Monday, May 20, 2013

Wisdom...Kind of a weird way of asking someone if they are stupid? Right???

Wisdom is defined in the dictionary as: "the ability to discern or to judge what is true, right, and obtaining good insight on a particular subject...before making a decision."

 Characteristics of Wisdom include common sense and making good judgments based on research and good counsel from others. 
 Henry David Thoreau, the great American poet, author, and philosopher in the first half of the 1800's once wrote: " It is a characteristic of Wisdom not to do desperate things." Wisdom is simply obtaining a wise outlook or course of action.

 The Sacred Scriptures encourages us throughout its entire go after seek Wisdom...and to embrace Wisdom.
 The Scriptures also point out those that do not choose to seek Wisdom, but seeks reliance on its own "expertise" including emotional reactions and lack of foolish and makes one appear stupid.

 And who is the real Author of "Real Wisdom" it none other than the Author of Life itself....Jesus Christ the Righteous? I would conclude: "Yes, there is no doubt...He is the One!"

                                     A Gleaning from James 3:17-18

 " Wisdom that comes from what I call "Real Wisdom". This type of Wisdom begins with these instructions:
 1) First, Real Wisdom has the power to make our daily lives less complicated, and brings with her the ability to give to us an understanding of the daily challenges we face.
 The reason this is so is because Real Wisdom is totally has no blemishes (No oops...that didn't work!), Real Wisdom never gives to us wrong instructions, nor is Real Wisdom misleading...Real Wisdom is not capable of making mistakes...of any kind! This "Real Wisdom can only be received through the Grace of the Holy Spirit as we yield our hearts and lives to the Lord Jesus Christ. Real Wisdom is simply....perfect!
2) Real Wisdom brings with her a  peaceful type personality which is designated to find its way into our daily lives. Real Wisdom's journey into our individual lives begins by offering peace as a tranquility to any situation that arises in our lives.
 One great quality that comes from the Peace of Real Wisdom  is it offers security in our hearts by allowing her to influence our lives...and has the power to extend her Peace into the lives of those around us.
 When this quality begins to exercise herself in us, our evaluations and rationalizations have help in discerning what to do next...and the Peace of Real Wisdom comes to us without variance, without wavering, and without doubt. Also, Real Wisdom doesn't "play favorites", rather she is fair and equitable in all of our decisions.
 Along with this, the Peace of Real Wisdom brings to us an opportunity for God Himself to operate in our lives...through acts of mercy, having compassion and sympathy in another's plight, helping those who hunger, giving of essential needs others might have, visiting those who are lonely, helping those like widows who might be "snowballed" by some greedy and evil individual, reaching out to the fatherless, and keeping our hearts far from the evils of selfish pride, arrogance, being stubborn, or having the need to "control others".
 The only time Real Wisdom and Peace do not coincide is when Peace can only be achieved through her purity being sacrificed. We cannot pursue Peace at the expense of defiling God's Commands as it is written in the Sacred Scripture...."it just don't work that way."
3) Next, Real Wisdom possesses the quality to yield to reason. In other words, Real Wisdom doesn't "go hostile" because someone's outlook on life is different than mine...even if I do not agree with it. Real Wisdom listens with passion, is considerate, sensible, and does all that is necessary to understand what any of us might be going through.
4) Real Wisdom brings with her an attitude that is beaming in His Mercy....not "hot" one minute then "cold" toward others the next. Real Wisdom is not two-faced, rather brings into our lives a genuine, sensible, kind, meek, and sincere attitude that offers her service to others.

 The fact is: when we exercise the virtues of Real Wisdom into our daily lives...these "seeds" are deposited into the lives of others...and the results can include a concord and harmony with others. Real Wisdom produces a harmony among our friends, a peace that is not distracted by circumstances that arise, and keeps our hearts and minds free...from the fears of the day...including those agitating passions or perhaps moral conflicts.

 Real Wisdom cries out to us: " Give me chance...just give me a help you!"

Note: Wisdom in the Sacred Scriptures is referred to at times as a "she". Why?....well, for me, it may be Jesus showing us His "feminine side"...who knows. One thing I am sure of....He loves usmore than we can ever imagine!

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