Wednesday, July 30, 2014

So...What is worst sin we have in our hearts?

The unpardonable sin...what is it? Is the unpardonable sin mean the worst sin? Was there such a sin that Jesus could not take away for us?

I think first I need to separate the 2. The worst sin we have does not mean the unpardonable sin. Allow me to explain: 1) The definition of unpardonable sin to me is rather simple. It means the pre-meditated thought that Jesus is NOT who He has said to be through the influence of the Holy Spirit. Jesus is not God, He is not the Son of God, and He did not die on a cross for my sins...or for any one's sin. This would be an unpardonable sin because...God's Grace cannot cover has refused to accept God's Son doing such a thing. Therefore, if Jesus is not in a person's heart, and He is rejected as Savior and Lord of all life...this sin is unpardonable...because it was you, not God. It would be like being in a storm on the ocean and the ship you were on has sunk, now you are left stranded in the water. A rescue effort is made, and you are found!...yet you refuse to be rescued, perhaps thinking you might float to shore...miles the midst of the storm at sea. Rather, you will drown, your only hope of survival was to accept the rescue efforts...but you chose not to. God did not cause did!
2) the worst sin: This is a sin that remains in the heart of a believer, one who has accepted the fact Jesus died for us, took our sin, and restored our friendship with God...who we now can call "Our Father". Yet, even though we recognize Jesus for who He is, we choose to take credit ourselves for the lives we have...particularly if we feel we are "good at it"...successful in our own way of thinking. What is this sin? It is abundantly clear this sin is..."Pride".

 Pride is the "sin of all sins". Pride is basically being so preoccupied with our own selves that there is absolutely no room for anyone else to be in your life...including Jesus.
 Pride was the sin that transformed Lucifer, an anointed cherub of God with wisdom, beauty, and the most beautiful voice ever known...both in the heavens or on earth, to where he became Satan, the devil incarnate, the father of lies and deceit, and why Hell was created...for anyone who chooses to preach the "Gospel of Pride" throughout their lives instead of preaching "Christ...and Christ crucified" as Saint Paul wrote...putting to death our own ambitions and accomplishments from our own merits, In fact Saint Paul refers to our own abilities as mere dung in comparison to the work of the Cross...and its potential in our lives.
 Pride was the first sin that disconnected us from the very calm of Eternity itself.

 The sin of pride is what led Adam and Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit. After hearing the lie spoken to Eve through the snake, and Eve then desiring the fruit because of it's richness as a beautiful fruit, being pleasant even to the eye, and with the promise that by partaking of this fruit both Adam and Eve would know for themselves what is good for their lives, and would equally know what is not good for them. This would ultimately mean they would no longer be needing God's advice about guidance or for that matter anything that concerns them...the friendship had basically come to an end.

 God and our like oil and water...they just don't mix.
{Note: the word pride I use in this article is not referring to pride like "I am proud to be an American" or "I am proud of my children". This is an internal pride, a pride based on my own talents, intellect, abilities, health, and life that originates not from God's amazing Grace given me, but on some type of false belief that I manufactured all this...without the trust and reliance on God who makes all things possible.}

 There are 7 main thoughts I would like to share in reference to the dangers of the Sin of Pride...
1. Pride is satanic: In Isaiah 14:13-14, there are the 5 "I's" of Lucifer (Satan). As described from the NIV version, they are: 1) "I" will ascend to the heavens 2) "I" will raise my throne above the stars of God 3) "I" will sit enthroned on the mount assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon ( Mt Zaphon is a tall mountain, it later became the home of the god Baal...the storm god) 4) "I" will ascend above the top of the clouds and (5) "I" will make myself like...the Most High.
2. Pride leads to prayerlessness: when you become proud of your own accomplishments, it becomes impossible to develop an effective prayer life. 2 Chronicles 7:14 states: "If My people, who are called by My Name, will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and I will forgive their sin and heal their land." First thing required for prayers to be effective...humbling ourselves.
3. Pride welcomes conflict: Pride burns the bridges of's only interest is building walls between former friends.
4. Pride promotes gossip: character assassination has only one exalt oneself. Gossip appears to flourish...because there is no judge present. Psalm 101:5 is clear: " Whoever slanders their neighbor in secret, I will put to silence; Whoever has haughty eyes and a proud heart, I will not tolerate." And in Psalm 31:20 it reads: " In the shelter of Your Presence, You hide them from all human intrigues; You keep them safe in Your dwelling...from all accusing tongues."
5. Pride is deceptive: Here is some "ancient news" one of the 10 commandments: " Thou shalt not bear false witness (which means to trick or deceive another) against your neighbor."
 In the New Testament, Titus clears "the air" a little more: "Look, don't be fooled...there are people who actually profess to know the God who lives in your heart, but their deeds give them away. In fact, they deny His very Commands, and trust me, in the eyes of the God you trust and believe in...these people are detestable, disobedient, and totally unreliable. They are simply incapable and worthless...for any good deed." Enough said.
6. Pride brings shame: Although the ones who are all into themselves seem to get away with all their "deceitful magic"...there is a day coming..."Pride brings a person low( as in lowlife), yet the lowly in spirit (those who know their God is the reason they even exist), will be given the honor they deserve...because they honor Him!" Proverbs 29:23  Don't do it! Self-Pride never pays!
7. Pride will fall:  Regardless of how good it looks that people get away with their arrogant outlook toward others,,,their day is coming. "The King detests wrongdoing, for His throne is established only one way...through His righteousness...honoring His Commands!" Proverbs 16:12

 Here is my take on all is better to have a heart of humility, than to act like all this described above. Humility is defined as "having a modest or even a low view (that does not mean some type of weird lack of love for yourself)...of one's importance.
 I think Psalm 25:9 says it best..." He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble....His Way."   I am "cool" with that. For without life just does not make sense...right?

