Friday, December 30, 2011

Power to Pray

As the New Year comes, and the Lent Season is just around the corner, which for 2012 begins on February 22nd and concludes April 5th, I am inclined to give this season to a time of prayer.
 For me , this is a big! I find it easier to study scripture than it is to pray. I realize I need both, so I am kind of in a mode of preparation to learn more about prayer, commit to prayer, and give a season to learning about the aspects of prayer.
 There are of course numerous scriptures on prayer, and I think the focus for me is learning how to pray for others, so I thought I would read up on what others might have said in regards to prayer. I have found thus far some pretty cool things people have said regarding prayer. Here are some quotes I came across:

 " I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction I had absolutely no other place to go." Abraham Lincoln

 " To get nations back on their feet, we must first get on our knees." Billy Graham

 " The devil is not terribly frightened of our human efforts and credentials. But he knows his kingdom will be damaged when we lift up our hearts to God in prayer." Jim Cymbala

 "Satan may laugh when we toil, he may mock at our wisdom, ...but he trembles when we pray." The Kneeling Christian

 " Here then is the "order of life": Jesus intercedes for us in Heaven, the Holy Spirit intercedes for us here on earth, and we intercede for our fellow man." numerous authors

 "Our prayers lay tracks (railroad) down on which God's power can come. Like a locomotive, His power is irresistible, but it cannot reach us without rails." Watchman Nee

 "Our greatest victories in life is won on our knees with empty stomachs." Julio C. Ruibal

 " Real prayer is lethal to Satan's cause." numerous authors

 "Our prayers are not self-centered. It must arise not only because we feel our own need as a burden we lay upon God, but also because we are bound upon our love for our fellow man that we feel their need as acutely as our own. To make intercession for men it the most powerful and practical way in which we can express our love for them." John Calvin

 I think one of the most beautiful prayers I have heard and read is St. Francis prayer. I realize it is world-wide and heard in various places throughout the world, and I find in it a core that is parallel to my own conviction as the Lent Season approaches. 
 The Prayer of St. Francis is attributed of course to St. Francis of Assisi, although its historical links only go back to 1912. A French magazine, called La Clotette (the Little Bell) first published this prayer, and it gained much notoriety in the U.S. when Cardinal Francis Spellman and Senator Albert W. Hawkes had millions of copies distributed during and shortly after World War II.
 It was set to music by he Sebastian Temple in 1967. It is the current anthem of the Royal British Legion, the leading charity to those who served in the British Armed Forces, and has been repeatedly used in many and various ceremonies, dedications, and in movies.

 I think what moves people throughout the world is the selflessness to the words within the prayer itself. St Francis Prayer;

 " Lord,
    Make me an instrument of Your Peace;
     Where there is hatred, let me sow Your Love,
      Where there is injury,Pardon,
       Where there is doubt, Faith
        Where there is despair, Hope
         Where there is darkness, Light
          And where there is sadness, Joy.

O Divine Master,
   Grant that I so much seek to be consoled,
           as to console;
   To be understood,
          as to understand;
   To be loved;
          as to love;
   For it is in giving;
         we receive,
   It is in pardoning;
         we are pardoned,
  And it is in dying,
         that we are born to Eternal Life."

 There are numerous scriptures related to prayer, and I am sure I will be looking for guidance and answers for this upcoming "Season of Prayer". The one that stands out for me now is out of Luke 18:1 and it reads:
  " Also, Jesus told them a parable to the effect they ought always to pray; not to faint on prayer, nor lose heart in prayer, not give up on prayer, and never turn coward in prayer."

 The parable is in Luke 17 and is a story of a persistent widow.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

More Good Stuff from Solomon...Gleanings from Proverbs 28:14-28

Where did Solomon come up with all this stuff...this is really good!! Gleanings from Proverbs 28:14-28...

 " You are truly blessed when you choose to give the Lord the respect He your life, and to fear Him with an attitude of worship!...regardless of your circumstances!
 If you choose to be stubborn, hardening your heart on life and people, embracing cruelty as a way to "get even"....You are asking for trouble, the serious kind, or a calamity; whatever it might won't be good.

 A ruler who chooses to ignore his own and to those in dire need is wrong and just flat wicked. You might as well let a hungry lion loose and on the prowl or a Grizzly out looking for a meal.
 And if you are a leader, don't lower yourself to practicing extortion and abusing others, if you stand up to it and put a stop to this kind of behavior, your future can be bright.

 When a man willfully murders someone, and his conscience is "eating at him", causing him to be so full of guilt he just wants to die...let him go.

 Live honestly with integrity, your life will be safe. Choose to be devious and crooked, be ready to take a fall...and maybe even destroyed.

Work and make a living, you'll have plenty on the table,
 Just fantasizing about it...won't get it done.
 Be persistent, work steady, and it will pay you dividends,
 Always going after the latest "get-rich schemes"...won't get you there...God has a better's called: earning a living.

Having favorites is not a good thing to do...there are even some people who can be bribed for a measly piece of bread.
 People who are stingy are always looking for ways to be rich, but end up broke and penniless.

The bottom-line is this: in the end people appreciate helpful and constructive criticism, much more than some suckin'up, boot-lickin' flattery could ever give.
Here is something else to be observed: anyone who steals from their own mother and father, and then has the audacity to say: "What's wrong with that?" nothing more than a low-life.

 Always wanting what you don't have...stirs up trouble, while trusting in the Lord and being grateful what what you do have brings honor, a sense of well-being, and good rewards in life.

Now, if you happen to be one of those that "know it all", all the answers of life abound in you,...that is so stupid!,
 The real winners in life is knowing you need good advice from others in order to have real success.

Here is a fact: Be generous to the poor, and you will never go hungry.
 Turn your back on the poor....hell's coming...your way!

Finally, when corrupt leaders rule the land, the honest ones take cover.
and when these crooks get overthrown and taken out,
the honest ones and those that hold on to integrity as a virtue, will know it's safe to come out.


God's laws do make sense...Gleanings from Proverbs 28:1-14

I am ever grateful Solomon wrote the helps life to make sense...Gleanings from Proverbs 28:1-14...

 " Did you ever notice those who choose evil ideas are often a little edgy? They carry this guilt with them and it seems like they are ready to run at the "drop of a hat", even if no one is after them.
 Have you ever noticed those who carry that "Peace with God" aura, living honestly and being faithful to their beliefs, they seem relaxed and confident in daily life?

 Where there is moral rot within a nation, the government is unstable...and frantic in its search for answers. On the other hand, when the leadership of a nation has good discernment, good understanding, and a working knowledge of how life should work, it brings a stability that lingers on.
 A poor man who oppresses the poor around him is like getting a hailstorm right before the harvest.
 If you desert or worse yet, reject the law, you are endorsing rebellion, even evil itself. Don't fool yourself, there is no middle ground when making decisions like that.
 Now when you seek the Lord and His justice, your understanding on different issues in life will be strong and stable.
 In fact, even if you are poor but choose to live right, it is much better for you...instead of being rich and cling to dishonesty and deceit as an acceptable way of life.

 If you can obey the laws of God when you are are found wise. If you choose to reject His Ways, you bring shame to your parents, your family, your friends. and to yourself.
 Make no mistake, charging high and exuberant interest rates to people will only get you this: you will see a friend of the poor give all it back to them...perhaps at your expense!

Ok, let me ask you this: Why would God listen to the prayers of someone who doesn't want to listen to Him?

 Leading good people down a wrong path will get you nowhere...except to that pit you had made for them to fall in...because it turns out you are the one who fell into it.
 Stay "above board", keep your motives honest, and you'll come out alright.

 Rich people take for granted sometimes they are wise simply because they are rich. They don't always realize just because someone who may be poor, are still able to have good discernment...they can see right through them.
 Here is something else I have noticed: when a godly person has success, it's a good day for everyone; while when a wicked person rises to power, everyone kind of "lays low"...until he is gone...for good!

 People who cover up what they know is wrong, instead of "facing the music" and fixing it, will end up being exposed and having to face it anyway.
 Now on the other hand if they face up and correct what they know was wrong, mercy will be there to greet them.

 People who are sensitive to God's way of doing things and have a tender heart, are truly the blessed ones!
 If being hard-hearted is your "cup of choice", then expect a hard life to come with it."

In Remembrance...John Wycliffe "The Morning Star'

I always find it good for me to take the time and reflect on those who gave their lives to allow us to have the religious freedom in the U.S. that we experience today.
 John Wycliffe is definitely one to remember and give thanks for all his work to bring the Gospel Message to generations long after his own death.
 Wycliffe approximated date of death was December 31st, 1384. He passed of natural causes after a second stroke had left him confined to a bed with little if any body movement.
 There are numerous detailed articles written of him and his life, and even societies that promote his beliefs to this very day. He has become known in Christianity as "The Morning Star" of the Reformation, giving much influence to leaders in the Protestant Reformation including John Huss, William Tynsdale, and Martin Luther.

