Sunday, March 19, 2017

"Don't Feed the Beast"... It may eat you! {The Effects of Narcissism}

"It is our choices
That show what we truly are.
Far more than our abilities."

                                          J.K. Rowling

  3.2 million people in the U.S.A. are estimated to deal with this sickness. It may appear in physical confrontations or verbal encounters. Either way, the emotional and subsequent mental damage is often permanent. There is no known cure...
  Psychology defines Narcissism as " extreme self-confidence, with a grandiose view of one's own talent and a craving for admiration, as characterizing a personality type." The Mayo Clinic adds  "a lack of empathy for others." The emotional abuse of narcissism leaves an ugly trail. Many go to the grave taking this pain with them.
  Origins of narcissism are thought to initially wound their victims in early childhood. It arrives under a guise of cold un-empathetic parents, identity of success valued by looks /intellect/talent, or burdensome expectations piled on young children at an early age resulting in a constant struggle to gain approval instead of just being kids.
  It is coupled with passive-aggressive behavior birthed in a young victim. Passive-aggressive is defined as "a behavior characterized by indirect resistance to the demands of others." Although the reaction may sound passive, the resistance develops into an aggression that is rationalized by a sense of entitlement. A great fear of abandonment develops from early experiences resulting in thoughts of under performing and ultimate rejection.

  The English word narcissism is taken from the stories of Greek gods. A god named Narcissus rejected the love of one named Echo. He was condemned to fall in love with his reflection in a pool of water. He died in sorrow.

  Narcissism has numerous effects in family dynamics. A child whose life is wrecked in havoc by this sickness result in several common variables.
Image result for photos of narcissistic behavior1. The right to personal privacy is not a basic rule ( because their privacy was taken from them.)
2. The closed doors of a narcissistic mind are filled with frustration and anguish (because their childhood was ravaged.)
3. The use of charm is exercised to gather information about other members to be used later. Family members become "quarantined victims" through smearing of  apparent dysfunctional behavior and obscure secret agendas. Family members are segregated by pain pitted against another ( because of the bitter feelings of a narcissist who has grown to abhor the success of others fueled by thoughts their own success has been robbed.)
4. Success of other family members require a narcissist to "move the goal posts." Nitpicking becomes a norm. An example is when a positive comment is made about another like "Their career is successful." The narcissist might reply "Yes, I wonder why they are not making enough to support themselves instead of borrowing money all the time." (Because the focus is on any flaws, true or false. The initial impression from early childhood rejection resulting in adult envy or jealousy.)
5. Sabotage is a component  to narcissistic behavior. They might attack the personal goals, vacations, or holiday celebrations in diverse ways. Financial dependence is a tool often used. Normally a selfish attempt to put attention on them ( because of inner desires to not allow anything come between their influence over you, resulting from thoughts of neglect in childhood, true or false.)
  There are many other various examples of narcissistic behavior within family dynamics.

  Are there any possible solutions that a victim can use to protect themselves and/or possibly help a person embraced in a narcissistic lifestyle? Allow me to suggest a few.

1.  First, remember toxic people like the narcissist are not engaging in confrontations because they are desiring to "pick a fight." They are in a fight with themselves. A victim is simply privy to their behavior. The narcissist looks for drama, only to counter with ridiculous assertions. The victim needs to understand not to "feed them." Learning to remain calm, be factual, do not sugar coat, keep conversations short, and know when to disengage. Your attitude should be like visiting a haunted house. You want to get out the first chance you get!
2. Always display a positive and objective attitude when in conversation. A narcissist may look like a healthy red apple, but worm is alive in its core.
Image result for photos of narcissistic behavior3. Do not disclose personal information as much as possible. Keep away from discussing any relationships, how the job is going, and do not ask for help. Equally, do not try to rescue a narcissist. Allow your actions be encouragement.
4. Have purpose and know what you want in conversation. Let the narcissist commit to you, NOT you to them.
5. In some cases, no contact is best. Heal up, get support through therapy and others who understand. Sometimes it is best to permanantly disengage.

  I have experienced narcissistic behavior from a family member all my life. The results are brutal. It was not from my core family ( mother, father, or sibling.) The damage has brought a family in shreds. In my childhood years, gatherings for birthdays and holidays were continuous. Now, many of my family members have not even seen one another or spoke on the phone for years. I do not have anyone from my family on Face Book. The trust is gone.
  I don't point a finger at the individual suffering from narcissistic behavior, but I wish I would have received support much earlier than I did.
  It doesn't mean I don't love this person or that I am a "perfect angel." I simply cannot allow the influence of this vicious behavior have power attempting to dominate my life.  
  I still have hope of a re-unity, yet I know much time has passed.

There is much more to the impact of narcissism. If you have suffered from the deep hurts of a narcissist, I share this to let it be known, you are not alone.



Monday, March 13, 2017

The art of saying "Grace"

  Intent: We live in a world that is ever changing. We are challenged daily via the Internet demanding us to "hit" the like key, only to adhere to the next topic anxiously awaiting our feedback. This article is not to bring guilt or shame to our electronic lifestyles, rather to recapture the importance of "pause and reflect."

Image result for photos of person saying Grace  44% of all Americans practice the art of saying Grace before meals. 46% of all Americans rarely say Grace at all as they about to partake in a meal...

  Saying Grace before a meal might very well be an important component in the make-up of our adult life. It brings equal value to formative years we commonly refer to as child rearing. It is an age old tradition in many religious circles and can also include those who embrace agnostic or atheistic thoughts/belief.
  Today we seem to capture rare opportunities to "pause and reflect." This seems particularly true with children of the present generation. The age-old rhetoric of "counting your blessings" appears to be a distant and foregone practice.
  Counting your blessings is seemingly defined now as a conspiracy against the art of waiting. Waiting often demands patience, yet is that all there is to it?
  Idle moments today fill the mind with instagrams, FaceBook agenda, or video games. The daily appetite of such topics leads one to fantasize about characters or scenarios of which the reader is neither.

  So? What's wrong with that? Are we not suppose to dream?

  We are often greeted with certain topics that demands our acknowledgement by clicking "Like," only to move on to the next "big dream ahead."
  So, what does all this have to do with saying Grace before a meal?

Image result for photos of person saying Grace  I would introduce another lost art in today's society, the "Art of Gratitude."
  Recent surveys with children ( like Greater Good: The Science of a Meaningful Life,) have found saying Grace before a meal is capable of bringing physical benefits. These findings may include stronger immune systems and lower anxiety. It may encourage a child to experience the deeper understanding of joy, resulting in a greater optimism and happiness in daily life. Other factors include desires to be more generous, less feelings of loneliness and isolation, and enrich a compassionate nature toward others.

  Is there such a thing as "The Science of Gratitude?"

Image result for photos of wintry March day  As you prepare for the next dinner, consider this. Ask yourself, "Is there a version of prayer or a statement that puts emphasis on Grace?  Pause for a moment to introduce thoughts of Grace that might allow a family to reap personal benefits. Could a unique form of prayer or acknowledgement influence a person's thought, emotion, or attitude at a given moment, such as saying Grace before a meal?
  Some scientific findings conclude a moment of Grace filled with thoughts of gratitude, regardless of religious beliefs or none at all, is a healthy habit to incorporate. Teaching children to participate along with encouragement to invent new ways of gratitude can be a key to a healthy outlook on life. Besides, the "Like" key is not vital to its acceptance.

Thoughts on this wintry day in March...