"When You Feel Like...Givin' Up"

As we face daily struggles, it seems the "battles rage on". There simply seems no end in sight to what we are doing, where we are going, or what we are really trying to do. The weights of our struggles become so heavy we don't know where to turn. For some, the question becomes "Do I just pay bills...till I finally die?"
 We try self help books, "turn a new leaf" and start over, take classes on "How to budget", and yet after a while we find ourselves in the same situation we were before...over our heads in debt and no end in sight. It's a common problem suffered by many...and when you add factors like raising children, upkeep of the home, and those seemingly more and more "unexpected expenses" (car breaks down, an accident occurs, or a relative needs financial assistance), we come to a conclusive moment when you say: "Will this ever end?"
  Then we turn to God...some wonder why.."He got us in this mess?", others confess every sin in their life they can think of in hope God will get them out of the mess they find themselves in, and yet still others...are simply lost and lose hope of anything ever changing.

 I have come to this conclusion about times like this...we can never do enough to gain God's intervention and change our matter how hard we try or how often we face times like these. Yet, what we can do is...have a change of heart.
 In times like these we often bring up the word "rest". We just need a little break from all we are going just get away from it all and get "our heads cleared"...before we go on in the next battles with everyday life.
 The word "Rest" is defined as "to cease from work"...with 3 primary objectives: 1) to relax 2) to get refreshed and 3) to recover strength". 

 The Psalms are full of ideas, incentives, and direction getting proper "rest". I suggest first if you are in one of those "moods" where everything seems so mundane and utterly focus and "drive these thoughts into your hearts".

                                                A Gleaning from Psalm 145:8-14

" You are merciful. You are full of Grace and Compassion. You are not One who angers quickly, yet are quick to show Your love toward us. The Lord is good to all...and His tender Mercies are the routines of our daily lives.
 All creation is aware of this, and people who know His character take the time to be grateful for what He does, and offer the sacrifice of "Songs of Praise". Their words speak of the beauty of having You in their lives daily, and proclaim to all the power...the power of Your Very Name!  Suddenly, there is a purpose to what we matter how dismal or depressing it seems at the moment. Even those of this world hears about how good You are to those who embrace You!
 Your Kingdom is an Eternal One. No one has or ever will overtake Your Kingdom...nor can anyone remove You as our True King. And Your better than the finest of gold, greater than any sorrow we face in this life. You will do all You can to help those who call to You...and You are always there..."to give a hand" to those "bent beneath their loads" in life. You offer a fresh anyone ready to "quit"."

 While it is certainly true we do not escapes the sorrow, the turmoils, and the problems this life brings at times, it is still our hearts that determine the outcome...

 So, the question for me is : "What will please God?...that He might help us in times like these?

 Going back to the Book of Psalms, I have run across some instructions:

                                             A Gleaning from Psalm 50: 7-15

 " Listen...Listen close! I am addressing those who are My people...I have some things I want you to be aware of:
   I do not find fault in your ways of worship, the frequent ways you attempt to make sacrifices and try to find ways to please Me.
  Yet, giving up "prized possessions" or just doing your best to be good...isn't what I am really after. After all, I have made everything and although being a nice person has it's rewards, learning what pleases Me is far more than that.
 I really don't have need of anything...for example, if I were hungry, would it be necessary for
 Me to tell you? No, I made everything. Here is what I really want from you:
 I am your are right about that...what pleases Me and is a beautiful sacrifice... having a grateful heart, a heart that is thankful and believes in Me, a heart that knows I care for you and am here for your good. Our friendship is drawn closer when You recognize My love for you and how much our friendship means to you. Having a heart full of thanks toward Me as I have for you...has the power to keep Me in your heart as you are in mine. Having Me in your heart enables My Commandments to operate in your daily life...with all its various struggles, and the need to drive out sin that sometimes separate us. It is at this point in life when You pray and ask of me...I am there for you, in those times of trouble. And I will rescue you, and we will draw even closer. I am with the good times...and the bad."

 I think "Rest" begins...when we take the time to acknowledge Him...and to give credit where credit is due...that Him!


Monday, July 28, 2014

"He is my Hiding Place" Psalm 32: 6-11

Psalm 32 is a passage written by David...after he had gone to bed with another man's wife...and later had him killed....

 This Psalm is referred to as a "maschil"...which to the best of my understanding is a poem that conveys a life's experience when we have done wrong. In David's case, his wrongdoing was particularly severe, yet the words in this Psalm goes beyond David, and David let's us know this through a poetic type instruction. We can take comfort in these words not only when we are doing things that are not godly....hurting God, hurting others, and hurting ourselves...but when we live in fear of a situation we may be facing, or in anguish when we feel someone has hurt us, or in distress that we will not make it through one of life's challenges, or simply in sorrow for an event in our lives that has gotten "full blown"...and there is nothing anyone can do.

 The first part of Psalm 32 describes what sin does when we entertain it in our lives:
1. Defying or rejecting instructions in life that is made clear to us through the ancient writings of the Sacred Scripture hurts the God...who loves and cares for much.
2. Following through with sinful acts and refusing to follow His instructions and embrace His characteristics hurts not only hurts us as well.
3. Doing wrong...when we know it is wrong...hurts others.