 One of Wycliffe's many accomplishments was the translation of the Scriptures from the Latin Vulgate into the vernacular language of his day...English. He was met with much resistance on this because of the Roman Catholic Church at that time stated Wycliffe nor anyone else not appointed by the Church would be allowed to do so.
 Men like Wycliffe stood their ground and were not afraid to speak out...even if their very own lives were in danger. Wycliffe made some "outlandish" statements, and by that I mean...this guy was bold..and did not hold back what personal convictions he had on various subjects.
 In regards to the Catholic church condemning his translation of the scripture, Wycliffe responds: " If Moses could write and read the Hebrew Law in their native tongue,
   If the early Church could read the Scriptures in their common language,
   Why are we not allowed to read the Scriptures in the vernacular?"

John Wycliffe lived during a time of much upheaval and crisis. The Black Plague had spread through Europe and England, killing 1/3 of the entire population and 1/2 the population in England. This event was a primary reason John Wycliffe began to seek God and find Him in such a personal matter.
 Meanwhile, the Roman Catholic Church was going through what many deem as one of her "low ebbs in history", establishing laws and requirements that were both questionable and not according to the teachings of Christ. The Church itself had a split at the time which was to last almost 40 years where there were actually 2 popes, one in Rome and one in France. There was war between these two factions of the Church, and with the Roman Church owning almost 1/3 the land in England, tax exempt, yet able to tax the inhabitants ( to fund the war between the 2 popes), the situation escalated in England.
 Again, John Wycliffe speaks boldly in a written format entitled "Civil Dominion" in which he called for major reforms within the framework of the Catholic Church.
 I loved how he commented on the pope and his position in Rome: " The Roman Catholic Church renders this acknowledgement: because St. Peter died in Rome, and the Church is to be built on Peter being the Rock of the church, the Bishop of Rome is above all in Christendom.
 By the same reasoning, the Muslim Turks who now occupy and control Jerusalem, with their leader, the Mullah, is where Christ Himself died. So, does that give the Mullah power over the pope?"
 Wycliffe went on to make many other statements in reference to the authority of the Roman Catholic church during that time period. Some things he wrote:
 In regards to the pope who even at that time was viewed by some as an anti-christ: " Any pope who does not follow Christ is an anti-christ."
 On indulgences: "Salvation cannot be obtained through indulgences, penance, or any other devices of priestcrafts."
 On the authority of the pope: " Christ is the Truth, the pope...the principle of falsehood. Christ lived in poverty...the pope labours for worldly magnificence. Christ refused temporal dominion, the pope...seeks it!"
 Wycliffe often referred friars and priests within the Church as "priests of Baal."

 Overall, John Wycliffe loved both God and his fellow man. He made bold announcements in regards to having a personal relationship with Christ and reading and obeying the Scripture, which He considered the true head of the Church.
  We owe much to men like these, and as our year comes to a close, I take the time and give thanks to God...for John Wycliffe "The Morning Star".

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

As the New Year Approacheth...part 3

As I continue to think about the New Year and all the hopes and dreams I have concerning 2012, I take the time to do a little fantasizing. Imagine if some of my friends did become Christians, and really hungered for Him. Would that be too cool or what! I think if 2012 would be a "wish come true", that would be it....seeing some of those around me giving their hearts to Christ and wanting to follow Him.
 In John 3:7 Jesus makes this statement: "Do not be surprised when I say this, you must be born again." (Living Trans.)
 Jesus was talking to Nicodemus, and he makes it clear what he as well as all of us are to do. It's in a command form of the Greek language...there are no "if's, ands, or but's" about it. We must be born again.

 The word surprise can be rendered marvel, something totally unusual, to be astounded, or even shocked. It's usually in a positive sense and denotes "something to wonderful to even be true."
 Then, the word "you" is in plural...meaning "all of you" in the Greek grammar.
 The other phrase, "born again" is defined as "born from above. So, you could quite possibly look at it this way..." Don't be shocked, or find this totally unusual or strange, nor be astounded or consider it it an absolute marvel, and don't think of this as too good to be true, for I tell you this: Everyone of you must be born from above."

Jesus actually goes into great lengths on this to Nicodemus and carries this theme throughout John...we must be born from above, or it is of absloute neccessity we be born again.
 Peter, in his letter in 1 Peter 1:3 says this: " All praise to God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. It is by His great mercy that we are born again, because God has raised Jesus from the dead. Now, we live with great expectation..."

We are all needing to be reborn, and the only way we can is through the grace and power of Jesus Christ.

 This is the first step (of faith) we all must make and bringing God into our lives and developing a confidence that we are at peace with our the total and complete acceptance of Christ Jesus and His work He did by dieing on the Cross for all of us.
 Now, the Father steps in and raises Christ from the power of death, and because of Christ being raised, we too will be raised to a new eternal order God has designed.
 We have all heard of the "New World Order" which seems to be knocking at the door step...well God already had a plan for us..the "New Eternal Order" given to us through the resurrection power of Jesus Christ.

 So, again as 2012 approaches, the preparation of our friends, loved ones, and those around us by the power of the Holy Spirit is for this "magical moment" be born again!
 How do you become born again?...I would say this: if you are really at a point where you know you need to do this...then just ask Him...that is what Nicodemus did...and believe me, you'll get directions and an answer on what you must do next!

Honestly, what would you do if, or should I say when people (driven by the Holy Spirit by the power of prayer) comes to you and asks, "Ok, what must I do to invite God onto my life?
 I don't know about you...but I would have a hard time not to marvel...or be astounded...or believing it was too good to be true...I would be a little "raved up"!
 Oh man...would I be pumped!!

As the New Year Approacheth...part 2

As I think about some New Year's resolutions (or perhaps I should say New Year Revolution), there is something else Jesus said that at first disturbed me, but now I am glad He said it. In John 14:6 Jesus says, : I AM the only road, the only truth, the only way, and the Author of Life itself. No one can even approach the Father unless He comes through Me. For if you really know Me, then and only then will you be able to know My Father."
 He went on to say that God will be our Father because "If you have seen Me, then you have seen the Father."

 I have a number of New Age friends, and when we get into the discussion of who God is, and how He is unique to each one of us....maybe it's my personality I don't know, anyway, we can be talking over things like this...and right when we all seem to be "one" on how God is to each of us...and how there are "many ways to come to God"...I "zero in" and drop this "bomb". Now, don't get me wrong...I do this in a humble matter(well, humble for me) and of course that pretty much "blows up" any of the former discussion we may have been having.
 Then, I get questions and stories like, "Well. how about the Buddhist monk in Tibet who is seeking the truth and living a holy life, you mean to tell me God won't accept him?" I simply reply, "No, not according to what I understand Jesus to have said." Then they accuse me of being close minded, judgmental, and you know, all the stuff that people say Christianity should not be.
 Then there is always the other claims like, "So how about those that have not heard the gospel?...or the Native Americans calling God the "Great Spirit"..are all these people excluded from heaven because they didn't go through Jesus?"

Oh boy! Now what have I got myself into. Here is the cool thing I have learned. I don't get into arguments over this stuff...the Bible says I am simply to proclaim it...I will let the Holy Spirit take it from there.
 So, getting back to my New Age "buds", I simply say, "Look, I don't exactly knows how all this works, but I am not getting on the "bandwagon" of there are many ways to God, and here is the reason why: If there were many ways to God, then why did God send His Only Son to die such a horrible death for our sins? How can I as a Christian say, "Jesus thank you for dieing for me, although I know there are many ways to come to God, your Father?"
 I think as I consider Resolution # 2, it kind of ties in with #1. It is all about the Holy Spirit. My prayer life for others seem to involve the preparation of their hearts to receive the Gospel of Christ Jesus.
 And now that I think about it, that is how it happened to me. My own personal conviction made me realize how good God really is to me, and when I went to Christ Jesus for answers, that is when it all started to come together. And the Holy! He can definitely make things happen!

 In the past year, I have received some really nice compliments from friends, including the New Agers. I don't write this to make it sound like I am some great guy...I'm just another person saved by the power of our Lord Jesus Christ. Like John Newton wrote; "Amazing Grace, How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me".
 I have been told there is a real love in my heart, and it seems I have a genuine concern for others. Well, anyone knowing my past life would know Christ must be doing something for him...he wasn't like that before.

 The other thing I noticed about my friends around me including the New Agers, those one on one conversations for example, they share a hurt, a loneliness, a void that I am familiar with....and I know from experience there is only One who can fill it! Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ!"


