Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Season 5: "The Vikings on the History Channel" shall go on!

  The current question of any Viking History Channel fan is" "When will they return?"

Image result for photos of Ragnar  There have been numerous reports Season 5 will include 20...yes 20 episodes! This is double of what a Viking fan has received in the previous 4 seasons. OMG, is that awesome or what? !
  There might be a "catch" however, one which Viking fans have experienced before. The "catch" being: it may be a while, perhaps a year...or possibly longer, before Season 5 is ready and complete.
  Okay. I am cool with that. Didn't Season 4 begin after an extremely long wait? I remember some Viking fans at my workplace losing interest because of extended time between seasons. Yet, for those patient to the vision of Michael Hirst, (producer of this historical drama,) true Viking fans remain faithful and supportive.  We simply defend against the complaints of those upset with long intervals. For now, Viking fans cry out "Shield Wall!"
  After all, the real Vikings in history were more complex than what one may have surmised. Wasn't King Ragnar's real pursuit in the early episodes of Season 1...a rich soil where Vikings could do what they loved the most...farming, not just raids of plunder and war?
  I have read various articles where the original plan of this drama was to have Ragnar meet his death shortly after Season 1. Yet, it was not until toward the end of the 4th season King Ragnar Lothbrok actually experienced his final outcome.
Image result for photos of Siggy  Ragnar soon became a Viking fan's hero in Season 1. His character became complex with various shades of his personality becoming a vital to this historical drama. In the end, King Ragnar died for love of country, his fellow kinsmen, and his own family...including his beloved Lagertha.
  Mourning was great in the hearts of many Viking fans. The scene of Ragnar in the pit of snakes...was gruesome to the eyes of Viking fans. Perhaps even more so than the execution of the infamous Blood Eagle. The thought arose, " Is this Viking drama coming to a close?"
  285 total cast members have been involved in this series. Still alive are Floki, Lagertha, Rollo, and Bjorn, along with a few others from the earlier episodes.
Image result for photos of Helga on the Viking series  I am amazed and deeply respectful for Hirst's decision to "kill off" a certain character...not for added drama, rather, because real history demands it.
  I remember my first "shocker," watching Siggy plunge into the depths of dark water. I was equally stunned the night Floki killed Athelstan. Now, Ragnar, King Ecbert, and another of my favorites; Helga... they are all gone. There have been others including Queen Aslaug, Jarl Borg, Porunn, and more.
  Now we watch Ivar the Boneless rise to leadership. I expect as long as Rollo remains alive, we should see more of him. And, of course Lagertha and Bjorn, I wonder their fate?
  I wonder if this Christian bishop might make the center stage; Bishop Heahmund? Oh, will Ragnar make any ghost appearances...like Athelstan?
  In documented history, the Vikings are a rather short-lived culture at this stage of this historical drama. Still, there is much to see and discuss...including the rise of King Alfred.
  For now, I say "Skol!"

  Image result for photos of skol Viking greeting

Friday, February 24, 2017

"A Saying passed down through the Ages" 1 Corinthians 13: 12-13

Image result for photos of Christ loveThere has been a saying passed down through the ages. It has echoed through the centuries...

  In the days when the Sacred Scriptures ( New Testament) were first read, Saint Paul lived for a time in a city named Corinth.
  Corinth was famous for producing mirrors. Clear glass had not been figured out yet, so mirrors in that day were made out of metal. An extremely high polished metal could never match the clarity of a modern day glass mirror, yet a fine polished metallic mirror was able to reflect an image, such as a person.
Image result for photos of Christ love  Saint Paul writes in verse twelve of chapter thirteen ( paraphrase,): " We don't yet see things clearly. It is like squinting into a fog while peering into a mirror. The reflection we see is somewhat blurred, much like our lives. It appears more of a riddle, or an enigma.
  The sun soon rises, the fog dissipates, and we look into the mirror. It has more clarity. It is Him! His face is vivid. He does understand, for He has already understood us."

  John the Apostle wrote: " When Christ Jesus appears, we shall be like Him, because we shall see Him as He is." (1 John 3:2)

Image result for photos of Christ love  It is in the following verse mankind has been shaken. They are words that are repeated in a variety of venues. It may be the greatest words ever written by any man.

  "Until then, when we understand our completeness through Him, there are three things that currently lead us to that glorious consummation!
  First, an abiding trust demonstrated by our faith in Him,
Second, a hope of confident expectation that all he spoke of...is true!
Third, these unselfish acts of love for others is birthed in His love for us!
  And of these three marvelous virtues, our love for others is most potent." (1 Corinthians 13:13

Monday, February 13, 2017

Emotional Abuse: McGrady and Dougal

                                              Emotional Abuse: McGrady and Dougal

McGrady perked her head up, looking forward after sniffing the ground. 
"I'm sure of it Dougal, this is the place."