 Earlier verses in this "maschil" poem by David also teaches us how to bring God back into the center of our lives:
1. Forgiveness...When we enter into His Presence and face what we have done, and confess our sin as willful acts of defiance, He takes the heavy load we carry...and He carries all the sin and it's weight...away...far, far from us.
2. Covers: When we confess our rebellion against Him and the integrity of His Mighty Commands, He now steps in and allows us to find healing and reconciliation through accepting His characteristics, turning from our rebellion against Him.
3. Does not Hold it Against Us: When we confess our sin against Him and seek His forgiveness...through His power of repentance...He chooses to remember it no more and embraces us instead.

 It is vital from this "maschil" David writes to us that in the midst of any affliction(s) we face in life, any anguish we may have accepted toward another, any distress, any trouble, or any sorrow that lives in our hearts....He can and will strengthen us and cause "Songs of Deliverance" to arise out of our very hearts and turn our attention to...Him!

                                                 A Gleaning from Psalm 32: 6-11

" It is important for a believer to confess his rebellion...his sin before our great we are made aware of them. For it is His Presence...we find our place of refuge and are able to receive His forgiveness.
 Although "flood-like" crisis will face us from time to time, in His Presence with our hearts open before Him...we will not simply be "swept away"...He will provide us and establish us on a "High Ground". We can find trust in knowing He keeps us matter what worries or concerns we may be up against.

 As a result of putting these things to practice in our lives, we can boldly announce from our very own hearts: "He is my Hiding Place! He will walk with me..through any storm in life, and knowing this, the outcome is not a perilous one, for His Presence is with me...and in me!
 In fact, the more I seek out the honor of being in His Presence...He puts in me joyful songs...right from my heart!..."Songs of Deliverance" and songs that offer guidance as to which path I need to take now...all while these storms of life are whirling around me!

 He does not want to have a friendship with us where He is forced to train us like we would a horse...or a mule...putting a severe bit in our mouths that He pulls from His great reins...causing us to follow force.
 And remember this: the troubles we face in this life are not limited to only us...we who find our trust in Him...the sorrows of the wicked, those that refuse to listen to Him...are much more plentiful and numerous.

 Yet as we surrender our time..our hearts...our desiring to be in His Presence, we will receive His Love and His Kindness toward fact we will find ourselves surrounded by His Mercy and His Faithfulness, with this life long security...He will remain with us!
 So it is best to be glad you have looked and found Him...for He is your True Friend, and rejoice and celebrate we have a faithful God that desires us! be in His very Presence!
 This should cause your hearts to shout for joy...enjoying Him as an Ever-Presence in our lives."

Sunday, July 27, 2014

"In the Days of Genesis" were deceitful...and "full of tricks"

The Book of Genesis...the very first book of the Bible, is an old, old book. The book of Job is considered by numerous bible scholars as the oldest book of the ancient Scriptures, yet the book of Genesis is strong competition for the honor. 
 The book of Genesis traditionally credits Moses as the author, yet the writings itself claims no author, nor does the book of Genesis indicate when exactly it may have been written. It is said this book could have recorded events that happen over 3,500 years ago, and it was kind of a time that reminds me of watching a movie like "In the Days of Conan the Barbarian". 

 The problem I face when reading passages like these in Genesis is it is hard for me to understand the culture and customs of that era in history. It presents lifestyles that were quite different....multiple wives, cousins marrying one another, and the emphasis given to birthrights...much different than what we read of...even in New Testament writings of the Sacred Scripture. Yet, it is Sacred Scripture, and if you accept the fact "all Scripture is God-breathed", then there must be reasons for these various stories being written.

 Genesis 29, verses 15 through 28 is an example where I have to research the background of this story and try to understand what is "written between the lines".

 This particular passage in Genesis is one difficult to understand mainly due to the social and moral values that are quite different than those I have been taught today.
 There are numerous people involved in this story, yet the 2 main characters are a man named Laban and and a man named Jacob.
 The story lends itself to the fact both of these "guys" were full of trickery, deception, and lying, and had no problem being that way. Because of the fact these guys were relatives makes me realize how often we think "the various enemies" we face in life are "out there...somewhere", the truth is sometimes the most deceitful and treacherous people can be the very ones we call our family.
 The other thing that is noticeable in this passage....God is not brought up, He is not conferred to in guidance, He is not sought in prayer, and the decisions made by the people within the passage does not indicate any "God influence" in what they chose to do.

 These 2 men...Laban and Jacob, were 2 tricky and deceitful individuals who took aggressive measures in order to gain real estate, increase possessions, and above all...protect the "wallet"....even if it means taking advantage of their "own blood".
"Laban": Laban was the son of a man named Bethiel. Laban's father Bethiel, was the son of a man named Nachor. Nachor was the older brother of...Abraham....the very "father of both the Jewish and Christian faith"! Therefore, this makes Laban a great-nephew...of father Abraham.
 Laban had a sister named Rebekah. Rebekah married Isaac, who was a son of Abraham (yea...a close-knit family). 
"Jacob": Jacob was the son of Isaac and Rebekah (Laban's sister), and Jacob was a grandson of...Abraham.
 Jacob had 12 sons...who later became the founders of what we know as "the 12 tribes of Israel." Jacob's most famous son was Joseph, who was born of Jacob and Rachel (Laban's daughter). Joseph was actually the 11th son of Jacob, who had sons by other women, and yet for Rachel, Joseph was her firstborn.
                              .....And so the story begins.....