As the New Year "Approacheth"

The New Year is coming!...It's right around the corner! It's always a topic of conversation from many perspectives. Questions like "Do you think 2012 is going to be a good year?" to "Do you think the world is coming to an end?", or the more important question (lol) "What's in it for me...2012?"
 New Year's resolutions seem to be a "dime a dozen" right now, and that is not to belittle New Year resolutions...after all, we all got them! Who doesn't want a fresh start for the upcoming year with new hopes and directives that will have a positive influence in each of our lives.
 With all that type of thought going on, I kind of step back and think to myself, "What am I really I need to make some resolutions?, am I content in my life the way it is?, where am I going with my life?, and has life been good thus far?"

 Well, since becoming a Christian, my outlook on life and the New Year has gone through some changes. I do think it is cool to have some resolutions or goals for the upcoming year, yet I also realize even my resolutions and goals need inspiration, I am becoming more and more dependant on His direction being able to flow into my life.
 For me, being a Christian has involved and will continue to be a work in progress. Changing the way you think and act because of God's Word penetrating my heart and mind, looking at everyday life from a whole different perspective, and at times experiencing "old desires and thoughts on doing things in daily life" dying in me, and new desires starting to get a foot hold in my own personal life...all this can get real intense, yet at the same time very satisfying and serene...I guess I would classify this as the "Mystery of the Gospel".
 So, here are a few reminders I focus on as I prepare for the New Year:

1. The need to repent: This is an ongoing thing for me. Yes, I have initially confessed I am a sinner and come to accept the fact Christ Jesus died for me and saved me, giving me Eternal Life. I have also come to know it doesn't stop there.
 In most dictionaries I read, repentance is defined as a "feeling of remorse, being sorry for something you have done, acknowledging you were way "off base" in your actions toward someone." Then, the definitions kind of leave it there...doesn't really say much on what to do about it or define what is the finish to repentance.
 Now, the Christian perspective takes the word repentance a whole lot further. The Christian definition states repentance is a "changing of your mind, bringing a fresh attitude toward God, to yourself, and to life in general. It is the willingness to submit to God's way of thinking through allowing His Way of Thought(His Word) to infiltrate your life and give you inner joy and peace that you previously did not have."
 Then, it is further defined that our only way to repent of our former way of life which must be realized as substandard can only be changed through His Son, Jesus, our Christ.

Ok, here are some things I have noticed about repentance, which by the way, I think is a good way to start the New Year, at least for me. In John 6:44, Jesus Himself makes this statement; "No one is able to come to Me unless the Father who sent Me attracts and draws him and gives him the desire to come to Me, for it is only then will I raise him on the last day."
 So, the way I read this is we don't even have the capability to repent unless God gives us the strength to do so.
 Often times I dream and even yearn for some of my friends to come to Christ Jesus, but I know the Gospel just don't do anything for them..maybe because of preconceived ideas, misunderstandings of who Christ is, or just flat out refuses, not wanting anything to do with Him.
 I remember one time at work, there was this girl who I had along with others partied with a number of times at clubs etc., and she had taken notice I had made changes in my life and wasn't showing up at theses places much anymore. So, she asked me one day, "What's up with you...I don't see you around much anymore?" This particular girl was and still is actively involved in the lesbian community, listened as I responded, " Well, I gave my life to Christ Jesus, I am  now a Christian and things seem to be changing for me...that's all I know." She looked at me and said, "That's cool! I tried that a while didn't work for me."

Hmm? Repentance. I do think it all starts here...but even our ability to do that is dependant on the Holy Spirit. So, I think my first resolution for the new year is to pray for others...that their hearts are prepared and open to realize we all need a Savior, and the life we live on our own is quite matter how "fun" we fool ourselves into thinking life is.
 Oh, by the way, that girl that I was telling you about...has had some depression the point of suicidal tendencies....maybe it isn't as "cool" as it seems.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Solomon has more good advice...Gleanings from Proverbs 26: 13-28

Solomon has many good things to say about people, life, and interaction with others. He has a way of making things clear as to motives and criteria of people around us, and most importantly...ourselves!  Gleanings from Proverbs 26:13-28

 " The lazy guy will say, " Did you hear about the loose lion roaming the streets?! Man, there is no way I can take a chance and come to work today." Then, he pulls up his covers, rolls over, and returns to his sleep.
 In fact, speaking of rolling is another thought on a lazy person. Just as sure as a door turns on its hinges, a lazy person turns as well...turning over in his bed and going back to sleep.
 Did you know a lazy person can work so hard on becoming lazy he has made it into an art. You will know when a lazy person has perfected his skill when he sticks his fork in a certain food he wants, and then expects someone else to pick up his fork and put the food in his mouth.
 Another thing about lazy people: They are "dreamers"...but vain and ignorant dreamers. And what is even more pathetic, a lazy person considers himself more intelligent than a whole room full of college professors.

 Here is another bit of good advice: Don't butt in another's argument that doesn't concern would be better off yanking a mad dog's ear than to enter that conversation.
 Also, did you know lieing to a friend and then saying, "I was just kidding" is like giving a loaded gun to a madman and saying, "Fire away!"
 When the wood runs out, a fire will stop. when you quit the gossip, quarrels will end. It's that simple.
 A man who argues over just about anything can be easily ignited over just one word. Avoid, ignore, or just walk away from people like that...carrying a conversation with an ignorant "hothead" is like throwing some gas on a fire that is already going.
 Listening and passing on rumors is like eating sweet junk fills you up for a moment, and the "sugar high" lasts only a short while...then you will want some more junk food again and need more sugar to keep you going. Besides, innocent people can be hurt from vicious gossip, it can wound them deeply...into their heart.

 Some people may speak to you nice things, but they may be covering up on how they really feel about you....especially the ones who have bitter hearts and have embraced evil intentions to satisfy their own hurts.
 It's kind of like this: your enemy may even shake hands with you, pretending to want to be friends. But in his heart is a plan already intended to hurt you...even if his words are warm and passionate, don't be sucked in by them...he is just waiting for the right moment to put his knife in the center of your back.
 If your intentions are to hurt someone, and you dig a pit so they might fall in, you better think that through a little more, most likely it will be you falling into your own pit you have dug for someone else.
 And if you decide to further this course of action by taking a boulder and pushing it so it might roll down and crush your neighbor...let me ask you this...what if the boulder rolls back and ends up crushing you?
 Also, people who walk up and flatter you with all kinds of nice a little careful. They might just be lieing to you and their real intent is to harm you when the opportunity comes."

Being Foolish...What Solomon thinks about that...Gleanings from Proverbs 26:1-12

Solomon always wrote cool things on a vast number of subjects. In the first 12 verses of Proverbs 26, he goes into somewhat detail on recognizing a fool.
 A fool in the Websters dictionary is defined as: one who is deficient in judgment, in common sense, and in the understanding of things. A fool's main tools are only to trick and lie, hoping to cover up the fact he doesn't really have a clue on what he is doing or saying.
    Gleanings from Proverbs 26: 1-12...

 " You should no more give honor to a fool than seeing a snow fall in the heat of the summer, or experiencing a warm spring shower in the dead of a cold winter.
 When a fool lashes out and actually curses you because you have challenged their stupidity, give no thought to what is coming out of the fool's mouth, it is harmless to you and will fly away like a sparrow or a swallow darting off to another tree.
 A whip is used to speed a racehorse, a bridle to guide a stubborn donkey, and rods must be used to discipline a self-conceited fool.
 If a fool asks you a stupid question, give him a stupid answer. That way the fool doesn't get a swelled head, thinking he is somehow intelligent and avoids the fact he is a self-appointed moron.
 Don't use a fool to relay a message for you, not only will his delivery be less than satisfactory, but you will have to suffer the "damage" of what the idiot actually conveyed.
 Listening to a fool quote a proverb or expound on a word of wisdom, is like going to see a race with athletes...that cannot run or even move.
 Honoring a fool is like viewing a beautiful marble sculpture, and in the center of this beautiful sculpture is a brick made of matter how beautiful the marble and the sculpture may be, all you see is the stupid mud brick in the center.
 To ask a fool to quote a proverb: that is like someone about to enter surgery, and you are about to doze off under the anesthesia, and the last thing you see is a surgeon with a scalpel...stumbling around...drunk!
 Hiring a fool "at the flip of a hat" is like an archer sent to shoot arrows at the enemy, but instead shoots anyone in sight...friend or foe!
 Fools are like dogs that return and eat their own vomit...they repeat the stupid things they say and do because they think it is good.
 The man who is so full of himself, conceit oozing right out of him, so wise from his own point of view... here is the truth: a guy like that has less hope of recovery than even a self-confident fool!