                                                                  Chapter One

  Linda recently turned fifty-three years of age. A few days after Saint Valentine's Day, the divorce was finalized. Her marriage had ended because of abuse. It wasn't physical however. Linda had filed because of emotional abuse.
  Jim had "toyed" with her since the very early days of their marriage. Twenty seven years and two grown children later, it was finally over.
  He developed a unique way of communicating with Linda over the years. He often spoke in a  positive manner, choosing words painted images of closeness, intimate fairness, and an equal opportunity to see both individual and mutual dreams fulfilled.
  Jim disguised himself a most faithful husband. He supported his wonderful wife in her domestic and child rearing endeavors. Throughout the entirety of their marriage, he joined Linda raising their children under an umbrella filled with Christian virtue.
  When an unexpected challenge arose, Jim was there to offer assistance or rescue to his precious family. It was here the dangerous signs of emotional abuse began to surface.

Image result for photos of thespian mask  He explained to their friends at church, family members, and those in his work arena, how Linda and sometimes the children, although innocent, routinely made wrong decisions that resulted in temporary setbacks. Jim's words were wrapped in compassion, kindness, and humility. In the silence of the night hours, he would privately sprinkle family conversations with various shades of guilt, manipulating Linda to follow his advice and not trust her own intuition. Later, it became imperative she confide in him first, before she made any decisions involving money, the children, or later, even the weekly grocery lists.
  No one had a clue how their financial savings were being drained. No one knew about the condescending lectures suffered both by Linda and their two children. No one knew about the other women "needing his help" online.
  Linda had experienced enough. She had to leave, both for her own peace of mind and the safety and future of their children.
  She knew her heart desired a different way of life. What she was unaware of, Heaven had collected her tears. She was about to receive two unexpected guests.

  Gaining new friends in a different environment, Linda focused on her most inner passion, that of nursing. She was able to pass the state bar, became an R.N., and accepted a position at the local hospital. She bought a good car, and in a couple of years purchased her first home.
  Her real pride and joy came shortly before the closing to her new home. It came in the form of a wet, confused, bundle of black fur.
  This kitten was found one dark evening in a parking lot. She was barely weaned and obviously dropped off by someone who had no use for her.
  The fall winds brought a cold rain. The winds had picked up as Halloween was knocking on the door. The little black kitty wobbled near the entrance of the grocery store. It was evident the kitten was lost, until Linda's eyes beheld her shaking from the cold.
  She needed to finish picking up a few supplies. Linda remembered some clothes in her trunk designated for Goodwill. She swept up the kitten and ran back to her car. Opening the trunk, Linda made a comfortable spot for this little, rain soaked, piece of fur. She grabbed one of the boy's old shirts and wiped off the golden eyed kitten, now looking at her in wonderment. Linda gently whispered, "Hang in there my newfound friend, I will bring us both back some 'goodies.'
  The following day Linda drove her to the Humane Society where a medical check-up was performed. She was given proper shots and a passing bill of health. Her rabies tag demanded a name. At that very moment, Linda christened her "McGrady!" A match made in Heaven, more than Linda would ever realize.

  After the purchase of her new home, Linda invited one of her close friends fro work over for dinner. As she opened the front door, Cindi barged in holing on the best she could to a very wiggly six month old puppy, a white Scottish Terrier.
  The pup leaped from Cindi's arms unto the floor. McGrady had followed Linda to the door. This wiggly bundle of raw excitement immediately began to bark as he circled around McGrady. She had already gone into a defensive posture, exposing an arch a black cat on Halloween be envious. Meanwhile, the white Terrier pup had raised his rear end up in the air, brought his front legs to the floor, and attempted to make direct eye contact with McGrady. His short little tail wiggled profusely.
  Cindi bent over and tucked the pup back into her arms saying, "Linda, I am so sorry. I brought this little guy with me because the Williams, who live the next street over, can't keep him. They are moving. I didn't want to leave him inside my vehicle, and I forgot the pet carrier. I didn't know what to do. He is much more spunky than I realized. Maybe I better run him home first, then come back."
Image result for photos of black short haired cat  It was too late!
  "Cindi, he is adorable."
  "Linda, you already have McGrady!"
   Yet, it became apparent the second Linda had seen the little pup, her heart burst into compassion. A perfect match! Besides, McGrady could use a friend while she was at work.

