Thursday, July 9, 2015

"Follow Your Dreams"

I have heard this phrase quite frequently in my life. The question is, why do so many of us feel trapped in ourselves filled with broken dreams, ghost towns, and rat ships......

 I think one thing I have learned on this subject is the power within myself to say "No" to the many alternatives I run into on a daily basis. I have found myself at times wanting to further educate myself through various activities via schooling, career advancement, or simply a healthy lifestyle. Yet suddenly I want to drive to a restaurant in a new car I just purchased, order a steak, and celebrate... all these "well meaning and soon to be accomplishments" in one day. Oh, I want to buy a new home and jump on a deal for appliances too!, but that won't be until after I have eaten my steak dinner.
Image result for photos of the american dream
 We live in a day of automation, everything is at our fingertips. Besides, why can't we have everything our heart! It's the American way, the American dream, that is how we do things. Yet, there is an old wise saying: "The more directions you go, the less you travel."
  On the other hand, doesn't the bible itself say: " I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength." (NIV). Well, no, I don't think that is what it means.
 This particular Scripture verse was taken from Philippians 4:13. But like many of us do these days, we like to read and say these singular verses and use them to support a particular thought or cause we may justify. The truth is, the verses preceding this verse is where Saint Paul explains " I know what it is like to be hungry and to be without, I know what it is like to be full and have plenty. I have learned the secret of true contentment, to be grateful and appreciative within myself regardless of what my present circumstances are." ( a mixture of various translations). 
 There are numerous other Scriptures to support this thought including James who wrote we actually grow (mature spiritually...whether you pronounce it "matchure or maTure" lol, or in I Timothy where he writes "Godliness with contentment is great gain." Even Jesus Himself spoke out seeking His Kingdom first, and all these things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33). That being said, the "added unto stuff" is a subject of debate, does that mean bigger homes and newer cars?, or was He referring to something else entirely? Certainly Jesus believes in the American dream?...Right? 

 I have come to the conclusion following your dreams is a sacrifice, a time to focus on a particular passion and follow it through. Often it demands a giving up of luxuries to allow this dream to come to life. There are countless stories of authors, inventors, or those in the medical profession who tell of this road less travelled. 
 A high priority in pursuing dreams should be three fold in my experience in life. First, does your dreams glorify the One who has created you? Second, will it bring benefit to others? Third, does this dream or passion burn within you to the point everything else is secondary?
 Often when one pursues a dream the battles of fear, anxiety, burn-out, and depression ( a want to just give up) often hangs over us like dark clouds as we travel on this journey.
  The pursuing of a dream within you must find friends to support your travel, friends like Courage, Inspiration, and Persistence. Even our physical nature must have check points...Are you still smiling?, have you got to the point where it seems more like a bitter obsession rather than a lifelong dream, or have you welcomed anger as part of this journey and taint the very innocent dream you set out to achieve?

 Dreams are needed, and people need yours! The thing to keep in mind is to remember it is an ongoing process, one must keep in touch with what the motives are in pursuance of what you are attempting to accomplish, and changes are inevitable. Do your homework and research with a heart of objectivity, not allowing your emotions to dictate your decisions. Seek the support of others, that is to say, those who have similar thoughts as you. Identify obstacles you face along the way, allow mistakes (which you will make) to guide you in the right direction, and forgive yourself when you mess up, and forgive others when they offer negative advice with no options to keep going ( this is a key to selective who you seek advice from, whether it be objective or constructive criticism (constructive being the key word). 
 Take the time periodically to close your eyes and imagine....I think God likes that! Keep your dream clear and above all...Never, Never give up!
 Franklin D. Roosevelt, a former U.S. president once remarked: " When you get to the end of the rope, tie a knot and hang on."

 Above all, know why you want to fulfill a dream. It's really not about the American dream, it's really not about possessions, it is about....reaching out to others who need to hear and see your dream.
 Some of you have experienced broken dreams and now feel like an empty shell in a lifeless body. You are not alone.
Image result for photos of C.S. Lewis C.S. Lewis, the great Christian apologist of the twentieth century once wrote: " You are never too old to set another goal or to dream...a new dream!" For all of you that are fans of "Rocky", there is a famous line when it appeared Rocky would lose his fight in the ring. This quote came from his manager standing in the corner of the ring with his hands tightly gripped to the ropes yelling: "Don't go down on me now Rocky!"
 The world needs your dreams, your family needs your dreams, I need your dreams. C.S. Lewis also once wrote: " Jesus Christ did NOT say "Go into all the world and tell the world that everything is quite right." Lewis went on to write: " Hardships often prepare ordinary people for an extraordinary journey."
 My final thought: Well, once again I have to refer to C.S. Lewis, and this comment of his really had an impact on my dream...the passion of writing. He wrote this when he was actually reading a book of another author and remarked: " He brought me violently face to face with...." And yes! I love it when that happens!"

Go for it!...We are patiently waiting....

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