 Jacob has been sent to stay with his Uncle...Laban. The reason is Jacob had recently lied to his father Isaac and stole the birthright of his older brother Esau. Esau had some issues...particularly in reference to "Coram Deo"...a Latin phrase loosely translated "to live in the Presence of God". Esau did not live his life with this thought and gave no respect to being eligible for his birthright from his father Isaac. So, for a bowl of stew, through the influence of Jacob's mother Rebekah (Laban's sister)...Jacob was able to obtain the birthright. 
 As a result, Rebekah now instructs her son Jacob to leave their home and go live with her brother Laban...because when Esau considers the seriousness of what he did...he might just kill Jacob. When Jacob leaves, Isaac his father tells Jacob to "check out" the daughters of Laban...he might want to consider one for a wife. {Note: Marrying cousins seemed to be a common practice during time period...even often preferred. In fact, numerous cultures forbid an eldest daughter from marrying...outside the family. The books of Leviticus and Deuteronomy later defines endogamous marriages (marriage of relatives), yet during this time period marrying cousins was perfectly acceptable.}

 What we are made aware of through the story here in Genesis is both Jacob and Laban were known to be tricky and quite deceitful...particularly in reference to land, possessions, and money.

                                        A Gleaning from Genesis 29: 15-28

" Then Laban said to Jacob: "You are family! very flesh and blood! ( immediately you sense that if you were Jacob...this was a definite "Red Flag"). You have been my guest for a month...and just because you are my nephew, does not mean you will work for me for nothing!" ( Red Flag #2: what Laban was more than likely meaning was " Look Jacob, you have been sent here to hide out from your brother Esau and have an opportunity to be my apprentice in learning how to be successful....does not mean you get a "free ride". If I am going to support you, I'm going to get some work out of you.") So...Laban continues..." Tell me, what is a fair wage to you?" ( This also has a rather comical side to it because later in Genesis it writes how Laban did not always honor the wage agreement.)

 Now, Laban had 2 older daughter named Leah, and a younger one named Rachel. Leah had nice eyes ( some translations read "weak eyes"...but I do not think it is referring to some type of vision impairment, rather it was more about her looks), yet Rachel was absolutely stunning, beautiful in both her eyes and her figure.
 As a result, Jacob fell in love with at first sight (recorded in another passage in Genesis), and approached his Uncle Laban and said: "If I may work for you for ...7 years, I would like to have Rachel given to me as my wife." (Jacob too saw a real advantage staying with Uncle Laban...get paid, learn a career as an apprentice, stay protected from Esau, and get a "hot" is good!).
 Laban replied: "Agreed! I'd rather give her to you...than to someone I don't even know!" ( Red Flag #3...Laban is way too quick to agree!) So, Jacob was true to his word and worked for Laban for a total of 7 years.

 After 7 years of employment to Laban, Jacob spoke and said to Laban (notice Jacob brought this matter up...not Laban) and said: " I have fulfilled my agreement with you, my time as now have Rachel as my wife."
 So, Laban prepared the wedding ceremony ( Red Flag #4... Laban didn't contest the timing of it whatsoever) and invited all in the surrounding area to a "wedding feast with much celebration". ( In my "neck of the woods" this means a great party reception open 
 On the last day of the wedding feast (in those days it wasn't unusual for a wedding and aftermath to last a week), as it went into the late evening hours, the time had come for Jacob to retire to his marriage bed. As was the custom, the father of the bride (Laban) escorted his daughter to the doorstep of Jacob...BUT... something has drastically changed. Instead of Laban bringing Rachel to Jacob, Laban brought his oldest daughter Leah. Leah was also accompanied by a maid given to her by her father whose name was Zilpah.
( Ok...much has been written about this by many, many bible historians. The question is...and still remains today: How in the world did this happen? Was Jacob drunk? Did Leah not speak? Was Leah and Rachel in "cahoots" with their father Laban on tricking Jacob? Jacob if in a drunken state could not recognize the scent of her hair?...or the touch of her hands? The custom of that day was the bride was to wear a rather heavy veil until she reach the marriage bed...yet...Jacob had no clue? Maybe it was pitch black and Jacob couldn't see? Who knows? The bible is silent. What we do know is Jacob was unable to distinguish Leah...from Rachel.)
 Jacob then slept that night...with Leah...not Rachel!

 So, Jacob approached Laban soon afterward, and said: " The agreement was...I work for 7 years and I was to have RACHEL as my wife. That is not my bed! So...did we have a communication breakdown somewhere? Did we fail to understand one another?...or is it what I think it is: you deceived and cheated me of all I have worked for...and I trusted you in this!"

{Note: This to me is the heart of the message...people get hurt. Imagine Leah, knowing Jacob's feeling toward Rachel, most likely hearing Rachel's name spoke during her wedding nigh...maybe Leah thought if she bore Jacob children...he would learn to love her...or Rachel knowing Leah was enjoying the man she loved...and Jacob...getting a first hand experience on being abused by such a treacherous act. Some historians think that Jacob was obsessed with Rachel...and was simply blind to the fact Laban would pull off something that would be his own daughters. It had to be a devastating blow to all parties concerned. Dr. Tim Keller, a noted bible theologian wrote on the dangers of replacing God in your heart for an almost obsessive love for an individual. He writes: "When you long for Rachel to fulfill you more than God, you will always wake up with a Leah." This is not to be inconsiderate of Leah...rather...becoming obsessed with someone does not mean you love them more. Regardless, deceit and treachery can seem advantageous at the moment, yet we must's a selfish act and hurts others....some...for the rest of their lives.}

 Laban then replies: "Jacob! I thought you knew this! ( Red Flag #5). In my country, we are required by custom (some ancient tribal customs required it by law) to marry off the oldest daughter first...BEFORE I can give away my younger daughter. Yet, I tell you what...go ahead and enjoy the rest of your honeymoon week, and next week...I will give you be your bride! (sad to think he gave no thought to his own daughters feelings or self-esteem. Later in Genesis the bitterness toward their father is recorded...this treacherous act by Laban most likely caused permanent his very own family.) But more thing! Since you will have both of my daughters for your only the 7 years of service we had agreed upon, you will have to work for me...another 7 years for the rights to both my daughters." (and here lies the real motive behind sacrificing his own family...selfish greed.).
  So, Jacob agreed...and Jacob did receive Rachel as his wife the next week...and worked for Laban...another 7 years."