  The pup once more squirmed out of Cindi's arms, this time heading directly for McGrady's food and water dish. That was not going to work...not in McGrady's mind.
  McGrady had changed her game plan to this new invasion. No longer in "arch mode," she jumped on the back of the pup, and away they rolled, one on top of another. It was a harmless encounter, one of many to come.
  The following day Linda once again found herself at the Humane Society. Her newest addition received proper vaccinations and a clean bill of health. And, once again, a rabies tag demanded a name! This time she submitted "Dougal." With her thirty day supply of heartworm medicine, the dynamic duo had expanded to a living trilogy.
  At dinner that evening with Cindi, she mentioned to Linda about a guy at the hospital that expressed interest in her (Linda.) At first, Linda simply blew it off. She was not yet ready to trust any man. Cindi explained to Linda she didn't have to marry the guy. He was just thinking about a dinner, maybe a movie. After a lengthy discussion, Linda agreed. Her first "ADD" ( after divorce date,) was about to happen.

  About a week before the date was to take place, Linda was shopping at a clothing store and ran into Emily. She was the wife of a man from the former church she and her ex had attended. Emily and Linda had been very close. On this day however, Linda was "preached to," advised there was still time to reconcile. Linda left the store saddened. They had experienced similar lifestyles, yet very different results.
  Linda remembered the time Emily's husband had "dismissed them," suggesting they "do the dishes and clean up the kitchen," while the men spoke on more important matters. The tones of their chuckles still echoed in Linda's mind.
  Yet now, it was her eyes that gripped Linda. They were so hollow. Emily and her had spoken numerous times on their desires to enter nursing. They really wanted to make a difference in the lives of others.
  But it appeared he had killed her dream within. The words she expressed in the clothing shop were sad, empty, and hollow, much like her eyes. She had become nothing more than putty in his hands. As Linda got back in her car, tears were rolling down her cheeks. She was grateful she had escaped, but her heart felt the damage done to a one time very close friend.
  As Linda disconnected from her conversation with Emily, she thought for a moment. "Do I honestly think religion, even Christian religion, as wrong?" After a couple minutes, she quickly resolved the issue; "No."
  She then expanded her thoughts to herself in an audible voice. " So many seemingly good and pure agendas are given us, both in and outside our place of worship. They are created to assist the betterment of mankind. So often the results are the same. We end up following a bunch of legal rules. What makes matters worse, the longer these thoughts become rules or "doctrines," they are sometimes governed by those who may be real jerks, or in extreme cases,"pervs." These kind and selfless ideas of origin, are led by those who know nothing of its true meaning. These very original ideas are carried out by people who have no concern of their intent. We, the people, are left to visit the shrines and monuments of original intent." Tears continued to flow down Linda's cheeks.

  When Linda ate supper that evening in her dining room, she again felt tears going down her cheeks as she could not remove Emily from her mind. Her tears became a deep cry.
  "I can't do this anymore. Twisted ideas, pain apparent in others. I thought He was suppose to heal or take away this kind of thing. What do You want out of us? Is it our fault Your plan appears messed up? Are You blaming us?"

Image result for photos of white scottish terrier  McGrady, standing in the middle of the room, could not take it any longer.

  Jumping on the table where Linda had put her arm, McGrady spoke...yes, spoke to her, in perfect English. "Linda, don't do this to yourself. It's not the way it was suppose to be."
  Linda suddenly lifted her head, in a loud voice while her fingers grasped the locks of her hair, "Oh my God, I must be losin' it. McGrady, I actually thought you spoke to me."
  McGrady replied; " Linda, this may be hard for you to believe at the moment, yet it is important to believe what I am about to tell you. We have been sent by Our Maker. We are here to assist you in sorting out these deep questions you are facing now."

  Linda was temporarily stunned. She stared at McGrady in horror, than in fright. She jumped from her chair, ran to her bedroom, and locked her door. She moved a heavy dresser against the door. She couldn't remember if she left her cell phone on the table or in her...Yes! It was in her pocket. She checked her bedroom window for an easy escape if she needed it. She placed a chair next to the window so she could climb out.
  Then, she just sat on her bed in silence. She looked in the mirror. Her face was extremely tense. Throwing her hands into the air, she silently screamed "What the hell is goin' on God?"
  She remained seated on her bed, searching for some composure. "Okay, what do I do now? I can't call anyone...they will think I am nuts. I don't just want to leave through my window and get the neighbors involved. Okay, breathe, just breathe."
  She remembered the ball bat from softball hiding under the bed. She reached down and pulled it out. "Hey, there is the ear ring I was looking for. Okay, forget that. What do I do?"
  After a few minutes, she thought: "I am going to attempt to communicate, like in the movies when they try and speak to a space alien. Suppose these two are cannibalistic aliens who will take me back to their planet and use me for food? Oh forget it."
  She grabbed her batting gloves, slipped them on, and held the bat as if it were her turn to step up to the plate. "What the hell, here goes..."

