Sunday, May 26, 2013

"Floki"....A Viking favorite

The History's Channel series "The Vikings" introduce a group of creative characters that have captivated the hearts of those who become "addicted" to the series...and "Floki" is definitely a guy that has seemed to become a favorite...for me as well!.........

 In the series, Floki is a boat builder and yet a "trickster" by nature. Floki is Ragnar Lothbrok's closest friend and is committed to assisting Ragnar in sailing west...and discover lands and people to conquer.
 Floki secretly designs a new prototype of the infamous "Viking longboats", able to sail in the open oceans and yet travel in shallow rivers.

 Floki is a character who lives isolated in the woods and forests, and projects a personality of being eccentric, joyful, yet strange. He is often full of humor, actually dances when he sees things set on fire, and is a good and valued warrior.
 With all his odd quirks, he is a religious man who believes in the Scandinavian mythological gods headed by the god "Odin." In one segment, Ragnar's brother Rollo, agrees to be baptized a Christian as part of an agreement between the Vikings and the English, and Floki becomes very upset with Rollo and lets him know he has "upset the gods".

 Floki comes across as a tall and impressive figure, often full of humor in the midst of preparation for battle, and wears the heavy black eye make-up religiously. This black eye make-up was actually a tactic men of war had done for centuries to give an impression of one that is of a savage and wild nature, dangerous, and outside the lines of control.

 Floki is inspired by 2 big names in Scandinavian mythology: 1) the god "Loki" and 2) Floki Vilgerdarson.. the one credited with naming Iceland. 
 The mythological god "Loki" is recognized in a number of regions throughout the world, and is the father of quite a group of "monsters" including:
1. the wolf "Fenrir"
2. the snake "Jormungard"
3. The goddess of death, "Hel"
4. "Steipnir"...the horse in the 8 legs of the god Odin.

 Floki Vilgerdarson is the Norwegian who sought for land that was suitable to settle. Similar to Noah being in the Ark during "The Flood", Floki sends out a bird to see if land was near in their search while in the ocean waters. Yet, instead of sending out a dove as Noah did, Floki sends out a Raven. On the 3rd attempt, the Raven did not return to their ship...and thus...Iceland was discovered.
 During the first winter, there was no food for the animals during the harsh winter months, and all the animals died. Floki was discouraged by the sad event and soon returned to Norway. It is said he was critical of Iceland after that.

 In the TV series of "The Vikings", the character Floki is played by Gustaf Skarsgard, a brilliant Swedish actor who is both prominent and prolific in Swedish cinema. He is the recipient of numerous awards of theatre and TV production, and began his acting career at the age of 9 years old. His father was also a Swedish actor. I think he brings a "whole lot of talent", and has captivated many.

Oh, one more thing....the god "Loki" is capable of being a very jealous traitor....something I hope Floki doesn't do with Ragnar...they "work well together"! Can't wait for season 2!

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