Note: This is a sad story full of drama, hurts, and selfishness. The damage done is devastating, and although we may never know all the details of what really went on here, it speaks to my heart the importance of having empathy for our loved ones...and be of a generous heart when they come to you for help.
 After approximately 20 years of Jacob and Laban being together, they reached a time when the trickery and deceitfulness had been long enough...and it was time to split up. Well, actually Jacob left unannounced yet because Rachel had taken some things that belonged to her father Laban, Laban had to pursue and catch up with them to get his things back and it was here they said farewell.
 In Christian liturgical services, there are benedictions given at the end of each service. It can vary as to the matter of benedictions given, yet there is one commonly used. It goes "May the Lord watch between you and me, while we are from the other."
  This particular benediction is also found in the book of Genesis...Genesis 31:49. Who said it?...Laban.
 As Jacob left Laban with his possessions and both of Laban's daughters, he spoke these words because he could not see or know what Jacob may be up to...the possibility of selling his daughters or seeking any revenge on Laban himself for how he had tricked Jacob through the years. So, Laban calls upon the Lord and says: "May the Lord watch between us (buddy...because I won't know what you may be up to)...while we are from another."
 There are no records that indicate Laban and Jacob...ever saw one another...again.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Sin..."Why is God so against it?"

Sin and the real effect of it in our daily lives has an effect that disconnects us from God...who loves us....yet, sin has another disconnects us from being able to make ourselves right with God...for all time......

 We often hear how we are to please God, all of us doing our best to be "good people", measuring and sifting through sin we have incurred each day through our daily lifestyles. We use our rationale, cause and effect deductions, absolutes vs. relativism, and discussing the problem of sin in our lives that often ends in pluralism ( what I think is sin may not be what you think is sin).
 Then we ask for pardon, whether we choose to say "The Our Father", pray to God and list the sin we consider sin, or just recognize sin is an ongoing thing in our lives,  yet repenting of sin is sometimes seemingly"beyond our control", but we definitely don't want to be on God's "bad side".

 So...what is it about sin that God actually had to send His only dear and beloved Son to die a horrible death for a crime(s) He never committed?...known to us as...sin?
 As I continue on my journey in life as a Christian I have learned understand the root of God's character. We often tend to view God from a strictly humanitarian viewpoint, using words like compassion, mercy, and grace to override the penalty of sin in our lives. We like to include trade-offs, such as "Yes God, I entertain sin in my life...but I did do this one "nice thing" are we even?

 When we allow the Lord Jesus Christ to enter our hearts and lives, we are wanting Him to become both our Savior and our Lord, which for all intents and purposes is a "game-changer"...a "deal-breaker" type request. I don't doubt the sincerity or genuineness of our request...but do we really know what we are asking...or even why we are asking?
 For myself, asking the Lord Jesus to completely take over our lives and give us an entirely new life...that is to say "His Life" in us...becomes an almost immediate struggle...a process...a whole different lifestyle we are not accustomed to. 
 For is a total act of surrender. There are no terms to be discussed, no deals to be made, no "if I yield to You...what is in it for me" type thing. It is simply "Total Surrender"...and I give myself to You... and what You want to do with my life is "Your Call"...period.

 Did you ever wonder...why is that? Doesn't God want to give us any credit for what we may have accomplished? Why isn't more of a mutual thing...I give to You...but hey, give me a little credit here?...right?

 I think this is where we need to take a "deep breath" and simply consider God. God is holy...God is righteous....we are not. Even when we are on our best behavior...supporting good causes, assisting others, or just being nice to members of our own family...does not qualify us as a "holy and righteous people". It really isn't about us measuring up to God's standards for life itself, because we are unable. It's more about recognizing we simply cannot...because we are of a fallen human race, which began with Adam and Eve.  The Adam and Eve story eating the forbidden fruit isn't really about taking the "bite", it's all about why they chose to do it, an outright defiance of what God had asked them not to do. We are like that today, and helps to understand why it demanded God's Only Son to come and make everything right.

 As Martin Luther so eloquently wrote: " As God, He could not die (make right of the open defiance against Him), therefore the only option was for God to become a order that He might die. On the cross, He accepted the sin of man...against the very nature (holiness and righteousness) of Himself. Christ was a perfectly innocent man that accepted the very injustice of man...against man."
 In other words, God couldn't just say..."Ok, you messed up, but I forgive you and let's move on." God's nature is totally and completely pure, man could never have His nature living in him because God is incapable of doing such a defiant act against Himself. That is why even in the days of the Old Testament innocent lambs were's nature and God's nature opposed one another.
 Even in our laws today, when a person murders another, there are consequences to an extreme violent act such as that. Many bible scholars point out when King David had Uriah killed so David could have Uriah's wife Bathsheba as his own wife, David was never the same after that. He was forgiven as written in Psalm 51, yet this man whose heart  was after God's very heart, could not escape the family pains he faced after this event, and eventually died in much remorse.

  God's character is not the same as human nature, and the cost to restore our friendship with God could only come one way....someone had to come who has the same character as God, and volunteer to die as a man with human nature such as ours, yet God's character was within Him, and there was none of man's human nature ruling Him...for He was and is and will evermore be...without sin. The crazy part...Jesus wanted to do this...because He loves us that much.