 In the latter part of this chapter, Solomon goes into those who are lazy....don't you just love this guy!!

Sunday, December 25, 2011

the Secret to Living...Gleanings from Philippians 4: 12-23

Here Paul wraps up his letter to the Philippians, showing appreciation to the church of Philippi and giving them hard earned advice on the secret of living the Christian life...

 " I have learned the secret of living in this life , putting my trust in the Lord. The secret is : be content!
 If I have little, or if I have plenty; if I am poor, or if I am rich; if my stomach is empty or if it is full; if my circumstances are humble, or if I am in abundance...I am content!
 the reason is this: I can do all things through Christ Jesus who is the source of my strength!

 As for you, what a blessing you have been to me during some lean times I find myself in. It is a beautiful thing for you come alongside of me in my troubles.
 And as you know, it was the church of Philippi to send me financial assistance when I first brought the Good News of our Lord Jesus to all of you, which enabled me to travel on to Macedonia. You were the only church to do this. Even when I was in Thessalonica, you sent financial help...more than once!
 I'm not saying this to try to get some additional finances from you, in fact, I have all that I need for now. I am just eager for you to receive God's blessings for all the generosity you have given me.

 As for me, the gifts you sent me through Epaphroditus are more than enough, and my heart is ever so grateful for all your generosity. I know your gifts are a sweet smelling, fragrant offering that is both acceptable and pleasing to the heart of our God.
 Believe me when I say this: the same God who takes care of me will in turn supply all your needs from the wealth of His glorious riches, which are now given to us...all because of Jesus!
 And for all this I give glory to Our God and Father, and may His glory be made known through endless eternities.

 Give my love and greetings to all those in Christ Jesus. All those here with me send their greetings to you. Those who are in the emperor's household send you a warm and special greeting.!

 May the grace of our Lord Jesus be kind to you,
     And bless you with all the blessings He has for you! 

Rejoice! Always Rejoice! Gleanings from Philippians 4:1-11

Paul in my opinion gives some of the best advice for daily life in this chapter. In the early part of this chapter, Paul refers to those following Christ in Philippi as a crown to Paul's ministry. This crown in the Greek origin is not a crown like you would see on the head of a king, this crown is a ring of leaves that one would receive in ancient times when they had succeeded in a race, like a marathon.
 Another note, the phrase Paul uses here as well as in other letters; "things that deserve praise", can be interpreted, "words suitable for God to hear".......

 " So, my brothers and sisters whom I love and truly miss, stay true and firm to the Lord and the Way of Life He has made for each of us. All of you are a joy and a crown to the ministry I have received from Christ Jesus!
 As far as Euodia and Syntyche, you both are so precious to me and even more so to the Lord. Find a way to settle your differences and find harmony in one another, for this is God's way of working out differences that sometimes come up in our daily life.
 And Syzygus, since you are right there with them, help these women to sort out and find His Peace in their friendship. Both of these girls have worked too hard in spreading the Gospel to have this happen between them. Harboring grudges hurts not only each of them but the work of God that they have been so diligent to follow. They were both there with Clement and the others in spreading the Good News, and all of them have their names written on the Lamb's Book of Life.

 In fact, this is what I have learned to do daily, and this helps to overcome things that come against us and/or between us. Here lies the secret: Rejoice in Him! Gladden your hearts with songs of joy from within. Find ways to be glad in the life He has given you.
 When you do this, other factors come into play. When you rejoice, gentleness comes to the forefront, gentleness toward God as well as toward one another. Remind yourselves how soon the Return of the Lord may be.
 Also, as you learn to rejoice in Him daily, worry and anxiety won't get the best of you. In fact, worry and anxiety will be replaced by the need to pray...pray about anything and you find ways to rejoice in Him!

 Once you have expressed your concerns and needs to God, begin to rejoice once again and be thankful for all He has done.
 From this practice of daily rejoicing, you will then experience God's Peace in your lives, His Peace, which goes far beyond any human understanding or any situations we may face in life. Rejoicing brings His Peace that acts as a guard in your hearts and your minds to all those who devote their lives to the Blessed One...Jesus the Christ!

 So, as I sum up my thoughts I have wanted to share with each of you, here is good advice in regards to your daily thoughts on your journey through life.
 First, keep your thoughts centered on things that are true, don't get caught up believing everything you hear. Look for ways and think through things that have honor "stamped" on the decisions and choices you make. Along with this, think and weigh out things that are right, meaning, do the scriptures teach the daily way you think?, and think on things that are pure and authentic, things that have a beauty about them, things that are gracious and brings out the best in others. When you start to think and look at life in this matter, things of excellence and worthy of God's praise will come into your minds at more regular intervals.
 Keep putting into daily practice what I am writing to you...along with everything I have done my utmost to teach and share with you. Do what I do, act like I act, and God's Peace will be your daily guide.

 I praise God with all my heart for your concern for me. It causes me to be so grateful for each of you and how God has blessed me having each of you in my life. I know opportunity has not allowed you to help me, yet your thoughts and prayers for me are always there.
 Actually, I am Ok, and all my needs are met!"

Press On! Gleanings from Philippians 3: 12-21

As Paul concludes this chapter, He relays deep emotion on what it means to follow after Christ Jesus, knowing "our walk in life" is not a perfect one, but one that demands forgiveness not only to God but with ourselves as well, keeping in mind our life is a walk entirely created and completed by faith...our faith in Christ Jesus...

 " The reason I gave up everything that made "me being me", that is to say the pride of being a true Hebrew, a serious student of the Law, and being a Pharisee myself...was for one know Him!
 Now let me make this clear, I am not there yet, I have not reached all the goals and type of life Christ offers me, I am far from perfect and encounter failures in my own life just like anyone else, even with Christ Jesus living within me. Yet, I have discovered the secret to living out this life in honor of Him: Press on! I keep moving forward, letting go of those things behind me, and that not being only my former life but the failures I have made in following Him in my new life. I keep my eyes focused on Him, knowing and acknowledging my sins are forgiven through Christ Jesus, and forgiving myself...because He has forgiven me! My focus is on the prize...the prize of eternal life and the joy of being with Him!

 Now for those of you who understand what I am saying, continue to encourage one another in a like matter. Find things in our Christian walk to agree on, and keep your focus on those things. And when disagreements do arise, and most surely they do, look to Christ Jesus Himself (for this is what I do), and allow the Holy Spirit to clarify things as they arise in our lives.
 Hold on to the true teachings of Christ that are now anchored in your life, and stay in the race...keep running...with your eyes on the finish line...our Lord Jesus Christ!
 I ask all of you, my dear brothers and sisters, stay true to the real Gospel...and stick with me too! We are in this together! If you need an example or pattern of life to follow, follow mine!

 For I must tell and warn you, and what I am about to say rips at my very own heart and causes tears (of lament) to fill my very own eyes: there are those around us, even in our very own midst, whose conduct speaks loud and clear, their very own conduct showing them to be enemies of the Cross of our Lord Jesus Christ. And with that, they are doing their best to encourage others to join with them in their false way of following Christ.
 I have been forced to warn you of these type of characters before, and now this situation has arisen to the forefront once again.

 Just remember, these people are trying to get your own mind and hearts away from following Him...burdening you down with a bunch of laws on the "do's and don'ts" of life, teaching you to somehow "earn your salvation" by the amount of "good works" you do, and causing your lives to become distracted from your one and true call to life..."the Call to Worship"...and that being Christ Jesus, our True and Anointed King!
 These enemies of the Cross are surely headed for destruction. All they really want out of life is to live this life in total ease and fill their appetite in life with their own self-indulgence. Their thoughts are not on Christ and His Kingdom, but on what they can get out of this life...totally consumed on thinking about one thing...themselves!

But for us, we know where Life really originates, and we know where Life lives now... in Christ Jesus! We are no longer given solely to all this world has to offer, but have taken up citizenship in another place, and that being the Kingdom of Heaven! And this is all made available to us now because of Him, the Risen One! We eagerly await His Return as our King and our Savior!
 For when He comes, He will transform these weak and poor physical bodies into glorious ones just like His own. He will do this by the very same power He is using to arrange everything as it should be, and that is all things being subject to Christ Himself!" 

