at Christmas I hear the phrase "Peace on earth and goodwill toward men". The phrase has always blended in well as part of the Christmas theme with joy, hope, and making efforts to be kind and give to one another.
 I remember in 1971 when Coca Cola came out with a TV ad singing a jingle "I'd like to buy the world a Coke". It was a really catchy tune and came out during the Christmas season giving the idea the whole world could have peace if we all just took the time and drank a Coke together. A little later a group called "The New Seekers" made a big hit with the song "I'd like to teach the world to perfect harmony" using the jingle Coke had used. The video showed people from cultures all over the world holding hands and singing together in harmony...a kind of "world peace".
 When Jesus came to be "one of us", there was an external peace throughout the known world. The Roman Empire had established the "Pax Romana" which basically meant there was a 40 year period the entire known world experienced peace. Now, in Saint Luke 2, our Commander-n-Chief comes into this world just like we have, and His Army of Angels proclaim He brings....Peace. So...what's up with all that?

 First, the phrase we often hear "Peace on earth and goodwill toward men" a reference to this passage in Luke 2...but that is not what it says.
 The New International Version reads like this: Luke 2:14 " Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace on whom His favor rests."
 I like how God's Word translation writes this verse: " Glory to God in the highest heaven, and on earth peace to those who have his goodwill."

 There is a vast difference to what the word peace means when we hear quotes like this given during our Christmas season. This "Peace" Saint Luke writes is not an external peace where everyone learns to accept one another for who they are...regardless which god they refer to as the True God...or even if you don't believe there is any God at all. This "Peace" the angels proclaimed that night to the shepherds...was a "War Cry"..and His Peace would be extended to all those who would accept Him. The latter part of verse 14 makes this clear by extending this Peace to all those who " has His favor rest on him, who is out to serve and please Him, who have embraced His good will for us..into our daily lifestyles. 
 The truth is...our Commander-n-Chief has come to us who live in a fallen world ruled by the kingdom of Darkness.. we don't have the manpower, the ammunition, military defense or general capabilities to overcome this Darkness by ourselves...
 Why?... because at the Fall of Man...we joined forces and gave our allegiance to this kingdom of Darkness...turning our backs on the God of the highest heaven...and even today follow the instructions of the Evil One...the Serpent... with things like revenge, grudges, or getting even with others...still a "creepy" part of who many of us today. Now, God comes to us..."Immanuel" meaning "God is with us"...and offers complete restoration of our friendship with becoming one of us in every way and rescuing us from the slavery of sin  ...which was the real intent of the kingdom of Darkness when we were first deceived. God offers reconciliation...and His Beloved Son voluntarily offers His own life to reunite us to an eternal security of enjoying life with Him...and by doing so, have real and meaningful friendships with one another! "This Peace" the angels proclaim in Luke 2 is not an external or physical Peace...rather it is receiving Peace in your heart and mind...regardless of external circumstances. 
 Otherwise, why would Isaiah write in 48:22 " There is no peace" says the Lord, "for the wicked."??

 "Christmas Peace" really not about holding hands and drinking Coke's about the Darkness we allow to rule in our hearts...the "Battle Cry" has been initiated...and it started with a helpless Babe...born in a stable...lying in a feed trough...

 John Lennon of the Beatles wrote and sang the popular song "Imagine". He conveys through this song how if we would imagine a place where things that divide people like religion or possessions did not exist, we would find a better place.
 Yet, in reality I do think Lennon was wrong about this train of avoids matters of the heart because regardless of the external changes we is our hearts that need changing.
 Scripture is clear we are made to give God glory, and it appears the angels on the night they appeared before the shepherds...had a similar train of thought.....

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