 The ancient prophet Isaiah gives us a glimpse on how man's fallen human nature and God's character can never be mixed together. Isaiah had been one of the "good guys", yet was deeply troubled by the attitude of the nation of Israel and their lack 
of respect to the God they so publicly said was ...the God they loved and admired.
 In this passage of Scripture, Isaiah has a vision...and recognizes the sinfulness of human nature..even within himself.
 One other note: coal is used as a item to cleanse the lips of Isaiah. Coal is a fossil fuel, dating back to prehistoric vegetation. The energy we get today from coal is a result of ancient plants that absorbed the sun. As these plants began to decay, the energy of the sun absorbed in these plants  could not be released, as a result the solar energy became trapped in what we know as coal today. Now, when coal is lit by an outside source, the ancient solar energy still trapped in these petrified plants are finally released, and provides us with both warmth and a dark and cold world. Coal is the sun's energy trapped in decayed vegetation. The only way this energy can be released is by an outside force....hmmm? Jesus dying on the Cross...kind of makes more sense to me now....

                                           A Gleaning from Isaiah 6: 2-7

" Hovering about him were mighty 6-winged angels of fire. 2 of their wings covered their faces, 2 other wings covered their feet, and with the remaining 2 wings they used to fly around the throne. 
 Continually back and forth these angels were calling one to another: " Holy, Holy, the Lord Almighty...All-Powerful! He is the God-of-the-Angel Armies...and His Glory...fills the entire earth!"
 While these heavenly proclamations were being made, the very thresholds of the doorposts near me shook...the room shaking to it's very foundations, and the entire sanctuary I was in...was filled with smoke! At that moment I felt compelled to speak...and did. "I am doomed! I am done! I am nothing more than a foul-mouthed sinner of a foul-mouthed race of humans. Even on a good day, when I carefully choose words to address you...they are nothing more than blasphemous. My words are tainted and corrupt, and only give desecration to Your very Name.

 And happened!

 I found myself face to face...actually looking directly at God!...Heaven's King!...the very God-of-the-Angel-Armies!
 As I stood before Him, one of these 6-winged flaming angels flew...directly toward me, He flew over the very altar I was at! This angel had a live hot coal in his hand, holding this coal with a tong that he had taken from the altar. He then took this coal in his hand and placed it against my very lips. Then, the angel spoke to me and said, "See, your iniquity, your guilt, your sin are now taken away. Your sin is completely atoned...and now you have been restored to Him...and to His character."

 The reason in my opinion Jesus had to come and die a horrible death, paying the price of His own because sin is simply not a part of God's never has been nor ever will be. We can never restore our friendship to Him by our own matter how genuine or sincere we may be. There was only one way....through the power of God's very own and only Son...and He couldn't wait to... come for us.
 As Isaiah wrote: ...."we are nothing more than a foul-mouthed people...from a foul-mouthed race of humans..."

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

"Our Lifestyles do have a Purpose"....Matthew 5: 14-16

Saint Matthew was a Jewish Christian. His writings were specifically written for Christians...of Jewish decent. One early church writes: "Matthew gathered the teachings and sayings of Jesus, and wrote them in the native Jewish language...Hebrew".

  The gospel of Matthew is the first book of the New Testament. This does not mean Matthew was the first one to write a book in the New Testament, for most bible historians give that credit to Mark. There is evidence Matthew used Mark's gospel as a source for many of the events described in Matthew.
 When the church comprised the 66 books that make up the bible as we know it today ( this took place approximately 3 centuries after the letters of the New Testament has initially been written), Matthew was chosen as the first book to be read in the New Testament because of its frequent referral to Old Testament passages.

 In Saint Matthew, chapter 5, Jesus is about to teach the people what is referred to as "The Sermon on the Mount." In His message, He gives emphasis to what makes people "really happy". The Latin word used in one ancient version  is "beatus"...which basically means "really happy". 
 This happiness that Jesus is referring to in this passage is not based on circumstances we might face in life...whether they be difficult or easy. This is a joy that originates from within...which cannot be altered by any circumstance in this life.

 In Matthew 5:14-16 Jesus shares with those who have come to hear Him... because He is the Light of the world... believing in Him causes be a Light to the world as well. In other words, He is the very Hope that gives purpose to our lives. And, when we acknowledge Him and accept Him into our hearts...He instills in us His Light...and this Light shines through the very lifestyles we embrace.
 He then shows how we are the very lamps that carry His Light. Lamps give light to people who are in the dark. It would be foolish to put a lamp under a basket or hide it somewhere no one could the midst of Darkness...and selfish as well.
  His Light enables others to see the direction they need to take when they are engrossed in Darkness. We as Christians are the Lamp...that carries His Light within our hearts...through behaviors and lifestyles that encourages and gives sight...that they too can see...Him.
 A Lamp that shines clearly in the midst of Darkness gives others an opportunity to pursue and desire to seek that Light. The Light of Him within us gives hope to all that cry out to Him.

                                              A Gleaning from Saint Matthew 5: 14-16

" Here is another way to look and consider this message I share with you. When you accept Me...for who I am, you become a a very dark world. Allowing the words I speak find acceptance in your own hearts enables this Light to live in you...bringing out all the "God-colors" to a very "black and white" world, a happiness that cannot be contained.
 This Light you have now discovered in your hearts is not intended to be some hidden treasure that only a few know of its location. This Light within you is clearly visible to all men, bringing God's vast array of colors to very darkened lives.
 Allow this Light within you to shine...before all people, so they might see for themselves how this Light gives hope, encourages, and blesses you with praiseworthy, noble, and generous acts of kindness that have been given you. When others see the very goodness of God demonstrated in your lives...through this marvelous Light, they might then turn their hearts to God and give praise to Him. They will recognize and give honor to your Heavenly Father...who lives in Heaven!...the very source of happiness."