   Linda stood up from her bed, walked over to her door, and whispered ever so clearly through the crack of the still locked door. "Dougal, are you okay? You don't speak, do you?"
  A deeper and rough tone voice answered without hesitation, "Yes Ma'am."
  McGrady quickly intervened, " I am a much better speaker of human language than he could ever dream of."
  Linda heard rumbling in the dining room. She lied prostrate on the floor and looked into the room through the bottom of her door. They were wrestling one another.
  She then sat up with her back leaned against the door. She thought to herself, "Am I in a Walt Disney movie or Alice in Wonderland?"
  With her gloves still on and bat in her left hand, she again regained some confidence and stood up. It was silent as she turned the lock on her door. Her dresser still blocked the entrance. She moved it to the left about six inches. She didn't hear any movement. No shadows appeared under her door from the ceiling light in the next room. Slowly and quietly she opened the door about a foot. She peeked around the corner on each side. No McGrady or Dougal. She pushed the dresser a little more to the left, grabbed her bat with both hands, and slipped silently into the dining room, her back still touching her bedroom door.

  There they were, about ten feet in front of her. They were sitting erect on the large area rug, ears attentive, and their eyes directly on Linda.
  Linda took a deep breath, and spoke. "Who is this Maker you refer to?"
  Dougal replied, " My dear lady, He is the same One you refer to as Lord."
  Another moment of silence.
  Linda spoke again, "You are telling me God sent you?...and He gave you the ability to speak? And you happen to know English?"
  McGrady then spoke, "We do need to explain ourselves. We can answer and clarify any and all of your concerns. First though, we are under His instruction to ask if you wish for us to accompany you in your journey? Do you wish we remain with you?"
  Linda loosened the grip on her bat a little, and felt her shoulders lower as her tension seemed to ease. "Okay, explain yourselves."
  Dougal responded, "My dear Lady, obviously we are of the animal kingdom. Therefore we are subject to your commands. It was told long ago that humans, a time the animal kingdom calls "The Great Calamity," turned their back on Our Maker. Humans preferred to make their own destiny..without Our Maker. We could only follow mankind's lead. Yet, before this, it was not so."
  Linda thought over the words Dougal had said. She replied, "What does all that have to do with me? And why are you able to speak?"
  McGrady was about to speak, when a bright yellow finch landed on the outside of her kitchen window. She became quickly distracted and ran over to "get a closer look."
  Dougal continued, "Her attention span is extremely short. It takes time to get used to. Anyway, Our Maker sends McGrady and I on various missions for Him. We are sent to encourage, assist, and help when life's obstacles are seemingly difficult."
  McGrady returned and sat next to Dougal. "We are given the human language needed to communicate with the person we are sent to help. I guess we speak, what did you call it?"
 "English, you two are speaking English. But, wait. Why did He send you to me? What obstacle am I facing, or about to face?"
  Dougal replied, " We never know ahead of time. And it isn't always something terrible you are about to face. Sometimes Our Maker wishes to bring a greater Peace to your life, or answer a...?"
  McGrady, "Prayer. Humans rely on prayer. That's how they speak to Our Maker."
  Dougal, "Wow, you can actually speak to Our Maker? Listen, before we get any further in our discussion, is anyone hungry? I noticed you brought some food in a bag stuff yesterday. I really liked it."
  McGrady, " Dougal, you know the instructions from Our Maker. We are not to use any special gifts for personal gain. Although I see a can of Feast for a Kitty with salmon flavor sitting in the cupboard on the third shelf, right hand side,second can high...does not mean I can influence the Lady to pursue it."
  Linda burst out with a small laugh. "Look, I am a little hungry too. You too may call me 'Linda.' Let's get something to eat."

  As they ate, Linda sat at her table, McGrady and Dougal from their dishes on the floor, Linda spoke up and said, "So, you two are like angels?"
  Dougal said he wasn't sure what an angel was, yet McGrady mentioned she had heard others call them that before.
  "Do you remember when McGrady?" Linda asked.
  "Not really," replied McGrady. "Our past is left with Our Maker. All I remember is a terrible battle going on, over the color of human skin. You know, like the color of our fir. There was a real nice lady that called us angels. We explained to her we were just there to help."

 Dougal was first to finish his dinner. McGrady commented how primitive Dougal behaved when eating. She complained how Dougal devoured his food without tasting a bite. Then, Dougal had to go outside. Linda opened the back door and he darted out. She could hear him barking at the neighbor's cat.
  McGrady had jumped up on the rocker, half asleep, quietly purring.