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Gleanings from Philippians 3: 1-11

 Paul addresses the Jewish sect who had been fiercely against the Gospel of our Lord Jesus. Just like others before him like John the Baptizer and Jesus Himself, Paul warns the believers in Philippi not to adhere to the teachings of the Pharisees.
 Early in this chapter he refers to the Pharisees as "dogs". This term was not like one of our pets, a puppy or a loved dog within our household. Rather, this was a wild, dirty animal who ran in the wild or in the streets scavenging whatever they could find. It definitely wasn't the type of animal you would want to take home.
 Another note, when Paul speaks about not having the need to be circumcised like those of the Jewish faith, he again comes against the "Pharisee view of the Christian faith", making it clear we are no longer in need of a physical circumcision, Christ has paid it all to be accepted into the Christian faith. In fact, he uses Greek words to portray the false teachings of the Pharisees as not a circumcision that is round and trims the foreskin, but one that cuts to pieces the salvation message itself. In other words, the Pharisees teaching of circumcision did not cause a convert to belong to Christ, rather these legalistic laws on being a Christian were only an outward display, placing harm and burdening traditions to a believer in Christ that God never intended. The type of circumcision that a Chrisitan needs is the "circumcision of the heart"...a cutting away of the old. Christ Jesus and the work at the Cross was enough. Like Jesus said Himself, "It is finished." And remember, Paul had been a Pharisee himself.
 Also, Gnostic Doctrine had already been infiltrating this body of believers which brought a message that our physical bodies were evil, incapable of receiving salvation. As a result, it does not matter what they do with their bodies...from excessive drinking and debauchery to having sex whenever and whoever, after all, the physical body was nothing but evil. Paul spoke directly against this heretical teaching.
 The gospel of Jesus was already being challenged and attempts to twist the work of Christ to the young believers in the early church. Thank God for the writings of Paul, who made the true Gospel clear and available to all who give their lives to Jesus, the True Christ.
 As Paul wrote in another letter, " I speak of Christ, and Christ who was Crucified, and that alone makes us all complete...."

 " I will start to wrap up this letter with these thoughts, the first being this: rejoice in the Lord! I know you have heard this from me before, but I am bound to say this to you once again. Continue to rejoice in Him!
 And watch out for those Judaizers, the "Pharisee Christians", who preach that legal trash about your need to be circumcised. Equally, don't let their "works" fool you, causing you to believe good works and obeying Jewish law will bring salvation to you.

 Here is the real order of things from God's perspective. When your heart is given to rejoicing in Him, when you are worshipping Him in the power of the Holy Spirit, then you are already circumcised. Our circumcision to Christ is not based on a knife and the cutting of foreskin, rather, our circumcision comes by receiving Christ into our hearts and believing in Him. Our human efforts to follow the Law could never bring us salvation, our confidence is not based on our own efforts, but it comes only by believing in Him!
 If the Law had any virtue to obtaining salvation, then I would have been first in line. I was circumcised at 8 days old, and I am of the "Pureblood of Israel." In fact, I am from the tribe of Benjamin, the very heart of the sons of the Hebrews.
 Along with that, I was a Pharisee myself, and demanded the Laws and customs of our Jewish Heritage be followed to the "t", with the Pharisees overseeing everything was done "right."
 I gave my life to all this, being a great defender of the Jewish faith, and followed every legalistic law and custom in detail, even to the point of destroying anyone who would steer any away from our Jewish way of life. This was especially true of the Christian faith, who I felt at the time was a great enemy to the Jewish faith and would kill those who proclaimed the Gospel of Jesus.

 At that junction in my life, I thought it was the most valuable thing I could do as a member of the Jewish sect...that is until I met the Lord Jesus Christ myself.
 Now, since I have received Him as my Lord and Savior, all those things I did as a Pharisee...were completely someone throwing out trash.

 The reason is: Christ! I realized now my life could never even begin to earn any type of salvation to our God, for their is no righteousness outside of Jesus Christ. Now I know our becoming right in His eyes is totally dependant on one thing: our faith in Him! Jesus, our Lord and King!
 So, my heart is set on know Christ and experience the power of His Resurrection operating in my own life, raising my own life from the very "dead life" I previously had. I also realize the importance of suffering with Him, letting the "old Saul" completely die so the "new Paul" can experience the power of His Resurrection!" 

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Paul is Grateful...Gleanings from Philippians 2:14-30

Paul continues to share with the church in Philippi and is so real and direct on how the Gospel is to be active in each of our lives...

 "In your encounters in daily life, make this a practice and develop this attitude among you...what I call the "Deadly Dont's":
 1. Don't grumble about how life may be treating you at the moment.
 2. Don't go out and point out the faults of others.
 3. Don't complain.
 4. Don't question and as a result raise doubts about one another.

 Instead, live the clean that is both innocent and pure, acting as true sons and daughters of the Living God.
 Remember, there are people all around you who only know wrong ways to react to the daily situations they may face in life, choosing to be deceitful and embracing  evil motives in order to get to where they want to go in this life.
 You need to hold on to the "Creed of our Faith", instilling the Word of God into your own personal and daily lives. For when the day arrives for Christ's Return, I can say with a "fatherly pride" how far you have come in following Him and how His love permeates your lives. It also reassures me that all this work we do in committing to your growth has not been done in vain.

 Believe me when I say this, if I were to lose my own life to further the Gospel of Christ into your lives, I am more than perfectly Ok with that!
 Here is the reason: your faithful service is like a sacrifice to Him, and together when we see Him face to face, the fruit of all our lives will be a sweet offering to Christ, a service of Christ Himself..that is genuine, having birthed in our hearts.
 Above all, I hope to have encouraging news on your faith and trust in Christ Jesus, and that by God's help be made possible by sending Timothy to you for a visit and to enjoy the richness of fellowship with all of you. Then, when Timothy returns, what joy it will be to hear the news of how well each of you are doing in serving our Lord Jesus!
 And as for Timothy, may I say this; he genuinely cares for you and for your welfare. there are so many out there even among us who really have no interests for's simply all about them. Timothy, on the other hand, is full of compassion and has been truly a son to me in sharing the Gospel with others.
 As soon as I know what is going on with me here, I will send Timothy directly!
 I also have confidence the Lord will allow me to come and see you as well...soon!

 In the meantime, I'm sending Epaphroditus back to you. This guy has simply been awesome! He is truly a brother, a fellow worker, and a soldier in service to our Lord Jesus Christ.
 Thank you so much for sending him to look after me, but now he is really wanting to see you.
Actually, he is concerned because you heard he was sick, and let me say, yes, he was really sick! In fact, Epaphroditus almost died. But God, showed us once again His marvelous mercy, restoring his health and keeping me from going into deep sorrow of losing such a beloved brother.
 Now, when he gets to you, give him a "hero's welcome", one that comes from your very hearts, along with honor for the service he has done.
 For I will tell you this, he was doing the work of Christ when he came so close to death, risking his life for me while all of you were not able because of the distance between us."

We must learn to work together...gleanings from Philippians 2: 1-13

In this section of scripture Paul defines the necessity of working together in Christ Jesus. He emphasises the type of character we are to have operating in our lives and the power that comes with it.
 He describes how we can work out our salvation given to us (not earn our salvation) through the complete work Christ did for us at the Cross.
 Some think verses 5 through 11 could have possibly been a hymn that was sung in the early church, perhaps when they met together to "break bread"....hmmm...that is an interesting thought.....

 " Here is what I would have you ask yourselves. What really is it you expect to receive when you gave your hearts and lives to Christ Jesus?
 Has His love for you made an impact on your daily and individual lives? Is there a serene comfort inside you knowing the King lives in your heart? Have your hearts grown tender and compassionate toward both God....and your fellow man?
 You see, this is really what gives my own heart see His love in action among you! It is the mark of a Christian to learn to find things to agree on with one another, to work together with one frame of mind, and to love each other with all of your hearts.
 Don't lower your standards by becoming selfish or being conceited with an empty head full of arrogance. Instead, embrace the spirit of humility, and regard each other with utmost respect and in His love.
 Don't just focus on your own interests in life, but show interest and care in what is going on in the lives around you. What I am writing to you now is of utmost importance..that being to have the same mindset and the same attitude Christ Jesus had when He walked here...among us!

 "Though He was God, He thought not of equality with God,
   As something to be used for His own personal gain!
   He chose to give up all...for our sakes,
   To become a all mankind...choosing to be one of us!
   And when He was here...among us...He walked in humility
   Obedient to His death, and that death He gave for us
   Was the marvelous work of dying for the Cross!"

 And now my brothers and sisters, God, our Heavenly Father has exalted Him,
 given Him the Name...this Name that is above every name, that at the very name of Jesus,
 every knee must the heaven...on the earth...and those beneath the earth!
 Everyone, every tongue, and every nation in an open and complete agreement:
      Jesus Christ is Lord! the Glory of God the Father!

 What I am trying to say here is this: Simply keep doing what you have learned from the beginning! This great and glorious salvation given to us freely,which could never be earned, is to be displayed and shown in our own lives through the works we do in response to His love for us.
 While I myself cannot be with you at present, it is not of any less cause that you live your lives in a responsive manner to the Great Work done at the Cross. Be reverent in your daily tasks walking in obedience to His commands and knowing the fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom itself.
 For you can know this as well, God our Heavenly Father is alive and working in each of you, giving you the tools you need...even the desire to follow Him...along with His power! All this is done to please and glorify Him...through what Christ Jesus has done...for us!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

St. Paul may not be here with us...yet He is here to encourage us!