Monday, July 7, 2014

What does it mean..."To be a Christian"? part 1

Christianity...can come in many forms. People all the time it seems are pointing out their ideas of another person's sin for example...and their need to repent, yet it so weird to repent of something you ...kind of like to do...know what I am sayin'? Besides, we often find ourselves  looking at everyone else's sins, and consider those sins worse than sins of our own? Is there such a thing as "bad" sin and "good" sin?

 Changing a lifestyle from one you are accustomed to, with all it's ups and downs, to a lifestyle that is pleasing to Him....isn't always as easy as it is "cracked up to be."
 It has been explained to each one of us many times, in fact I too have used this explanation: In order to receive Jesus and accept Him as your personal Savior and Lord, you simply pray what is commonly referred to as "the sinner's prayer". The basic requirements for this life altering experience to take place is: 1) When you have made this choice to say a prayer such as this, it must be a genuine prayer that has meaning for the one reaching out to Him. 2) Although this prayer may not exactly make sense to the mind when praying this prayer, there is an acknowledgment that your own life is needing His help. 3) Confessing that you are now asking for forgiveness of where you have seemed to fail in life and have allowed "sin" to dominate your life, along with a general sense you have been ignoring and refusing to allow Him to be the thrust or central figure in your real a step of faith...because in all honesty, the purpose of the Cross, the fact Jesus died for each one of us, and now asking Him to come into your life, really comes with questions like..."How does this all work anyway?"4) Making Him your personal Savior (like a personal trainer for the gym?)...and then asking Him to be Lord, in all areas of your life...this is where like so many things in life... requires a repeated follow-up ( like becoming a close friend to someone you have discovered in life), a searching and examining of what this prayer you have spoken is now attempting to do, and the development that comes from this nurturing the new found friendship that allows your very life, your very lifestyle, and your thoughts, attitudes...just about everything about you...take on a change.

 One aspect of this prayerful experience is this "act of repenting"...because repenting carries a lot of "baggage" with it....or so it seems to me.

 There are many aspects to this thing referred to as "repenting", so allow me to start with this thought.  There is a quote by a lady named Mary Manin Morrissey...who has some controversies herself as to the whole "Christian thing", yet she issues a comment in regards to sin which can dominate our very lives. She writes: " Even though you may want to move forward in your life, you may have one foot on the brakes. In order to be free, we must learn how to let go. Release the hurt...Release the fear...Refuse to entertain your old pain. The energy it takes to hanging on to the past is the very thing holding you back from a new life. What is it? would let go"

 In chapter 8 of the letter Saint Paul wrote to the Romans, Paul writes some interesting thoughts along this line. This letter to the Romans was a little different than other letters we read of in the New Testament and Saint Paul's journeys... written after he too had prayed the "sinners prayer" and given Christ Jesus the rule of his heart...his mind...and his entire lifestyle.
  Unlike so many various areas Saint Paul had shared the Good News, Rome herself already had a young Christian church established...BEFORE Saint Paul arrived. In fact, some historians conclude Saint Paul had not even visited the group of believers in Rome...BEFORE he even wrote the letter to the Romans.

 While Saint Paul does focus on is the "power of sin". Paul acknowledges the fact we as humanity do NOT have a desire to please God. Yet, Saint Paul also recognizes just obeying a set of rules...will NOT free...anybody! Human nature is simply too overcome our vain attempts at "being nice" and obeying the Law ( a particular set of rules we adhere to that we think in our own rational thought will qualify us to enter through Heaven's Gates).

                                                          A Gleaning from Romans 8: 1-2

" Now that we are fully aware through the arrival of God's very own and only Son, the work He alone totally initiated and completed...resolves any fateful dilemma we might face...for we now have absolutely NO condemnation, we are now proclaimed from Heaven itself that we are NOT GUILTY for any sins or wrongs we have done, because we have made that choice to surrender our lives to Him. We no longer live under some continuous low-lying black cloud that had been over us. We, through His Grace, are able to receive a new power...which is immediately put into operation...when we call upon Him! This new power is only available to us through the work of our Lord Jesus...and the very power of the Holy Spirit!
 This very power that has been so generously given to us, is able to completely set us free from this vicious circle of continually trying to please and obey God through some type of Law or Commandments. We are now very much aware this "obeying of the Law" has never been able to set us from the sin we enjoy doing...or free us from the power of Death itself.
 This new life in Christ Jesus is like a strong wind that has cleared any question of our innocence and the brutal tyranny that has held it's grip on each one of us...through the power of Death. Death is no longer able to make a mockery of us...watching us daily see defeat after defeat from the power of sin...which we tried to overcome through obedience to the Law.
 Now...we are truly free!"

Friday, July 4, 2014

"Remembering the 4th of July...the Days of Glory!"

The 4th of July is one that reminds me of our Independence from Great Britain as a result of the Revolutionary War, taking time to consider the cost of lives given for us so we might enjoy lifestyles today embraced by this very word..."Freedom!"
 Yet, Freedom always has a price...and for those who sacrificed their very lives and blood so we might enjoy the benefits of these heroic efforts... acts of bravery witnessed and recorded from the epic struggles of the Revolutionary War... has served as a "benchmark" to what the U.S.A. believes and stands for. Yet, that was only the beginning, for the "benchmark" that was established from the Revolutionary War efforts, has caused other moments in U.S. history to emerge and surfaces in my mind on this day... following the lead of our courageous ancestors... carving out our very Freedom between the years 1776 to 1781....

