Prologue: Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran pastor, theologian, and a key figure regarding the true ideals of Christianity during the WWII era. He was an anti-Nazi dissident who met his end in 1944, hanged at the young age of 39.
His influence on Christianity has grown steadily since his day...
Here then begins this unique journey.
Bonhoeffer found becoming a disciple of Christ Jesus something to be excited about. He went as far as to write it is a joy to be one of His disciples.
He commented on this "yoke question," claiming the yoke Jesus speaks in Saint Matthew 11 is really quite light, not originally intended or designed to be heavy. The key to carrying a yoke is not to resist. That is where our joy in life is found.
I have heard the word "yoke" used in Christian jargon and rhetoric. The "Yoke of the Law" is an example where becoming a Christian puts emphasis on legalistic ideals which quickly become burdensome. The result from my observance is instead of finding joy in the Christian faith, a person ends up in some sort of self-righteous behavior, worse off than simply not starting the search in the first place.
I have read of the "Yoke of Sin and Death," where there is so much emphasis on how terrible the heart of man is, there simply is no joy in this life until we are dead...or have suffered extensively in this life, physically or mentally ( an "us against the world" promotion) to experience it. I have noticed a number of "martyr complexes" soon develop, or "Christian cult doctrines" are expressed through this type of belief.
In days gone by farmers would put a younger ox shoulder to shoulder with an older experienced ox under a yoke to learn how to work together. The objective was the younger ox would simply watch and learn what the older ox did, and begin to imitate the older. The younger ox was not focused on the weight of the task at hand, rather on the expertise of the older ox to make the day's task easier and enjoyable.
I have found life to be quite strange in relation to the yoke analogy and the true hearts of men ( and women) as defined in Scripture. For example, it is difficult for me to give something belonging to me, to someone else simply because they are in need of it. It becomes even more difficult to allow someone to acquire which is mine, and not remind them I want it back at some point and time (lol.) My result from this personal discovery is similar to the young ox learning from the more experienced ox sharing a same yoke together. The true meaning of "Christian Joy" is found by watching Him and learning to enjoy life His Way. It is quite fascinating to see how my part in helping another has brought joy to them...and now brings joy to me!
Here are a few Gleanings of the Sacred Scripture which seem to identify with train of thought:
Matthew 11: 28-30
"Do you find yourself tired...continually? Are you worn-out or weary with life? Has religion only added to your burn-out?
Then listen-up! The time has come to change...and He has made a way!
First you must hear the words of the Master: 'Come, get away with Me! I know the way you can find the joy of life and recover from your present dilemma! Furthermore, you will experience the joy of entering into My rest. You will understand, identify, and feel what this really means. It does require a yoke, one we are under together. As we begin our daily task, you on one side and Myself on the other, we will move with an unforced rhythm of Grace. I will do the work while you just simply do what I do. Walk with Me, Work with Me, and Watch how I do it. This yoke is light and easy to maneuver.
I Am gentle and humble of heart. You will find the rest you seek. You will experience a renewal and a quiet...charged with My Presence! Keep company with Me. This shared yoke will bring you...Freedom!"
Here then begins this unique journey.
Bonhoeffer found becoming a disciple of Christ Jesus something to be excited about. He went as far as to write it is a joy to be one of His disciples.
He commented on this "yoke question," claiming the yoke Jesus speaks in Saint Matthew 11 is really quite light, not originally intended or designed to be heavy. The key to carrying a yoke is not to resist. That is where our joy in life is found.
I have read of the "Yoke of Sin and Death," where there is so much emphasis on how terrible the heart of man is, there simply is no joy in this life until we are dead...or have suffered extensively in this life, physically or mentally ( an "us against the world" promotion) to experience it. I have noticed a number of "martyr complexes" soon develop, or "Christian cult doctrines" are expressed through this type of belief.
In days gone by farmers would put a younger ox shoulder to shoulder with an older experienced ox under a yoke to learn how to work together. The objective was the younger ox would simply watch and learn what the older ox did, and begin to imitate the older. The younger ox was not focused on the weight of the task at hand, rather on the expertise of the older ox to make the day's task easier and enjoyable.
I have found life to be quite strange in relation to the yoke analogy and the true hearts of men ( and women) as defined in Scripture. For example, it is difficult for me to give something belonging to me, to someone else simply because they are in need of it. It becomes even more difficult to allow someone to acquire which is mine, and not remind them I want it back at some point and time (lol.) My result from this personal discovery is similar to the young ox learning from the more experienced ox sharing a same yoke together. The true meaning of "Christian Joy" is found by watching Him and learning to enjoy life His Way. It is quite fascinating to see how my part in helping another has brought joy to them...and now brings joy to me!
Here are a few Gleanings of the Sacred Scripture which seem to identify with train of thought:
"Do you find yourself tired...continually? Are you worn-out or weary with life? Has religion only added to your burn-out?
Then listen-up! The time has come to change...and He has made a way!
First you must hear the words of the Master: 'Come, get away with Me! I know the way you can find the joy of life and recover from your present dilemma! Furthermore, you will experience the joy of entering into My rest. You will understand, identify, and feel what this really means. It does require a yoke, one we are under together. As we begin our daily task, you on one side and Myself on the other, we will move with an unforced rhythm of Grace. I will do the work while you just simply do what I do. Walk with Me, Work with Me, and Watch how I do it. This yoke is light and easy to maneuver.
I Am gentle and humble of heart. You will find the rest you seek. You will experience a renewal and a quiet...charged with My Presence! Keep company with Me. This shared yoke will bring you...Freedom!"
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