Paul was simply so real...and unselfish in following after Christ. It is no wonder he is considered by some the greatest theologian of all time. Yet, his motives were not to exalt himself, but to make sure each one us even today would have the chance to hear the Good News...Jesus loves us!
 Gleanings from Philippians 1: 15-30...

 "There are different reasons you hear the Good News of our Lord Jesus. Some, do this out of jealousy, wanting attention only for themselves and not caring about the needs of others or the situations in life they may be facing. Others do it out of competition, thinking they do a better job of presenting Christ to others...that they might reap personal benefits for themselves because of their "professional manner" on presenting the Good News.
 Then there are the "Pure in Heart", who speak of Christ and His love for each one of us. These that preach in this matter truly care for others and their desire is to see many come to the Lord, and have Him to live in their hearts!
 Those others I mentioned before, preach with false motives...and now they really think they have the advantage since I am writing to you while I am in prison.

 But you know what, it really doesn't least to me it doesn't. The reality of all those spreading the Good News, whether it be of right motives or not, is this: Christ Jesus is being announced and anyone responding to His call will be saved.
 And for that, I rejoice!...and will continue to rejoice! My life is given to Him, and my direction in life is guided by the Precious Holy Spirit...and I find my rest in knowing this.

 After all, my own hope is not in how well I present the Gospel, rather, it is in the joy of others receiving this Blessed One...Jesus, our Lord and Savior!
 For that, I am excited, not being at all ashamed of my own God-driven life, but encouraged by the fact Christ is exalted, whether I am alive to preach, or I have died to be with Him.
 Here then lies the secret of my own life in Him: "For me to for Christ, yet if I die...I consider it gain!"

And honestly, it's difficult to know which way to go. If I die, I am with Him!...that is what we live for...right? Yet, I am also aware you still need me, and because of that, I am convicted to remain here and help others to grow in Him..finding that true joy in the faith!
 For it is then, when we meet, your courage in Him will be even more...because of Christ Jesus and the work He has accomplished through me...for you are all fully aware of my past.
 And always remember, all of you...each one of you...are called to a life that brings honor to Christ Jesus, and proclaims through your very own lives the love He has for all of us.

 Then, whether we would meet or not, this one thing I do know. We are together, and with the aid and comfort of the Holy Spirit, we have one purpose...fighting together of one faith, and that being...the Good News...Jesus died and now He lives!
 I would encourage you in this as well: don't let anyone intimidate you, rather, it is God's Will that you "stand tall", and take courage when you are challenged by the enemy.
 In fact, your courage alone will show two things in regard to the Message you preach:
1) the Word you preach convicts hearts and reminds them of their need of a Savior, and 2) you act as a light to them, reflecting Jesus in your own lives and showing them the need of eternal life.

 This is also important to keep in mind, when you received Christ Jesus in your own heart, you were given the privilege of putting your complete trust in Him...and along with that you received the privilege of suffering with Him as well. We are all in this together, our personal struggles are to His Glory and what He and He alone has done for us!
 And you have seen and are aware of some of the conflicts I have encountered, and now you face as well. We will get through all of these...after all, I am still here, aren't I?"

This is Not a Time to Lose....Hope!

As our New Year approaches, I hear and read much on the chaos we live in...economically, spiritually, and from a global aspect. There is uncertainty on every horizon, and even nature itself is shaking our environment with turbulent forces of storms, inclement weather patterns, and earthquakes.
 I also hear of various "Doomsday Messages", from the understanding of the Mayan Calendar, numerous predictions for 2012, and even the Christian church itself proclaiming the "End is Near"!
 Yet, within me that still small Voice keeps repeating: "Don't Lose Hope!...Continue to Believe in Hope!"  

 In Isaiah, Israel had been facing similar, in fact far worse circumstances than we are today. They had been conquered and given to slavery of the Assyrians. There own "homeland" was devastated and it was thought the Rule of the Assyrians could never be was a permanent, evil power that had absolutely no weakness.
 History proved that train of thought wrong, and during the reign of the Assyrians before their way of life and culture came to an end by the Babylonian Empire, Isaiah makes this glorious announcement!
 I am of the personal belief this announcement still holds true today...circumstances have changed somewhat since the time of Assyrian Rule,  but His Promise has not!
 So, if you are in a state of mind thinking your lives, or perhaps your government, or even your entire nation is beyond any help...all hope is gone...take comfort in the Gleanings of Isaiah 9:1-6,

 " Nevertheless, in the midst of His judgment, this time of darkness and despair, take comfort in knowing this will not go on forever.
 This sense of anguish, this forecast of gloom, will be replaced by the certainty of our God's great deliverance!
 Up to now, lands like Zebulon and Naphtali have been held in contempt, but you must look for yourself and see this: there is a new road being opened, one filled with His glory, and it comes by the way of the Sea of Galilee, beyond the Jordan.

 For it is true the people have walked in great darkness, but now, they will see an even Greater Light! The land that has been filled with intense darkness, the shadow of death himself covering the entire land....until..this light suddenly appears... a Great Light!

This will be a time for seeing our nation enlarged, a time given for people to rejoice.
And the reason they rejoice?...because of You, our Heavenly King!
It will be likened to a great and fruitful harvest. There will be joy and great celebration, the sharing of rich gifts, and warm greetings to each one.

For the Yoke of Evil, this heavy burden that has covered this land is being lifted...from our shoulders. The oppression, the abuse, the cruelty of being broken.
 The muddy boots of war, the blood-stained uniforms...this is a time for this to be burned.
And here is the reason all of this is to happen:

 A Child has been born...He is one of us! God Himself has given His Own us! The Son of God is to be our King and our Ruler. He is accompanied with His Great Titles: "Wonderful Advisor", "All-Powerful God", "Our Father Always", and "Our Commander-who-brings-Peace". 
 His authority will grow...within us! There are no limits to the wholeness He brings to our lives!"

 The New Testament also verifies Jesus as the "One we Seek"....

1 Corinthians 1:30  "It is from Him we now have our lives in the security of Christ Jesus, who is Wisdom...the very wisdom of God Himself. It's all for our benefit Christ came this way, to reveal a plan once hidden, and now available to all. It is Christ Himself who has made us right with God, we have been made pure and from sin! All because of Him...the Lord Jesus!"

Philippians 4:13  "Now all of my strength to face life comes from Him, Christ Jesus, who empowers me. I am now ready for anything, equal to anything, can face anything, and overcome anything through this inner strength: Christ in me! The Hope of Glory!"

John 14:21  "When we accept Christ, then His Commands are instilled within us. That is the clearest sign of all...that we love accepting and obeying His Commands. The fruit of all this is: when we give our lives to the Lord Jesus, the Father loves us as well! And Christ will give His love to us and make Himself plain and clear to our ordinary and daily lives."

Philippians 4:7  " Then, because we are His, in the very heart of Christ Jesus, He blesses us with His Peace, and this Peace cannot be explained, interpreted, diagnosed, or even understood.
 And His Peace will go beyond our "four walls", it will guide, guard, and protect our own hearts as well as our minds, which are now focused...on the Risen One!"

This, in my humble opinion is....the Message of Christmas...for today...2011!

        Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 19, 2011

The Letter of Joy...Gleanings from Philippians 1: 1-14

Philippi was a Roman colony in the modern day country of Greece. In ancient times it was a place retired Roman soldiers would live, having given service to the emperor. They were given Roman citizenship and lived under the protection of its laws and codes.
 Paul, along with Silas, Timothy, and Luke established a church there. Philippian Christians were a generous people, and Paul loved them deeply. Paul himself was in prison once again when he wrote this letter, most likely in Rome.....

 "This letter comes from Paul and from Timothy, both committed to His service as slaves to our Lord Jesus. This letter is directed to all Christians living in Philippi including elders and deacons of the church.
 First, we speak God's Grace, God's Favor, and God's Blessings be given to each of you, along with your hearts being filled with His Peace... all this coming from God who is now our very own Father, through the power of our Lord and Savior...Jesus the Christ.

 Let me say this; every time I think about all of you, my heart leaps for joy and causes me to give thanks to our Lord Jesus. When I include you in my prayers, there is just such a joy and delight that seems to fill me...about each and every one of you!
 I am ever so grateful for your sympathetic cooperation and active participation in spreading the Good News about Jesus. And you have been like this since the very first day you heard the Good News yourselves: Christ lives and now desires to live in our hearts! I am also convinced you will continue to proclaim this message until His return...the Return of Jesus Christ in all of His Glory!

