"Where are your accusers, Jesus asked. "There are none Lord," the woman answered. "Nor do I not condemn you. Instead, the time has come for you to be free from the life you are in." [paraphrased from John 8:11]
As the New Year approaches, I think about what changes I can make from last year. One thing I have experienced in life, formulas very rarely work for me. They are simply not effective. You know, if I wake up, follow a healthy routine, and keep track on what is next on the daily agenda, the results will be awesome!
The problem I run into with situations like this is the formula wears out and I eventually drift back to where I started. so, I asked myself, "What's missing?" One thing I notice is the meaning of it all. I believe in the "loving yourself philosophy," but I notice I get more excited when I am able to influence and help others...particularly those down on their luck.
In Saint John, Jesus had been in a discussion with the Pharisees on His purpose in life. The Jewish religious leaders at the Temple in Jerusalem didn't buy into His song and dance that He truly is the son of God.
In the discussion, the topic was Jesus could not be a prophet because He came from Galilee. The Scriptures were clear. There was absolutely no evidence a prophet of God ever came from that region. [Note: Ancient Greek manuscripts do not include this story. It appears the story was passed down through oral tradition. Still, John includes this story in his gospel as was later discovered.] The Scriptures state the discussion ended with no apparent conclusion on the matter. The passage continues with Jesus going to the Mount of Olives that evening, a place He regularly retreated to be alone in prayer.
Early the next morning, Jesus was up around dawn and returned to the Temple. Crowds began to gather to hear Him and learn more about His teachings. The religious leaders thought teaching the common person was a waste of time because of their ignorance of the Scripture.
Suddenly, the Pharisees and Scribes brought a woman before Jesus who had been caught in adultery. [Note: How they discovered this is not made evident in this story.] They made this woman stand alone in the center of this court so everyone could see her.
"Teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery. The Law of Moses dictates she must be stoned to death! So, tell us, what is Your verdict?" [Note: the man in this accusation is missing. Again, the Scriptures are silent.] The motive behind this question was to trap Jesus. The religious leaders were looking for anything they could use against Him and prove His teachings contradict the Law of Moses.
Now, here is where it gets a little interesting.
Instead of answering the question, He simply stooped down and began writing in the loose dirt. Meanwhile, the Pharisees badgered Him to get an answer on this woman caught in adultery. Nevertheless, Jesus remained silent until He finished writing in the dirt. Then, He stood up and said, " Okay, if any of you have never sinned, then step up and throw a stone at this woman." Then, Jesus stooped down once more and continued writing.
The Pharisees heard His answer and one by one stepped up to read what He had been writing in the dirt. In a short time, every Pharisee from the oldest to the youngest left the court area. [Note: The Scriptures are silent as to what Jesus wrote in the dirt.]
Jesus stood up with only Him and the accused still standing in the court. Jesus then addressed the woman, "Where did everyone go? Did anyone condemn you?"
"No, my Lord," the woman answered.
"I will not condemn you either. Instead, this is the time for you to be free from the life you are in."
Again, the Scriptures are silent as to the decision the woman made...