Friday, December 11, 2020

Advent Impressions: "In the Quiet I met The Faithful Caller"

 Faithful Caller,

Confusion, clamor, and dark chords

Fill my world.

Where was that place?

What was it called?

Oh, I remember,


The place where the quiet

often leads me.

A place where I find 

Your Peace

In the midst of storms.

Wait, I can see it up ahead,

Not far to go...

Gleanings from 1 Thessalonians 5:24

The One called Faithful calls to Himself. Silence invites my quiet. He reminds me as I enter I can trust Him. His very name, Faithful, makes it so.

Thursday, December 10, 2020

Advent Impressions: "Can God Trust Us with Pain?"

 In the early morn', 

Hear our cries.

"Feeder of the Hungry."

Reach out to those

In search of food,

A place to stay,

Ways to make ends meet.

Show me who to help first,

Make me aware of their pain.

Stir the hearts of our leaders,

Soften their rigid and crusty ignorance.

Crush selfish motives

And ungodly prejudices.

Silence the voice

Of arrogance.

Close the mouth

Of those who refuse

To feel pain.

Too many 

...are dying.

Gleanings from Luke 1:53

He gives the hungry good things to eat, but the callous rich He leaves out in the cold.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Advent Impressions: "Oaks of His Strength"

 I don't understand

Why this happened...

to us?

Dark times

Endless bleakness

Empty promises

Outright lies.

"Repairer of the Ruined,"

Our bodies are worn,

Patience threadbare,

and friendships ripped apart.

All we have are fragments,

Fragments of friendships,

Fragments of empathy,

Fragments of faith.

Repair us,

make us whole once again.

Put a song in our hearts,

"For He who is mighty,

Has done great things,

And Holy is His name."

Gleanings based on Isaiah 61:4

They will rebuild what are ruins and crushed dreams of times past. He will bring them a promising future and will strengthen the hearts of those deserted, some who have wandered aimlessly for generations. The people receiving hope renewed will be known as "Oaks of His Strength."

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Advent Impressions: "What Exactly is...Peace on Earth?"

Does mercy make one joyful?

Does respect for others always succeed?

Do intentions to do harm always fail?

How do we live joyfully with one another?

Are human laws suppose to mirror His laws?

What exactly is Peace on earth?

Does understanding always win over revenge?

Is life nothing more than a series of judgments?

Does mercy always bring joy?

Is there really such a place where all are welcome?

What is The Magnificat?

Monday, December 7, 2020

Advent Impressions: "A Way to Freedom"

 The word on streets declare

He has arrived in our hearts

With an announcement:

The Binder of the Brokenhearted

Has brought arms load of gifts  

Filled with healings.

Wounds in the heart?

He has come to heal those specifically.

Will they ever completely heal, you ask?

Will they leave a scar?

I've learned from experience,

When He arrives at times like this,

Embrace Him!

Welcome Him!

Cry...Laugh...Let your emotions out,

He'll listen to what you have to say.

He'll guide you on His ways of forgiveness,

Ways of reconciliation,

And satisfy the hunger in the depths of your belly.

Give Him a chance, just a chance,

He needs your acceptance

So He might heal your pain.

 Isaiah 61:1 (paraphrased)

Have you heard about this? People are talking about it. He has arrived to share Good News with the humble, the poor, and the afflicted. He has a specific concern for the brokenhearted with promises to bind up their festered wounds. He has a way of escape, a Way to Freedom, helping all those trapped in dark cells that can exchange their feelings of captivity and runfree in the brightness of the sun amidst fresh, open fields filled with an array of day lillies and beautiful wildflowers.

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Advent Impressions: "He Gave Us His Word"

Peacemaker? Me?

I wouldn't know what to say?

Besides, How well do we really know each other?

I guess I'd need to get to know You first.

Learn Your ways,

Grasp the way You think,

Embrace Your lifestyle.

I admit,

My life needs an overhaul,

I feel like I've been through hell and back.

Maybe it would do me good 

Getting to know You,

Learning Your ways of Peace,

The way You love and care for others.

I can only imagine my heart refreshed,

My soul restored,

Yeah, that sounds nice.

II Corinthians 4:16 (paraphrased)

Don't give it up...not yet. For the time being, ignore discouragement and disappointment. And all the death you're seeing and hearing about, you can't let it win out over you...don't quit now. Even though everything looks like it's falling apart and death is everywhere, there is a way through this. Take a moment and allow Him to renew you within and let His strength become stronger each day. He'll be there. He gave us His word.

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Advent Impressions: "Healing by Grace"

 Unforgiveness blows through our land,

Hatred tags along side.

Amazing Grace, How Sweet the Sound...

Cruelty raises its ugly head

Unkindness in exchange for mercy.

Blind, but Now I See...

Open our eyes and hearts

With dialogue, compassion, and reconciliation.

And Grace, my fears relieved...

Teach us Your ways of justice

To walk humbly in Your love.

Through many dangers, toils, and snares...

Create, immerse, and saturate us

With healing and love.

And Grace will lead us home...

Proverbs 17:22 (paraphrased)

A cheerful outlook that originates from the heart is good for our health. Constant rhetoric about doom and gloom invite bitterness and leave our bones disease-ridden.  Proverbs 17:22

Friday, December 4, 2020

Advent Impressions: "The Great Human Tragedy"

 My capacity to endure...


A cure for disease,

Stable plans offering comfort,

A future embedded in security.

Cries within,

Feelings of hopelessness,

Batter the doors of my heart.

Peace and Justice need time

Patience and Perseverance 

Attempt to calm my worn soul.

I await

Your healing.

Is God late with His promises? 

He gives time and space 

For all that might change.

Is this not the great human tragedy?

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Advent Impressions: "Gatherer of Lambs"

 I heard His name whispered,

Yet feelings of exhaustion fill me.

Your Will...I can not find, escaping my view.

Strong resistance awaits me at every turn.

My vision is blinded and my faith is shaky at best.

Suddenly, a refreshing breeze, a warm surge of comfort,

And I find myself gathered up in Your arms,

Close to Your heart...

My peace is restored.

You did it again,

Giving me strength,

When I had nowhere to go.

Isaiah 40:11 (paraphrased)

He will feed His flock like the Shepherd He is,

gathering them in His arms next to His heart,

Then, He carries us till we are able to walk once more.

Advent Impressions "Speaker of Peace"


I seek one called "Speaker of Peace"

Amidst the clamor of loud voices.

Divisive news and empty arguments

 Fill my head.

Dreams escape me, 

My vision is blurry,

Hope has left for other lands.

Just a whisper, Speaker of Peace,

A clear voice

In the midst of chaos,

Might silence the endless chatter.

Psalm 85:8 (paraphrased,)

Listen to the words of the God of the Angel Armies.

He speaks Peace and offers guidance 

To those yearning for Him.