 Because you hold such a special place in my heart, it's only natural to feel this way about you. My prayers and hopes for you are rooted deep in this reality: you have been a tremendous help in the work God has called me to, and have stuck with me through "thick and thin". When I was in were there, when I was put on were there, and when I was were there as well!
 You have been a part of and received of God's Blessings for all that we have been through together. My love for you can only be compared to the same love Christ Jesus Himself has for you.
 So, this is my prayer for you even now. I pray your love may continue to grow and abound even more, and the love you have for Christ and for one another will lead you to understand what really matters in this life, being able to learn what things in life are vital to us as Christians, living our lives that come from pure hearts right up until the Day of His Return.
 May your character speak well of you, producing fruit that announces and offers to others the Salvation of God Himself through our Lord Jesus Christ. The result of all this work and godly lifestyle is to bring much glory...much honor....and much praise to our Great God!

 Along with all of this, I want you to know that the situation I am currently in (imprisoned), has turned into a Blessing and helped further the Word....He lives!
 For it is both obvious and well-known I am in chains because of Jesus! Even the Roman guards are aware of this, and because of all this, many believers have gained confidence and become quite bold in telling others of the Good News...without being filled with fear. The prison guards have come to hear about Jesus and His love for them as well. This is producing much freedom with an indifference to any consequences it might bring. And for that, we lift up praise to our God!"

the Voice of Christmas Past....

Through an Act of Parliament, Christmas was jolly old England!....I guess England was not feeling quite jolly at the moment....

The year was 1644, the reason was...Oliver Cromwell, a General and Statesman of his era, had influenced England with his Puritan beliefs and declared it a time to "cleanse the country of decadence". Unfortunately, this included Christmas...and all the traditions that had become a part of this holiday event.
 During that time period, Christmas was frowned upon by the Puritan sect of English society as a wasteful festival and one that posed a threat to the core of Christian beliefs. Christmas was celebrated in a much different matter than we know today.
 In the mid 1600's Christmas celebrations in England could be likened to a "Mardi Gras" event, much like what is celebrated in New Orleans, Louisiana today.
 It was not until "A Christmas Carol" written by Charles Dickens in 1843, that Christmas took on the appeal and popularity we are accustomed to in our modern day society.
 To no one's surprise, the banning of Christmas in 1644 was immensely unpopular, and many chose to celebrate Christmas...even at the costs of fines, put in stocks, or thrown in prison.

 During this time in history, Christmas was a huge "merry-making" festival. All work places were closed on the 25th of December and for the next 12 days work days were often shortened and festival activities continued right on through the New Year and up to around the 6th of January. These 12 days of celebrating was "merry-making" at its finest!
 There was non-stop dancing competitions, singing carols...both religious and the popular "bar tunes" of that era, there were an exchange of gifts, and numerous stage plays. Foods for this extended celebration included roast beef, plum porridge, minced pies, and ales..all kinds of ales and beers, some made exclusively for the Christmas celebration.
 Where the festival of Christmas got its notoriety of that time period was the excessive drinking, promiscuity, and gambling that was prevalent throughout the duration of the festival.

 Oliver Cromwell and his Puritan believers kept the ban on Christmas in tact for a little over 15 years. Cromwell passed away in 1658 and in 1660, Christmas was declared once again a national holiday....England was jolly once again!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

He loves to be our King...Gleanings from Psalm 93

Interesting Psalm...some bible scholars think this psalm is about when God created the world, saying verses in Psalm 93 mirror Genesis 1:6-10. Other scholars say it is about God wanting to be Israel's King, but Israel wanted an earthly king to rule them (1 Samuel 12:12).
 Gleanings from Psalm 93...

 "The Lord reigns and is Our King. His clothes are majestic and He surges with strength.
The Lord stands victorious, before a battle occurs, and after the battle is over.
 Don't be fooled, His stable rule and royal commands is what causes the world to stand firm and be well-established. Nothing shakes what the Lord has made strong.

 The seas lift up their voice...sea storms run wild and roar, these waters pounding their mighty waves, and thunder accompanies these violent and great waters.
 Listen O seas, there is one mightier than You, He is mightier than all your violent raging. His decisions are firm, and His Laws are eternal. What the Lord says...goes! Beauty and Holiness mark His place of rule.

 Your testimonies are very sure, holiness accompanied by simple trust and obedience all come from a person's heart...these are the things you see in His House...the House of the Lord!" 

The Magnificat...Gleanings of Luke 1:46-55

In Luke 1:46-55,  the Magnificat, the prayer of Mary when Elizabeth confirms to Mary her carrying the Lord Jesus within her womb, is perhaps another model prayer for us to learn from, much like the Lord's Prayer.
 Elizabeth, mother of John the Baptizer, while John was still in her womb, felt him when he jumped for joy within her as Mary came to visit her...carrying the Lord Jesus.
     Gleanings of Luke 1:46-55..."The Magnificat"

 " Mary responded,
My own emotions...all that is within me that says "I want to live"...
all of me...magnifies the Lord!...And my spirit joins within me and rejoices as well...rejoicing in knowing My God...My True Savior!

 He has taken notice...He has taken notice of a lowly servant girl,
 And yet this lowly servant girl will be called "Blessed" for all generations,
For He who is Mighty has done such great things, and  Holy...Holy...Holy is Marvelous Name!

He is so famous for His Mercy, which is shown to each and every generation that would call upon His Name,
And with His Powerful Right Arm, He has completely scattered the proud and haughty.
He removes princes from their very thrones, replacing them with those who embrace humility...the realization our dependence comes from knowing Him!

And as for those who hunger, He remembers them as well, and gives them good things to eat, while those who have grown cold and callous because of their wealth, He sends away...with empty hands.
 He again arrives to come to the aid of Israel...and He brings a gift!! His gift?...It is the "Gift of His Mercy!"

 This Great God of ours has never forgotten His Covenant with Abraham, passed on through our ancestors, and is as true today as it was then! Praise Him with all my heart!"

Later on in Luke 1, it records the birth of John, the Baptizer, in verse 78-79 it is recorded (Living Translation): "Because of God's tender mercy, the morning light from heaven is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, and to guide us to the path of peace."

And with these grand announcements, Luke 2:7 records of Christ Jesus birth..."She gave birth to her first child, a son. She wrapped Him snuggly in strips of cloth and laid Him in a manger, because there was no lodging available for them." (Living Translation)

More Advice on Life from Solomon....Gleanings from Proverbs 18: 13-22

King Solomon has some cool insights on different subjects in life...

 " Did you ever meet someone or do this yourself: "Spout off" or have an answer for someone before you have even taken the time to listen to what  they are saying. Did you know when you act like that it is considered rude...and you look stupid.
 Being cheerful and having a healthy attitude on life can really help when you are sick or needing to conquer some adversity, but a crushed spirit....a broken spirit... that takes real strength and and some time to overcome.
 People who want to learn and increase their knowledge are wise indeed! They are always open to some new and fresh insights.
 Giving a gift can be advantageous, it can open doors for you and get you in touch with the "right people".

 Did you ever notice the first speech in a court room case is always quite convincing...that is until the cross examiner stands up, clears his voice, and brings a whole different view on the very same case?
 Flipping a coin does have some benefit, it has been known to end an argument, there are even reports it has settled a dispute between 2 powerful opponents.

 If you have a serious argument with a can cause a separation. Then, the next time you go to speak with him you will do so behind a gate...that is locked....and has bars on it.
 Arguing with a friend can make matters even worse...going to visit them is like coming up to a well fortified city, and the draw bridge has been raised.

 True Wisdom can satisfy a person like they have just ate a delicious meal, and carefully chosen words are a great "dessert"...bringing satisfaction and gratifying as well.
 Words are powerful, and can go 2 ways. Words can kill a person, like a snake dripping with venom, or words can give another Life, like biting into a fresh and succulent fruit.

 A man who has found a wife has found one of life's most "treasured of treasures"...she is a gift from the Lord and with her comes His favor as well.

 The poor man uses gentle speech when needing mercy, the rich man speaks harshly and even adds his own insults.
 There are "friends"...then there are friends.
 Some "friends" come and go, but a true and real friend, is closer to you than your own brother.

Making Choices....Gleanings from Proverbs 18: 1-12

Here in these verses Solomon seems to be in a rather "cheery" mood and just kind of bounces around giving advice on various decisions and issues we face in life...

 " There are people who tend to be "loners", that still hear the voice of another in need. Then, there are "loners" who wish to be entirely left alone, caring only about themselves, which is quite pitiful,wretched, and selfishly stupid.

