Friday, January 22, 2016

Does Integrity have a vote in the Polls?

Larger than Life!
Image result for photos of Donald TrumpIncredibly Rich!
Independent and Crude!
Fearless before All!
Speaking the Truth!

America is Angry!
Fed up with their Pay!
Weary of Political Clutter!
An Articulate Voice!
Speaking the Truth!

                       Does Integrity play a part in any of this?

  Many in America have found Trump refreshing, and deservedly so. He has spoke of heartfelt issues that concern us all. ISIS, the economy, immigration to mention a few, he is aware of the cries and no one seems to know what to do.
  As I listen to his message and enjoy the words he speaks, I can't get out of my mind some matters of the heart.
  Integrity is defined "the quality of being honest, free of deceit, having moral principle and uprightness." 

  Honestly, when I think of Trump, integrity is not the first word that comes to my mind. Yet, I remain open...maybe he is redefining the definition of this word...integrity.
  Can you be rude? Can you publicly degrade others? Can you attack others with a personal vendetta because they challenge the words he speaks? 
  Politicians have muddied the waters to such an extent...a Donald Trump is needed to arise?
Is Donald Trump a populace?...or is he a true conservative leader for American people?

  I don't know if Trump's choice of delivery is the right one. I don't know if attacking others for their looks, their gender, or belittling words of rebuttal in choosing the right thing to do. And I don't know if Trump is the thoughtful and compassionate leader many have embraced him to be.

  What I do know? My Christian faith is vital to me. I don't expect others to have equal passions, but don't just say "the Bible means a lot to me, I don't want to get into the specifics," only to hear phrases like "I think the Bible is certainly, it is THE BOOK," quoting "Two Corinthians,", taking this passage of Scripture completely out of context. 
  I would rather Mr. Trump keep his religious beliefs to himself, his interests being elsewhere.
  Then, I wonder, Is he being straight up and honest? Is he a man of his this integrity?

  Donald Trump then asks "Why do they love me? You'll have to ask them. But they do! They do love me!" Is this the kind of love the bible writes of?

  When asked on the subject of asking for forgiveness, he replied: " I am not sure I have, I just go on and try to do a better job from there. I don't think so, I think if I do something wrong, I think, I just try and make it right. I don't bring God into that picture, I don't."
  This puts a big red flag in me...I am not comfortable the work of the Cross is in its rightful place based on his description of forgiveness. Christianity is not about "trying to do what is right." It is not a matter of "if I do something wrong." These are some basic tenets of the Christian faith. 
  I would rather have him avoid the Christian segment altogether. He would gain more respect from me personally if he did so. As a Christian, I like "old-fashioned" integrity....not words of B.S. I like the freshness and the identity he radiates with the nation. Just don't fake stuff...don't mess with things of seemingly little interest to you. 
  I like him standing up and announce it is cool to say "Merry Christmas," yet attending church, giving me the impression of a scorecard...not doin' it for me.

  Someone asked Donald Trump about the meaning of communion. His response was " Yes, if by communion one means "little cracker". When I drink my little wine which is about the only time I drink { Do Presbyterians drink wine...or grape juice? Does refusal of alcohol climb you up the "God ladder of acceptance?"} ... and have my little cracker, I guess that is a form of forgiveness, and I do that as often as possible because I feel cleansed."
Image result for photos of Passion of Christ  That "little cracker" and "little wine" may not be that "little"...just sayin.'

  I like what Donald Trump has brought to "the table." I think he has challenged many of us. I do sincerely believe he wants to "Make America Great." The problem for me goes back to this word "integrity." I would suggest taking a look at the major doctrine of the Presbyterian church introduced by its founder John Calvin, something called "Total Depravity." 

It's kind of like the popular phrase we hear today,"If you see something, say something." In this case, "If you don't know something, don't say something." 


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