 The year was 1863. A young man from Boston Massachusetts had enlisted in the Union army 2 years earlier, in April of 1861. This young man had joined the 7th New York Militia whose orders were to protect the area known as Washington D.C., in case of an attack by the Confederate army. Later this young man would join the 2nd Massachusetts Infantry, and was promoted to 2nd officer in the Union army.
 This young man's name?...Robert Gould Shaw.

 Shaw had recorded in over 200 letters the experiences he faced in what we all know as "The Civil War". Shaw was the son of parents who were abolitionists, ones given to radically in the fight against the misuse of humans commonly known as "slavery". 
 The young Shaw had grown up in a rather wealthy family and attended schools like Harvard University, yet by this time in 1863 found himself deeply involved in this Civil War.

 It was actually Shaw's father that had approached the young Shaw first... in February of 1863...with an idea the Union army was wanting to establish a regiment of Black soldiers who would assist in the efforts of the Union abolish slavery.
 At first, the young Shaw declined the invitation to lead such a regiment, but upon seeing for himself the dedication this newly established unit, referred to as the 54th of Massachusetts, he rethought his initial reaction...and accepted the position. By the end of March in 1863, Shaw had been promoted to Major, and on April 17th was given the position of the Union army.
 The preparation of the 54th of Massachusetts did not come without problems. First, this now famous Black unit was paid $3.00 less a week than white Union soldiers, receiving $10 a week vs. $13 dollars a week  white Union soldiers were receiving. Upon hearing of the discrepancy, Col. Shaw led a boycott (including his officer's pay) that refused any pay...until the 54th of Mass. received equal pay. It was not until August of 1863 this issue was rectified, and the 54th began to receive equal pay as white Union soldiers.
 Other issues like supplies (shoes, uniforms, and food supplies) needed establish the 54th of Massachusetts as an equal regiment to any other regiment in the entire Union army.

 On May 2nd, 1863, Col. Shaw married "Annie" Haggarty....not knowing he was only 26 days away...from his death.

 The first orders the 54th received in reference to going to battle was to assist in the capture of a Confederate town in Georgia....a place called Darien.
  There was a Col. James Montgomery who was in charge of this capture, and as the 54th approached, Col. Shaw and his regiment were abhorred at what was about to take place.
 Col. Montgomery had wanted to capture this town of Darien, yet the town by this time was pretty defenseless... with mostly only women and children left in the town. Montgomery explained to Shaw what his motives were: " These Southerners must be made to feel that this was a real war, and that they were to be swept away by the "hand of God", like the Jews of old recorded in the Bible."

 Col. Shaw was horrified by Montgomery's logic, and wrote: "It may sound religious in theory, but being made an instrument of the "Lord's vengeance", is something I do not care for or even like at all. We are nothing more than outlaws, and therefore not bound by the rules of regular warfare, and resort to wrecking a vengeance on the innocent...and the defenseless."
 It was a horrible experience that  Shaw deeply was against and regretted to be involved with.
The ironic part of this story: Darien Georgia was the community that had signed the first Southern introduction to the abolition of slavery.

 Yet, On May 28th, 1863...the 54th had received their new orders and were now about to engage in the attack of Fort Wagner, a heavy fortified Confederate fort in South Carolina used to protect the city of Charleston.
 The battle first broke around 8 pm in the evening.... by 10 pm, it was over.

 There were over 600 Black soldiers of the 54th prepared for battle, and 37 white officers. The attack began in an area known as Hilton Head, and it was a steep uphill climb. Col. Shaw took it upon himself to lead in the charge, rather than the traditional role of officers to go forward from behind the regiment. It was a remarkable act of valor.
 The result?...the 54th were unable to take Fort Wagner. Over 280 Black soldiers of the 54th  lost their lives, and Col. Shaw?...had been shot in the chest leading the charge...and died in battle.
 Although the fort was not taken, the damage inflicted upon the Confederate fort were so extensive...the fort itself was soon abandoned after the battle. The news of the 54th bravery...spread everywhere and actually was a major morale booster...for the end to this grave Civil War.

 Before the battle had begun, the Confederates had sent word to the 54th that "all Negros captured would be returned to slavery, and all white officers affiliated with this regiment...would be executed."
 After the battle had concluded, there was a mass grave made and the Black soldiers were thrown in the makeshift massive grave site and burned, along with white officers killed in battle. There was a sign put atop the grave that read: "We have burned Shaw...with his "niggers."

 Upon hearing the news of their son's death, his parents declared the burial site as "Holy Ground."

 There was a William Carney who was a member of the 54th. He was a Black soldier who in the midst of battle, saw the Union flag was about to go down, grabbed the flag and kept it high. Being shot twice, yet able to eventually return to the Union lines he was by this time bleeding heavily, handed the flag to a fellow soldier and said these memorable words: "Boys, I only did my duty: the old flag never touched the ground."
 Carney survived the battle and lived until December 9th, 1908, becoming a post office employee and a popular speaker for patriotic events. On May 23rd, 1900 William Carney received...the Medal of Honor.

 In 1897, a sculpture made by Augustus Saint-Gaudens was made. It is a 3 dimensional bronze statute...with Col. Shaw and his men of the 54th of Massachusetts. Above the men is an angel, holding an olive branch...the symbol of peace.

 Patriotic celebrations of various kind are great events to celebrate...may we all remember the cost it was....for us to enjoy these moments.

Happy 4th of July!