 Fools in life have become that way because of this reason: they choose to...they purposely avoid anything relating to learning or understanding, having no interest in educating themselves, no clue on how to make their lives better.
 You know a fool when you hear one...they are the ones running their mouths based solely on their empty-headed opinions on life..which often doesn't even make any sense.
 This too is quite pitiful, wretched, and selfishly stupid.

  When you make a decision to do wrong, getting your advice in life from the Evil One, it can have a "domino effect" on the outcome of these type decisions.
 Evil decisions have a follow-up to the choice you have made: they are "the twins" and their names are Shame and Disgrace.
 It is good to remember when you make wrong choices in life and choose to hurt another rather than help, scandalous behavior and a contempt for life has an opening to the door of your heart.

 On the other hand, when a person chooses Wisdom, having a desire and passion to
seek His Way of Life, their words are like a fresh stream that flows from a large and deep fountain.

 Here is something else to keep in's not right nor is it good to acquit the guilty,
to be partial and lenient on affairs in life that are wrong...especially when it deprives the innocent of justice.

 Now, getting back to people who act like fools in life. Their own words bring contention and quarreling...especially if you get a few of them together. The opinions they express are sometimes simply annoying, lacking any sense or Wisdom,  making you wonder if it would be better to "punch them out" and save them some embarrassment let alone their growing reputation of being stupid.
 A fool's mouth is his own ruin. They go around setting these"traps" in life for others to get caught in, yet they don't have a clue these "traps" they set are...for themselves.

 Here is another problem in life: listening and adhering to gossip. It's usually very interesting stuff ( because for some reason human nature loves to tear down another), it's almost like eating some really good chocolate! And with gossip comes her sidekick, "false rumors". Together they cause people to live for that stuff...dedicating their entire lives to Gossip and the "Gospel of False Rumors".... and their lies the real danger of following after gossip and false rumors...they make their way and find a home in a person's heart.

 Here is something else to think about. A person who is lazy...especially those that take pride in being so, are in the same category as a person who goes around vandalizing property. destroying what does not belong to them.
 Both laziness and vandalism produce the same results: doing harm to others.

 As for the Lord and His Way of Life, it is a strong and well fortified fortress. When the desires of your heart beats passionately for His Wisdom and His Lifestyle, you find safety, high above evil and strength in facing any of life's challenges.
 As for those who are rich, they actually think their wealth is a fortified fortress, and its walls high for protection...all because of their wealth. What a surprise it is when they learn their "Walls of Protection" are nothing but their own imagination and conceit.

 Here's the way it works. First, a person who sees their success in life a result of their own doing, soon fills themselves with self-pride. Pride is the "opening act" for the main event: "Destruction"....for pride always bring destruction.

 On the flip side, a person who finds success in life and knows it is the Lord who has blessed them...choosing humility. Humility is the "opening act" for the main event: Honor....for humility always bring Honor."

Saturday, December 17, 2011


It seems this whole week one word keeps coming up in my thoughts...faithful, just be faithful.

 In Webster's World Collegiate Dictionary, the word faithful is described as: "keeping faith in what you have committed to, to be consistent and reliable, to have a conviction that requires a sense of duty to what you have given your allegiance to."

Mother Teresa once was quoted: "Be faithful in the small things because it is in them that your strength lies."

 In Nehemiah 9:8, the Levite priests stood before Israel, who had been in rebellion for quite some time in the ways of following the Lord, but now were returning and wanting to please this Great God of ours, and spoke in reference to Abraham saying to them: "You (God) found his heart You, and made a covenant with him. This covenant gave to Abraham and his descendants the land of Canaan, the land of the Hittites, the Amorites, the Perizzites, the Jebusites, and the Girgashites.
 And God did as promised, for He alone is called...Faithful."

 Sometimes being faithful seems "like a mountain that is almost impossible to cross. Yet, God isn't wanting us to cross great mountains...all at once, He is calling us to be faithful when we wake up in the morning, when we greet our loved ones, how we act at work, and giving Him praise at the end of our day for His faithfulness to us.

 Another quote from Mother Teresa that I remember: "If you can't feed 100 people, then just feed one."

 Being day at a time.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Conclusion of 1 Peter...Gleanings from chapter 5

"I will now turn my attention to all of you in leadership roles at your local churches. I have a concern, and with that comes an appeal, and I speak not only as an elder of the church as well, but as an eyewitness of the sufferings Christ Jesus endured, which He will now return in His full glory, and all of us will be eyewitnesses of this glorious event!

 I warmly advise you to take care of the "flock" which God Himself has given you. You are called to guard, to guide, and to serve this flock. And you do this not because God simply demands it, rather you do this willingly because of your heart being tender from knowing Him.
 When you have this attitude among you, you not only help others with their faith in Him, but you please God as well.
 Don't let your motivation for helping others come from how much money you can make in all this, and don't use your leadership roles to "rule" over others. Instead, lead them by your example, showing tenderness and a cheerful attitude to support and assist all those who come to visit and join your local churches. When you act in this matter, your actions speak louder than your words ever could, and when Jesus the Righteous is revealed, you will have a crown, an eternal crown that gives all glory to Our King!

 In the same way, the younger ones who are learning and growing in Christ, be respectful to your leaders and listen to their advice.
 Serve one another in a spirit of humility, and don't let pride or arrogance be a part of any of you. Remember, God sets Himself against those who are arrogant and full of pride, but His Grace and Favor are readily available to each one of you who practice this: being a servant to one another.

 Stay alert!...don't get so relaxed in leadership capacities that you doze off! Remember this as well, the Devil is ready to pounce, like a hungry, roaring lion...and his favorite!...sleeping! Remain strong and firm in your faith in Christ Jesus!

 Don't allow your thoughts to convince you "you are all alone in this walk of faith"...for I tell you now there are many just like yourself who have run into hard times and are facing similar or perhaps even worse situations than you are.
 God's deep kindness is right here among us, all because of the work of our Lord Jesus, and although you suffer will not last forever.
 God has already made great plans for us and His faithfulness restores, supports, and strengthens us...making a firm foundation for our lives! Besides this is a true saying: God always gets the final say!...Always!

 This letter I write is written with the help of Silas, whom I am so grateful for, and now I send this to you.
 I have wrote this to encourage you, and to assure you of all that you have read and heard of is true! You are about to experience God's great grace in each of your lives...just hold firm to your Him!

 Your brothers and sisters in "Babylon" sends you their love, as does Mark, who has become like a son to me.
 Always make one another feel warm and welcome, and offer His Peace to all those who have put their trust in Him!

Ideas About New Year's Resolutions...

As the old year comes to a close, a new one begins...2012. For some, I hear of things like "the End is Near", or "America is About to Collapse". As I contemplate some of these things, I can certainly see some valid points to this train of thought. Nevertheless, I also consider what the scriptures teach in relation to our upcoming New Year.
 There are a number of ways a person could go.... the story of the "10 Virgins", tapping into different prophecies recorded in both the Old and New Testaments, or Matthew 24 is one chapter you often hear about when speaking of end-times.
 Even the world itself takes note when someone declares the end has come....the Mayan Calendar predicting late 2012 as a time when all things will come to a close.

 As for myself, I think I will choose this: to remain faithful. I don't know when Jesus is returning, and as far as America, yes, it is true, Repentance is so needed here today. Life today has changed so much, even in the last 20 to 25 years. The blog you might be reading right now...wasn't available then. The comforts some enjoy in life now is unparalleled to any in history.

 Yet, at the same time....people are hurting inside at epidemic levels, children still die of hunger across the world, and fear grips many in their everyday life.

Here is what I will give myself to in 2012: Gleanings from....

Ephesians 4:31-32 " Now is a good time to rid yourself of all bitterness, rage, anger, resentment, animosity, quarreling, contention, backbiting, and speaking abusively to others.
 Instead, replace all these things with Christ's gifts to us: learn to be gentle with one another, tenderhearted, helpful, compassionate, understanding, merciful, kind, uplifting, and giving.
 God the Father through Our Lord Jesus Christ has done this for you, now pass on these qualities and the gifts given to others."
(Note: I think these 2 verses alone could easily keep one busy the entire new year.)

 Hebrew 12:15 " Look out for one another, let others understand they can receive every gift given to us through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. And those who you might find bitter with life, always in some type of trouble; offer them the gift of Hope, Jesus, our Beloved King!"

Ephesians 5:1-2 " Follow the path Jesus Himself has already made for us. Walk in His Love, gently reminding others how He offered Himself as a sacrifice...for us. Receiving the Gift of His Sacrifice into each of our lives is all we ever need....this Sacrifice is a continual pleasing aroma to God, who is now our Heavenly Father."

Ok, I think those New Year resolutions will keep me busy for a while! Faithful, I just want to be...Faithful!